Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 998: : Hard fight

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The corners of Huang Zhong's mouth moved, leaving behind on this battlefield is definitely a lifelong affair. If Zhang Xiu and others want to escape from the hands of these cavalrymen, the only thing they can do is to break out of the siege.

"So, there will be General Lao Zhang." Huang Zhong nodded and agreed, knowing that it is not a time for mother-in-law. If he delays some time, it means that more cavalry will die.

Zhang Xiu looked at the increasing number of princes' cavalry, not only did not feel fear, but a trace of excitement, what about two hundred cavalry, he just wanted to drag the two thousand cavalry of princes with two hundred men.

Zhang Xiu did this because he actually had his plan. He is Zhang Ji’s nephew and is technically a defeated general. Such characters will not be welcomed in the military. Zhang Xiu always does not want to show his ability. Management, to win the respect of military lieutenants, this time to intercept the princes cavalry is a good opportunity, if he can successfully complete the return to the army, his status in the army will be greatly improved.

Of course, he is responsible for inquiring into the situation on the battlefield. He is ambushed by the enemy, and he also has an inescapable responsibility.

"Lieyang Archer, take the scimitar in your hand, and follow this general to kill!" Zhang Xiu shouted, and took the lead to kill the dense vassal cavalry. The two hundred Lieyang archers behind him did not hesitate to follow Zhang Xiu. Killed, their behavior at this time was for the safety of Paoze, for Paoze, even if they sacrificed their lives, they were the Union State Army and regarded Paoze as a team of biological brothers.

Huang Zhong’s eye sockets are a little moist. It is undeniable that Zhang Xiu is a very good general. This can be found on the battlefield. Moreover, Zhang Xiu’s martial arts are very strong. If possible, Huang Zhong wants to bring Zhang Xiu over and do it. Yang Gongqi's lieutenant is now, but what was unexpected is that this time the Lieyang Gongqi was hit by Zhang Yun's strategy.

It was mainly caused by the inferior number of Lieyang Bowriders. Of course, Huang Zhong, as the main general, had an unshirkable responsibility.

Zhang Xiu’s choice left Huang Zhong speechless. It seems that there are many Zhang Xiu generals in the Bingzhou Army who stand up without hesitation in front of life and death. In order to let Robeze live, they are not afraid of death, or they will be right. The fear of death is hidden to the deepest part of my heart.

"If General Zhang died on the battlefield, this general will definitely kill Zhang Xi to avenge General Zhang." Huang Zhong muttered firmly.

Zhang Xiu led the Lieyang Archer’s crazy offensive, which made the cavalry in Zhang Yun's hand seem a little flustered for a while. They occupy an absolute advantage in number, but it does not mean that the cavalry among them can be like Lieyang Archers. The Lieyang Archers are now at the end of the strong crossbow, and they don't want to withstand the enemy's counterattack before they die.

Seeing the cavalry of the princes fearing their heads and tails, the Lieyang Archers became more excited. They liked to fight against such enemies. As long as the enemy had fear, they could still have the upper hand no matter how many people there were.

With a cold snort, Zhang Xi led the cavalry to meet Zhang Xiu. Just now, Zhang Xi had already noticed the invincible Zhang Xiu on the battlefield. In this way, Zhang Xi gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase Huang Zhong. What Zhang Xi felt was a strong fighting spirit. It would be difficult to succeed if the two hundred people were to chase Huang Zhong away. Maybe he would chase down both cavalry at the same time. Instead of this, it would be better to eliminate one of them and let Lieyang Archer did not dare to appear on the battlefield so arrogantly in the future.

The long spear in Zhang Xiu's hand flicked and took Zhang Xi directly. This spear was not only fierce, but also extremely fast. It was one of Zhang Xiu's strongest moves.

Zhang Xi was shocked. He had just observed Zhang Xiu carefully and saw that although Zhang Xiu's marksmanship was exquisite, he could also deal with it.

With a wave of the long spear, it steadily blocked the long spear that Zhang Xiu stabbed, and Zhang Xi was slightly surprised by the force transmitted through the long spear.

Seeing that the enemy is finally coming, Zhang Xiu's expression revealed excitement. From the person's attire, he can tell that this person is the main general of this cavalry. The principle of capturing the thieves and the king on the battlefield is the principle of many generals. All understand, as long as Zhang Yun can be captured or beheaded, the enemy's cavalry will surely be in chaos.

However, this thought was abandoned by Zhang Xiu after the battle between the numbers and the numbers. Zhang Xi’s spear skills were powerful. Although he had the upper hand several times, it was extremely difficult to kill Zhang Xi. The most important thing is now. The Fiery Sun Archer is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. If there is more delay in the enemy army, more robes will die. Of course, what they have to do now is to make the cavalry of the princes go crazy, so that they have no time to chase away. Go to the Lieyang bow ride.

More than two hundred Lieyang archers like a whirlwind, set off waves among the princes' cavalry. When the two hundred cavalry with aspirations dared to charge without fear of death, even with their jaws open. With nearly two thousand cavalry under his command, they must be overshadowed.

"A group of rice buckets, if there are any more retreats who do not fight, kill them without mercy!" Zhang Jai noticed that wherever the Lieyang archers arrived, the cavalry on his side were more to avoid, and he gave the order with a cold expression. At that time, he couldn't pursue Huang Zhong. The unique fighting style of Lieyang Archer was understood by Zhang Jai. Pursuing Lieyang Archer would only cause heavy casualties to the soldiers under his command.

At this time, Zhang Xi's order played a certain role. In any case, he was a general of the Jizhou Army. Among the cavalry of the other two sides, they were just ordinary generals. Seeing Zhang Xi's anger, he narrowed the encirclement again.

Zhang Xiu stared coldly at everything in front of him, whether he was alive or dead. It was up to him whether he could break through the encirclement. From Huang Zhong led the cavalry to break through to the present, the remaining two hundred cavalrymen are now only more than a hundred men. , And Zhang Xiu believed that Huang Zhong had already stepped out of the encirclement. With the speed of the Lieyang Archer, as long as the enemy dared to pursue it, he would be a target for the cavalry.

"Brothers, kill!" Zhang Xiuzhong's spear picked and stabbed, and two enemy cavalry fell off their horses. His marksmanship was the same as Zhao Yun's, and he focused on protecting himself when he killed the enemy.

The surrounding Lieyang archers looked at Zhang Yun's gaze, and there were at least ten cavalry soldiers who died in Zhang Yun's hands since the battle.

Zhang Xiu kicked the horse under him fiercely. After the horse was in pain, he rushed forward, piercing the enemy's camp with one gun and one man. The Lieyang archer in the back saw this and rushed to catch up. More than a hundred Lieyang archers headed by Zhang Xiu even tore a hole in the coalition cavalry.

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