Chapter 169

50.6 billion.

This number shocked everyone.

“It’s really breaking through 50 billion, too fierce, my God, I can’t express the shock in my heart in words.”

“Sales of 50.6 billion a day, what concept is this? Who will give me popular science?”

“The boss said that he is still in shock and has no heart for Secop for the time being.”

“The big guy said he couldn’t understand this sales. If someone told me that I could sell 50.6 billion in a day, I would definitely say that he was bragging, but now, I have to admit that this is a fact. ”

“50.6 billion, is this number real? If the sales are real, then I can say with certainty that the era of online shopping has arrived.”

“Come and come, how terrible is my sales of 50.6 billion a day when I come to popular science? Haha, I don’t actually know, I only know that it’s amazing and powerful.”

“Five hundred and six billion, how much profit can make? Is there one billion?”

Many netizens began to care about the profits of

“I don’t know, I don’t dare to say that, half of the first batch of 50.6 billion is sold at 30%, and the other half is sold at 25% and 20%. I heard that the first batch of stores was actively found by It’s all free, and there is no need to pay any other fees. The second batch seems to be 3% of, 3% of 50.6 billion. Let’s do the calculations.”

“Is it true? If it is true, 3% of 50.6 billion is 759 million, which means makes 759 million a day?”

“Really? It makes more than 700 million in a day, isn’t that even more fierce than a money printing machine?”

“Really? It’s too profitable.”

“It’s almost the same if there is no more than 700 million. In short, definitely made a lot of money this time.”

While netizens are discussing, the major brands are meeting to discuss.

There is only one theme. Do you want to enter

In the end, many big brands decided to enter on the spot.

It has to be said that the sales of 50.6 billion completely moved their hearts. If they had a share in yesterday’s event, they would definitely sell several hundred million.

There are also some big brands that are still not optimistic about online shopping, thinking that the grand occasion of yesterday cannot be replicated. It is a year of selling goods a day, and there is no need to toss.

Leaving aside the big brands, the mid-level brands did not hesitate to decide to enter They have already regretted that they did not enter earlier.

If they settled on earlier, they might be the first batch of merchants yesterday. Then they should be the ones who made a lot of money, not the small brands.

If you miss such a good opportunity, you must not miss the next good opportunity.

Everyone believes that will continue to engage in such activities. It is impossible for to give up on such an amazing activity.

The senior officials of the country were shocked when they saw the sales of 50.6 billion a day.

Internet age? New Era?

Perhaps more attention should be paid to the development of the Internet.

There was Penguin, Daddy Ali, and YY, The Internet seems to be creating miracles all the time, and we really need to pay more attention to the development of the Internet.

YY and were created by the student Su Hao of the 985211 tutoring website. Ask him to talk about the Internet?

Su Hao was once again followed by high-level national attention.

Not only the high level of the country’s attention, many second generations are also concerned about Su Hao.

First is the 985211 tutoring website, followed by YY, and now I am launching a Taotao website. If you can get a piece of it, you don’t have to worry about the future.

Thinking of this, some second generations are ready to move.

If Su Hao knew that because of the miraculous sales of this event, it would have attracted the attention of the second generation and even the country, it would be extremely annoying.

I just want low-key development. . .

People’s Daily, Donghai Daily, CCTV News, Donghai News, and all the well-known media all over the country reported on’s miraculous sales of 50.6 billion.

For a time,’s popularity surpassed YY and became the object of popular pursuit.

After the pursuit, people began to worry about express delivery.

“Five hundred and six billion, how many express delivery is required for so many things, when can I receive the goods?”

“It is conservatively estimated that at least one hundred million express delivery, my God, one hundred million express delivery, it feels terrifying to think about it.”

“What are you afraid of? There are so many express companies, and also has Dongfeng Express. Wait, it should be soon.”

The express delivery issue is also a concern for Su Hao.

Dongfeng Express is in the early stage of development, except for Jiang Province, other provinces and cities are in the process of being formed, and they certainly can’t take on important tasks.

However, there are also some advantages. Dongfeng Express can take advantage of this rapid development, the only condition is that the funds are in place.

“Wang Chan, in the next few days, we will make every effort to develop Dongfeng Express. This is an opportunity for Dongfeng Express. All the money made by this time can be invested in Dongfeng Express. As long as Dongfeng Express develops quickly.” Su Hao said seriously.

“¨` Okay, Su Shao.” Wang Chan nodded fiercely.

“Zhou Xue, I will leave it to you on Wang Chan’s energy is devoted to Dongfeng Express.” Su Hao said to Zhou Xue.

“Well, the event is over, is nothing major, I will help to stare.” Zhou Xuexinran agreed.

“There is still a shortage of talents.” Su Hao said with emotion.

There is no shortage of ordinary employees, nor is there a shortage of middle-level employees. What is missing is senior management.

Dongfeng Express took advantage of this opportunity to tell the operation that other courier companies received large orders and it was cheaper. This made Su Hao secretly relieved.

To be honest, Su Hao is really worried that other courier companies will have trouble at this time. If it is really like that,’s 200-300 million courier can only be delivered by Dongfeng Express.

Fortunately, there is no such treasure at this time. Fortunately, the competition among express companies has not heated up at this time. (Li Hao). .

Thinking of the express delivery issue, Su Hao was a little scared, and felt that this event was not comprehensive enough.

It should wait for Dongfeng Express to complete its nationwide network before launching activities, so that even if other express companies stumble, he will not be completely unable to deal with it.

Fortunately, there are no competitors now. . .

Su Hao didn’t know that his competitor was about to appear.

At the end of the event, Su Hao took some time off and planned to take a good rest.

It’s a pity that a phone call forced him to set off for Beijing Mai.

At ten o’clock in the morning on the 25th, Su Hao received a strange call from Beijing.

“Hello. Who is this?”

“Hello, classmate Su Hao, I am the secretary of the second elder. The second elder wants to see you, so please take a trip to the capital.”

“Number two?”

Su Hao was shocked.

Thank you [young Wei Lao heart silent] big brother’s monthly pass, thank you very much, thank you! .

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