Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1595: Open a zoo?

  Chapter 1595 Opened a zoo?

   Seeing this, Xiao Ding whispered in her ear, Leng Qianxun frowned, and then walked towards him.

   "You Qian."

   "Well, Miss Leng." You Qianqiang put on a smiling face, but the swelling and pain in his hands made the corners of his mouth twitch faintly, and he wanted to put his hands behind him unnaturally, avoiding Leng Qianxun's sweeping gaze.

"Give me your hand." Leng Qianxun squatted down, took his hand and looked at it in a commanding tone, the bandaging and disinfection were okay, maybe some toxins entered his body, that's why he felt uncomfortable . "Open your mouth."

   "Miss Leng, I have nothing to do, don't need to..."

   "Open your mouth." Leng Qianxun reached out and pinched his chin in a simple and rude way, then flicked the two pills in his hand into his throat, and handed him a bottle of spiritual water. "Drink it down, sit for a quarter of an hour, and then have a good sleep, and I will call you when I can eat."


  Her words, to him, are imperial decrees, which must not be violated.

   Seeing that he was so obedient, Leng Qianxun stood up in satisfaction. As expected, her eyes wouldn't go away, he was worth cultivating.

"Girl, thank you. You are the benefactor of our Bai family." At this time, Bai Jiuci and his father and son reluctantly parted. Happiness.

   "It's a serious word, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Leng Qianxun smiled at them and said nothing.

  At this time, they didn't realize that Ye Wushang was not around, and they thought he was going to help pick up firewood.


   "Talk, I'll get you something to eat." Leng Qianxun saw that Master Bai was about to say some polite words, and hurried away.

  The more polite the friends get along with, the more unnatural she will be, so it's better to be casual.

  Master Bai looked at the fleeing figure. After getting along with her for a few days, he understood her straightforward and uninhibited temperament more or less.

   Turning his head to look at his son who is a head taller than him, his son is back, and he is still a big boy, so good!

   This is all the happiness that Miss Leng bestowed on him, he will always remember it.

  At this time, Fang Yichen found many large leaves from a distance, and Long Shu's big hole had also been dug.

   "Long Shu, student Fang, go find some dry firewood and come back. Xiao Ding and I will bandage these and let you pay for my beggar's chicken."

   "Beggar's chicken?! Well, I've heard about it in TV dramas, but I've never eaten it. I'm so hungry." Not to mention beggar's chicken, it's a half-cooked chicken. They are so hungry that they can swallow it in one bite.

   "Gulu Gulu..." The 'comma' who had been waiting there for a long time, didn't know whether it was because of hunger or from its mouth. It stared at Leng Qianxun with one big eye for a long time.

   "Comma, are you hungry?" Leng Qianxun was busy with the work in hand, and raised her eyes to glance at its pitiful big eyes.

   "Comma." The comma still only repeats the first word of the person in front.

   "I'll give you the biggest one later, okay?" Leng Qianxun glanced at it. If he was brought into the empire like this, it would be too conspicuous.

  If passers-by see it, they may gather around and call it a monster, and everyone shouts to beat it.

   But this is grandpa's contract beast again, she can't just ignore it, so is it possible to make a contract with it?

  She raises a large family by herself, and she is not tired. She raises them in one space, but does it feel like opening a zoo?

  (end of this chapter)

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