Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1017: : Tai Shici teaches Ma Chao

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There was no decent resistance along the way, and the soldiers of the Xiliang Army gradually relaxed. As for the looting after the city is broken, it is normal in Ma Chao's view. When the army goes out, the soldiers will have to be time. Worried about his own safety, if you can't vent it, it is very likely that something uncontrollable will happen.

When the army came outside Meiyang City, as Ma Chao expected, Meiyang ordered Zhao Fan to open the city gate and chose to join. There were three hundred defenders in Meiyang City. These defenders were originally Meiyang’s defenders. military.

Knowing that there was no Bianzhou Army in the city, Ma Chao sighed with relief. After seeing the crazy Bianzhou Army, Ma Chao didn’t want to run into the Bianzhou Army again so quickly. Obviously, the Bianzhou Army had few troops in the Sanshou area. He was able to easily seize Meiyang.

As night fell, the city of Meiyang gradually returned to quiet, but the office was brightly lit, and Meiyang ordered Zhao Fan to entertain the generals of the Xiliang army.

Ma Chao did not refuse Zhao Fan's invitation. After the general affairs were handled by Ma Tie and Ma Dai, he led more than a dozen military generals to the government office.

Seeing that what Zhao Fan used to entertain the generals turned out to be Jinjiu, the generals who followed Ma Chao moved with their index fingers, and even Ma Chao couldn't help but taste it.

Just when the government office was full of excitement, a cavalry of hundreds of people marched towards the direction of the army stationed, and the horseshoes were covered with thick cotton cloth. Even so, walking on the road, there was still a dull voice. .

Tai Shici didn't care about this. Through day-to-day exploration, it could be seen that the Xiliang Army at this time was in a completely relaxed state, especially after entering the city, the soldiers in the army were playing around in the city.

Ma Chao even showed enough trust in Zhao Fan and went to the government office for a banquet in person.

A Liangzhou sergeant rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked in disbelief not far away. The momentum of hundreds of cavalry charging up can definitely be described as earth-shattering, and where did these cavalry come from? But I don't know.

"It's the cavalry of the Union State Army." With a stern loud shout, the Xiliang army suddenly panicked. At this equidistant distance, it is very difficult to resist the cavalry charge.

A smile appeared at the corner of Tai Shi Ci's mouth. The Xiliang Army was already in a panic. Even though Ma Chao had a thousand abilities, it was impossible to escape defeat this time.

"Kill!" Taishici yelled, and the leaping horse killed it. There were five hundred flying horses following Taishici this time.

Five hundred flying knights rushed into the Xiliang Army, like a tiger entering a flock, and the soldiers and soldiers of the Xiliang Army all gave way.

After hearing the movement in the army, Ma Tie and Ma Dai did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly summoned their troops and horses to fend off the flying knights. However, Ma Tie ignored the strength of the flying knights. There were thousands of soldiers, but only half an hour to fly. The cavalry broke through the formation. After the formation was penetrated, the soldiers scattered and fled. In such a situation, the soldiers were more worried about their lives.

Ma Chao, who was drinking in the government office, got the news from the army, his expression changed drastically, and Huo Ran got up and filmed the case and said: "Zhao Fan, this general will ask you, are you doing things in the city?"

Zhao Fan's expression, who had been showing her flattering expression, gradually became serious. He gently placed the wine cup on the table and sneered: "Ma Chao, you led the soldiers and horses to attack the city of Jinhou. This kind of crime is hard to forgive. , Take these people down and send them to Chang'an."

"Zhu Zi'an dare to do this." Ma Chao suddenly pulled out the saber around his waist, and the two soldiers approached Ma Chao with a single sword. Such fierce power made the military sergeant who was about to embrace him slightly taken aback.

"Catch the horse alive, reward one hundred gold!" Zhao Fan shouted.

Under the heavy money, there are no shortage of warriors. Many of the soldiers looked moved when they heard the last time Ma Chao was captured.

The generals who followed Ma Chao pulled out the weapons from their waists, and under the leadership of Ma Chao, they took the opposite Zhao Fan straight.

Even though the soldiers ambushing around are crazy under the stimulus of money, they are faced with a huge difference in strength. How powerful is the team of generals headed by Ma Chao. Wherever they go, there is no enemy. Many soldiers showed fear when they saw this. Although money is good, if you have no life to enjoy, you might as well choose to continue living.

Zhao Fan kept directing the soldiers forward, but he saw Ma Chao who was killing him. His expression changed slightly. Ma Chao's toughness exceeded his expectations. He originally thought that with more than a hundred people, Ma Chao and others could be trapped here. , If Ma Chao could be captured alive, it would definitely be a great credit.

Ma Chao was the main commander of the Xiliang Army's attack on Chang'an. When Tai Shici and Zhao Fan joined forces, Zhao Fan had great doubts about the possibility of the success of this strategy. After all, judging from Ma Chao’s performance on the battlefield, Is a strategic military commander.

Opening the city gate and choosing to As Taishici expected, the Xiliang army was lowered. The Xiliang army did not even search Meiyang carefully, otherwise Taishici led 500 people. How could Feiqi hide in the city so easily?

"General, the situation in the army is critical today," a general persuaded.

Ma Chao coldly snorted: "If you can't kill Zhao Fan today, you won't understand the anger in the general's heart."

Some soldiers could not stand Ma Chao's cruel methods, and quietly retreated outside, while Ma Chao deceived himself, and with a stroke of his sword, Zhao Fan's neck was full of blood.

Ma Chao stabbed two swords in a puzzled manner before leading the generals into the army.

At this time, the Xiliang Army had fallen into chaos. Facing such a surprise attack like Feiqi, even though Ma Dai led the pawns behind Ma Tie to support it, it was of little use to the situation in the army.

Faced with such a surprise attack, the panic-stricken soldiers in the army caused great harm to the entire army. The pushing and pushing between the soldiers and the soldiers would cause more soldiers to be injured.

Ma Chao rushed to the army. After seeing the situation in the army, he was very angry. The more than 10,000 soldiers, but the elite of the Xiliang army, are also the main force to break Chang'an. If the damage is too serious, this time The attack on Chang'an might have ended without a problem like this.

"Order the cavalry, follow this general to kill the enemy! Block all the gates, no one can enter or leave without this general's order." Ma Chaodao.

At this time, it is in the army of his own. If the cavalry is in battle, it will have a lot of damage to the infantry. Even though Ma Chao understands the truth, he has to do this, if he can’t drive out the Union state army as quickly as possible. If you do, the military will inevitably shake.

The participation of the cavalry of the Xiliang Army gradually returned the situation to the side that was beneficial to the Xiliang Army. Tai Shici saw that this was not in love with the war, and led the cavalry away.

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