Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1008: : Dianwei assaults Jiangdong Army

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Wang Yue let out a cold snort and swung the long sword three times at an extremely fast speed. But all the guards who had just rushed up lay softly on the ground, and the patient in his hand was already thrown on the ground, covering his throat with both hands. The sound of whimpering.

"Kill this person!" Yuan Shao was completely furious after being frightened. This was within his camp. Unexpectedly, the assassins in Bingzhou County were so arrogant and dared to go directly to the Chinese army to assassinate.

After receiving the order, the guards launched an offensive against Wang Yue. Their duty was to protect Yuan Shao’s safety. These guards also carried out Yuan Shao’s orders to the full. They were said to be guards. There is not much difference between Shang and Yuan Shao's dead men.

Wang Yue frowned slightly. Although there were only a dozen guards beside Yuan Shao, these people didn’t take life and death very seriously. It was fleeting, if it hadn't been for Yuan Shao's defensive leader of the personal guard to block the long sword for Yuan Shao, it would be Yuan Shao who fell to the ground at this time.

In the face of Wang Yue, the three guards who rushed up were also a little bit horrified. Just now, Wang Yue made them more vigilant.

"Yuan Shao, come to Japan and take your head again. Remember, this commander is Wang Yue." The long sword in Wang Yue's hand pierced the throat of one of the guards on the left at a very fast speed and fluttered away.

"Kill, don't let this person go." Yuan Shao was furious.

However, Wang Yue had such a powerful skill that he missed a hit and quickly disappeared into the chaotic army.

After calming down, Yuan Shao felt the fear of the formations and how terrible Bingzhou was. The assassination in the Jizhou army's camp was so easy to leave. He was extremely dissatisfied with the general in charge of night patrols.

Yuan Shao naturally knew who Wang Yue was. When he was in Luoyang, Wang Yue’s reputation was not weak, but he was born in the rivers and lakes, and it was difficult for him to be recognized by the real officials and powerful in Luoyang and become Emperor of the Han Dynasty. The swordsman is also due to chance, coupled with Wang Yue, who is good at speculation.

For these characters, Yuan Shao looked down on him from the bottom of his heart, but he was a knight who relied on some abilities, and it was hard to be elegant after all.

Facing the surprise attack by the Bingzhou Army, the Jizhou Army was in a panic. The panic alone was enough to keep the supporting soldiers from giving way. When an army encounters a surprise attack, it is most afraid of chaos, especially in the middle of the night. The unknown of the army has deepened their inner fears, even if they are general generals, what they think of in this situation is how to save their lives.

The strength of the Bingzhou Army is well-known in the Jizhou Army. Whether the enemy is strong or weak is always the most important thing for lieutenants and soldiers. The remarkable record of the Bingzhou Army against the Jizhou Army is no longer a secret in the Jizhou Army. Although in words the Jizhou Army dismissed the Union State Army, it was not the case.

This kind of fear facilitated Yang Feng and Liu Yi's actions at such times. After leading the soldiers out of the panicked Jizhou army, the two did not stop and went towards Huguan, although the Jizhou army was a little flustered at this time. , Once the enemy's elite is entangled, it will be a lot more difficult to get out, especially the Jizhou army has such a powerful existence as the first to die.

Ju Yi got the news of the departure of the Bingzhou army, and was very angry. If it weren't for his own soldiers to block the road in front, the Bingzhou army would have to pay a heavy price if he wanted to leave.

There was a panic in the Jizhou army, and the situation in the Jiangdong army was also not much better. A famous military commander and captain was assassinated.

After Dianwei led his personal guards into the Jiangdong Army, he soon learned that Jiangdong Army was more rigorous in defense compared to Jizhou Army. Even if the secret post outside the camp was killed, there were still some back players. .

However, the Jiangdong Army would inevitably be a little flustered when actually mobilizing troops and horses. The main reason was that a large number of military commanders and school lieutenants were assassinated.

When the army is mobilized, it is often commanded down one level at a time. Although the army chiefs and school lieutenants are relatively low-level existence in the army, the role they can play in actual combat cannot be ignored. Soldiers and horses consist of a team of soldiers. If this team of soldiers cannot respond to the above orders in time, the consequences will inevitably be chaos.

"Kill!" Dian Wei shouted, taking the lead in the Jiangdong army.

For Jiangdong Army, Dianwei hates it, not only Dianwei, as long as it is a general in the Union State Army, it can be said to be hateful for Jiangdong Army. , Under these circumstances, Jiangdong Army actually ungratefully raised troops to attack Huguan.

The guards led by Dianwei are all elite members of the army. They are not as good as the Shadow Guards and the Flying Eagles in assassination, and they are not as good as the Flying Cavaliers in the battlefield but their strength is Not to be underestimated.

Dianwei's strategy is to spread out and rush to cause as much damage as possible to the Jiangdong Army.

A tent was lit for the guards. Under the light of the fire, the guards looked so hideous in the eyes of the Jiang Dong Army. People are afraid of them, and the fire has deepened their fears.

Sun Ce looked at the panic-stricken army with a green face. These troops were composed of Jiangdong's most elite soldiers. Facing the surprise attack by the Bingzhou army, what appeared to be such a weakness.

The guards led by Dianwei showed super combat effectiveness. All this was due to the actions of the princes’ army in the territory of Binzhou. When the people in the territory of Binzhou suffered unprovoked killings by the cavalry of the princes, the soldiers and generals of Binzhou thought of it. The anger has been completely ignited.

They are the Union State Army, and the people behind them are the objects of their guards, and more soldiers in the army come from ordinary people, and they are more able to understand the suffering of the people’s lives during the war.

"Benhou wants to see what the Bingzhou cavalry is so powerful that they dare to be so rampant." Sun Ce said in a low voice.

"The lord is the body of ten thousand gold. Now the Bingzhou army is in our army. If anything goes wrong, where should tens of thousands of soldiers go." Zhou Yu hurriedly persuaded him, but he knew Sun Ce's character very well.

Sun Ce coldly snorted: "As the commander of the three armies, if you don't have the courage to charge and fall into battle, how can your soldiers die on the battlefield?"

Seeing this, Zhou Yu had to swallow what he was about to say. As a counselor in the army, he didn’t want Sun Ce to take personal risks. Just as the counselor in Binzhou would be worried every time before Lu Bu went out. To a great extent, the morale of the soldiers is great, but once the Lord will lose, it will be a great blow to the morale of the army.

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