He pondered and said,"His strength is probably around the seventh level of Wuling, while my strength is only the second level of Wuling. From the way he fought just now, I can tell that he has a lot of combat experience. If I fight him head-on with my strength, I will definitely lose within three breaths!"

Huo Yi frowned slightly, clenched his fists and said secretly,"No, to become a dual cultivator of Dan and Wu, I must go through this step. Losing is not terrible, what is terrible is that I don't dare to fight!"

Having said that, he walked straight to the center of the martial arts field without hesitation.

When he entered the arena, the people watching around him couldn't help but raise questions.

"Who is that? How come I've never seen this person before?"

"You don't know him? He is the direct disciple of the current Alchemy Peak Master!"

The man looked a little surprised:"What! Direct disciple? Then why did he come to participate in the martial arts competition? His identity should not be of any use to him in the martial arts competition!"

The man shook his head and said:"According to my inside information, this person insisted on participating in this martial arts competition!"

"Isn't he afraid of being beaten? Don't the people in the Alchemy Peak only know how to make pills? His cultivation should not have caught up yet, right?"

Huo Yi, who was in the martial arts field, naturally heard such words. The noisy voices entered his mind, but his expression was extremely calm, and he did not change because of everyone's doubts.

After all, what an alchemist needs is soul power, and being the best in alchemy has nothing to do with strength.

Thinking of this, his eyes showed a hint of determination, and the flame in the palm of his hand burned more and more intensely.

The purple-blue flame surrounded his whole body, and the flame turned into small snakes and began to wander around his body.

In this situation, it is not difficult to guess that he is going to release a big move.

"I don't know if this move can defeat you!" Huo Yan murmured.

Guang Qian, who was opposite him, felt a sense of threat coming from Huo Yan. His expression gradually became serious and he began to face this opponent. Perhaps this person's cultivation was lower than his, but the flame made his soul a little scared. He didn't know what was going on, but his intuition told him that he had to do his best.

A dark-colored broadsword emerged in Guang Qian's palm, and the broadsword was surrounded by a murderous aura.

Looking at the knife in his hand, Guang Qian's eyes no longer showed fear. This knife has been with him since he was a mortal, and he has experienced ups and downs and life-and-death crises with him!

He can reach this realm, and 90% of his achievements are attributed to this knife. He doesn't know if this knife is a spiritual weapon. He only knows that anything that can kill people is a spiritual weapon.

""Kuanglang Sword Technique!" Guangqian roared.

The blade swung out and shot out several black sword qi, attacking Huoyi directly.

But Huoyi had been prepared. From the moment he came on the field, the others remained vigilant at all times. The flames on his body instantly turned into spirit snakes, gathering on the index finger of the flame, and turned into a fiery red dragon!

Huoyi swung forward, and the fire dragon roared, rushing forward with fierce flames. With a bang, the sword qi was instantly shattered, but the fiery dragon did not completely disappear. It kept swinging its body and rushed towards Guangqian.

"Not good!"Guang Qian was shocked when he broke it with his own attack. He didn't have time to use the sword energy to resist. He quickly took out a magic circle from the space ring. At the moment when the dragon rushed over, a defensive magic circle appeared in front of him and blocked the fatal blow for him!


The dragon rushed straight into the magic circle. The dragon head kept roaring and the dragon tail kept swinging. But after a few breaths, the dragon gradually dissipated without the spiritual power to maintain it.

But the defensive magic circle was also broken.

"It hurts! This formation cost me hundreds of spirit stones!" Guangqian felt a pain in his heart when he saw his formation was broken.

But he shook his head:"However, in order to enter the inner gate, it doesn't matter if I sacrifice these!"

Then he looked up at Huoyi and said:"If you have any other skills, use them as soon as possible!"

Huoyi didn't say anything. This move had consumed half of his spiritual energy. A pill appeared in his hand and he swallowed it. After the spiritual energy was replenished, a ray of fire flashed in his eyes. The purple-blue flame in the palm of his hand became more and more intense.

Huoyi looked up at Guangqian opposite him and said in a deep voice:"The flame has been charged, and now it's your turn to lose!" As soon as the words fell, all the purple-blue flames on his body left his body and gathered in the air. The next moment, a huge python appeared out of thin air, with a pair of fierce eyes, staring at Guangqian, as if he wanted to eat it.

"What kind of move is this?" Wu Huai, who was in mid-air, couldn't help but look puzzled when he saw this move.

"I didn't expect that this little guy has learned this move. My efforts have not been in vain!" Xiao Ran, who was standing aside, saw this move and couldn't help but chuckle.

Then he looked at Wu Huai and explained to him:"This move is not a martial arts technique, but the effect of the flame I gave him. It can also be regarded as a self-created martial art!"

After all, Xiao Ran had used this move in his previous life. The giant python moved its body, and its huge head rushed straight towards Guangqian. I am afraid that once it hits, Guangqian will be torn into pieces. Guangqian, who is on the opposite side, has no intention of resisting. This move is completely beyond the scope of the martial spirit realm. He can't resist it. This move is already regarded as the strength of a half-step martial king.

When the giant python rushed to Guangqian's body one centimeter, the figure of an old man appeared in front of him. He had a calm face and lightly tapped his fingers. The giant python directly turned into a stream of spiritual power and disappeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Guangqian said respectfully:"Thank you, elder!"

The old man smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said,"You performed very well this time. You can enter the inner gate!""

Go in!" Guangqian's eyes flashed with disbelief. According to the rules of the competition, in order to enter the inner gate, one must defeat three opponents. He has only defeated one so far and doesn't understand why he can get in.

Guangqian showed a puzzled look and looked at the old man.

The old man explained to him with his hands behind his back:"In fact, there is another rule in the martial arts competition, but it has not been said!

"This duel is a test of your reaction and fighting experience. The masters of the various peaks above have already seen it. You did very well in the duel. You have met the rules for the inner gate, so you can enter naturally!"

Guang Qian's expression flashed with excitement. He suppressed the joy and excitement in his heart and said respectfully to the old man:"Thank you for telling me, elder!"

The old man nodded.

Huo Yi on the other side saw this scene and smiled. From the moment the elder appeared, he had already won. As for why he was not afraid of accidentally killing Guang Qian?

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