Seeing this, Yuxuan nodded and sighed.

"This is the only way!"

Then he shouted softly to an unknown place:"Someone come!"


A figure appeared outside the pavilion, bowed and saluted

"Take my token and call Su Beilong back, and apologize to that man by the way."

A token appeared in front of the figure.

Hearing this, the man's eyes flashed with shock, but he didn't ask too many questions. He took the token tactfully and slowly retreated.

The scene changed.

Su Beilong, who was a little embarrassed, walked out of the wind and sand, waved his hand to shake off the rubble around him, and looked up at the sky.

A puppet with broken bodies and no arms appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Su Beilong understood that his people should have died in the explosion.

Alas, he sighed helplessly, then looked at Xiao Ran on the Tianxuan Boat and cursed:"Damn it, I really want to know how many puppets you, Xiao Ran, still have. I don't believe I can't kill you today!"

Xiao Ran, who was on the Lingzhou, didn't hear these words. Now he was looking at the broken puppet in the air.

"I didn't expect that he actually survived. It was really a bit beyond my expectation."

Wu Huai, who was standing by, heard this, wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked carefully:"Master Xiao Feng, did you say that those Wu Zongs died?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and then said:"I don't know, but this powerful shock wave couldn't even be resisted by the Wu Zong puppet, let alone those Wu Zongs whose strength had not reached the peak of the Wu Zong. If nothing unexpected happened, they should be dead."

At this point, Xiao Ran couldn't help showing a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth. In his eyes, the fireballs released by those Wu Zongs together were completely an act of hurting the enemy 1,000 and hurting himself 800.

If those people fought him one by one, Xiao Ran might still feel a little troublesome. After all, he didn't have many pills on him and couldn't support the operation of the puppet.

But they made the stupidest decision.

Hearing Xiao Ran's reply, Wu Huai couldn't help but mutter:"Alas, today is still a troubled time. I didn't expect to encounter so many troubles in recruiting disciples!"

When Xiao Ran heard this, a smile appeared on his face, he patted his shoulder and said,"Don't worry, today's incident will soon be over."

Wu Huai nodded. After all, what Xiao Ran showed today had impressed him a lot, and he was worthy of the position of the head of the Alchemy Peak.

"What about the martial master below? How are you going to deal with him?"Wu Huai asked again.

Xiao Ran shook his head:"It's not time for him to die yet." It

's not that Xiao Ran didn't want to kill him, but he was afraid that killing him would cause the other two martial masters to come and retaliate, which was not what Xiao Ran wanted to see. There was another reason why Xiao Ran couldn't kill Su Beilong.

Then he said to Wu Huai:���:"Please help take care of the disciples here first. I will go downstairs and talk to that guy for a while."

""Okay, Master Xiao Feng, go ahead and leave it to me!" Wu Huai nodded.

Xiao Ran stood in mid-air, with his hands behind his back, looking straight at him with a pair of deep eyes!

"Su Beilong, do you still have spiritual power available now? If so, then use it all!"

Hearing this, Su Beilong smiled helplessly and shook his head,"I have no spiritual power left. Like you, I am now at the end of my strength!"

He just said it out of anger, how could he have any spiritual power left.

But he said with a sharp look in his eyes,"But I really didn't expect that your state of mind and methods are so strong. They don't seem like what a 20-year-old can possess."

Xiao Ran didn't say anything when he heard this.

After a pause, he said,"Since you said that, do you think I should kill you or not?"

This made Su Beilong stunned and he was silent for a while, not knowing how to respond.

But he actually already had the answer in his heart, that is, he didn't want to die. Who would want to die after cultivating to the realm of Martial Master? He hasn't seen a higher world yet.

It's just that he didn't dare to say it out of face.

Just as Su Beilong was thinking, a figure appeared in front of the two of them.

He was holding a token in his hand and said to Su Beilong:"Sir, the city lord has ordered you to go back. Let's just let this matter go and don't bother with it anymore."

"And I have to apologize to this little brother and everyone else." Then he said to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran smiled secretly, and finally the person he was waiting for came, but he didn't say anything.

Then the man turned around, bowed to Xiao Ran and clasped his fists!

"My dear brother, we were at fault this time. Now I apologize to you on behalf of our Wuyuan Ancient City. I hope you will forgive me."

Hearing this, Xiao Ran waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t care about it.

Anyway, he didn’t have the idea of confronting Wuyuan Ancient City head-on.

Seeing that the guards around his elder brother had already apologized, he couldn’t fall behind. Su Beilong straightened his robe and bowed to him, clasping his fists and said,"Little brother Xiao, I was at fault this time. I’m sorry first. I don’t know what you need, but I can promise you that if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to Wuyuan Ancient City to find me, and I will definitely help you solve the trouble."

There was no way. This was the only thing he could promise, and he didn’t have any other treasures to give to Xiao Ran.

"No problem! As long as you are sincere, it's fine." Xiao Ran waved his hand and smiled.

Then, the few of them chatted for a while.

"Senior Su, I have something to do and need to go back to the sect first. Let's stop here today. If there is a chance in the future, we can chat and have a good chat."

Seeing this, Su Beilong and the other two looked at each other and didn't stay for long. They bowed and smiled and said,"Okay, Brother Xiao, have a safe journey."

Xiao Ran nodded.

Then he put the Wu Zun puppet beside him into the space ring, stepped on the void and walked towards the Tianxuanzhou step by step.

Seeing Xiao Ran coming back, Wu Huai couldn't wait to ask,"How is Master Xiao Feng, what did you say to them."

Seeing Wu Huai's impatient look, Xiao Ran covered his forehead helplessly and said,"It's okay, the current things have been dealt with, and we are ready to return to the sect."

Seeing that he didn't hear what he wanted, Wu Huai looked a little disappointed but didn't say much.

After all, it's other people's business to say it or not, and he is not qualified to ask too much.

Everyone set off again, and this time, no one stopped them.

In the void

"Master, was the battle just now a battle between Martial Honored Ones?"

The old man nodded and said,"Yes, this is a battle at the Martial Honored One level, but it is not a true Martial Honored One level battle."

"The man named Su Beilong did not use his full strength, and the same goes for this puppet."

The old man's eyes were very sharp, and he saw at a glance that something was wrong before the two fought.

This made the man a little confused, and he couldn't help but ask:"Master, I saw that they were fighting very fiercely! Even his own men are dead, it is impossible that they haven't used their full strength yet."

Hearing the man's question, the old man didn't say much."I don't know much either, maybe they have some kind of deal in secret."

Oh, the man nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"So should we still go visit them?" The woman next to her came over and asked

"Let’s forget about it this time and wait until next time." The old man shook his head.

The two looked at each other and said nothing more.

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