Chapter 94 94· “We just ask—”

"Fuck, fuck..."

Even after walking behind the ambassador for several minutes, Zong Ziyan was still in shock.

He finally understood why Wei Jin looked so shocked outside when he was still in prison just now.

Who can calm down after hearing this news?

Zong Ziyan rubbed his eyes and wiped away the slightly secreted tears.

When the shock dissipated a little, unparalleled pride and gratitude emerged from his heart—even a little fear.

People like virtuous and capable are they?

I originally thought that I would use external relations to solve the problem, but the fact is that my country has done this for people like myself!

‘You’re in trouble, you’re going to fall in love with him for the rest of your life’, this is what a short video says about star chasers.

It refers to an action of a celebrity that only responds to a certain 'fan' or 'passerby', making the other person completely 'fall in love' and be completely obsessed with it, and will become a fan of this celebrity for life.

Zong Ziyan is not a star-chasing person, so when he saw this statement, he actually didn't understand how it felt when the star he liked suddenly responded to you alone. He thought it was okay.

Is it that exaggerated?

Yes - but at this moment, that's what he wanted to answer.

It turns out that I am actually chasing stars, but what I am chasing are the few yellow stars on the flag.

When the yellow and red flag, for its own sake, regardless of the cost, reaches this point with force towards this island flower who is not weak -

Zong Ziyan only felt that if Dong ordered him to die in the future - without any reason, and he hesitated for even a second, it would be an insult to his soul.

He fell into a red river and fell freely and willingly.

Zong Ziyan was not the only one to feel this kind of emotion, many of the rescued Dongren around him were already crying with joy.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Zong Ziyan saw that the direction he was going to didn't seem to be a port. After sorting out his emotions, he stepped forward and asked.

"You always have to apologize if you do something wrong, and we will make Daohua pay the price."

When the ambassador heard this, he turned around and said with a smile.

Zong Ziyan opened his mouth slightly, looking forward to it.

Soon, seventy-three Dongren, following the ambassador, came to a lobby that looked like the Island Flower Outreach Negotiation Room.

There are many tables on the stage, there are many on the left side, and there are already many Shika people sitting on them.

Zong Ziyan could recognize that these people were almost all important figures in Daohua.

It's just that the leader, Kishimoto Tao, is not among them at the moment.

Opposite these people, there is a long table and chairs, but there are only two seats, and an Eastern person is already sitting on it.

"You guys, please take your seats under the stage first." After the ambassador arranged everyone's seats under the stage, "I'll go up first."

Then the gentle smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by a cold look.

He walked onto the stage, sat next to the Easterner, and adjusted the microphone in front of him.

"Dongfang two, can we start talking now?"

The island flower man who was sitting in the main seat spoke at this time.

"That's all right, Mr. Aikawa." The ambassador nodded, his expression indifferent, and his tone was far from polite.

"The purpose of this negotiation is mainly to resolve the misunderstanding between us and to apologize to the East for some of the wrong decisions we made."

After Aikawa Ryoki nodded slightly, he lowered his head and glanced at the prepared manuscript paper, and then said:

"The relationship between Daohua and Dongfang should not have become the tense situation it is now."

"After our internal verification again, the 73 Dongren we arrested yesterday did not carry out any illegal activities and are innocent people.

This matter is about our former leader. After listening to the instigation of the Flying Eagle Kingdom, he deliberately destroyed the relationship between us for his own personal interests, regardless of the interests of the whole group. It is really a heinous act.

This measure does not represent us, let alone the entire population.

In order to express our apology to the East, we will sincerely apologize to all innocent East people from the sinner who caused this dispute, Kishimoto Tao. "

As Aikawa Ryoki's words fell, Kishimoto Takashi slowly walked to the stage from behind the scenes.

He was wearing a neat suit and his hair had been taken care of, but his steps were mechanical and his eyes were empty, as if the devil had drained his soul, leaving only a rotten body.

He walked to the stage step by step, then maintained a ninety-degree angle, bowed deeply in the direction of Dong and the two of them, implemented their usual bowing spirit, and said numbly:

"I have committed an unforgivable sin, and I am truly sorry. I am the sinner of Daohua, and I would like to express my deep apologies to you."

"It's not me you should be facing."

The ambassador's expression did not change at all. He was not excited at all about the desolate appearance of a leader in front of him. He just said.

Hearing this, Kishimoto didn't argue or resist anything. Under everyone's gaze, he once again bowed ninety degrees to all the people below.

Zong Ziyan's eyes were cold and he felt nothing.

Kishimoto is obviously an abandoned child of Shimaka. Perhaps those people used threats or some other method, and now he is nothing more than a walking corpse.

Besides, what's the use of apologizing?

Will the scars on my body and the pain of yesterday disappear because I apologize?

If an apology is useful, what else should the police do? What else do you want the troops to do?

Kishimoto maintained his bowing posture and did not get up. It was not until his body began to tremble that Aikawa Ryoki opened his mouth - but it was not to take care of him, but to say more indifferent words:

"We have conducted a round of penalties internally, and we believe that Kishimoto has committed the highest crime of betrayal.

The law of Shimahana remains the same, and the death penalty will be imposed. If Dongfang needs it, we can hand over Kishimoto's secrets to you, and you will conduct a new trial. Everything is his own fault, and we will never interfere.

This is our sincerity regarding this misunderstanding. "

After Aikawa Ryoki finished speaking, he waited for Ambassador Dong's response.

"Is this all you have to say about this matter? Just throw this abandoned child in front of us and just let this matter end?" Dongren next to the ambassador was about to speak when the ambassador said with an angry voice. .

"You just want to go through with it?"

The east man next to him raised his eyebrows, looking a little helpless and a little amused, but he didn't blame him.

"The purpose of the negotiation is naturally to come up with a result acceptable to both parties. Representative Dong, you can naturally put forward your demands." Aikawa Ryoki was not irritated, but said gently.

Negotiation is like bargaining. Naturally, it is impossible to offer the lowest price in your heart at the beginning.

Kishimoto is just a useless loser now, just the one who started it. He understands that Dong will not give up so easily.

"First of all, we don't care about Kishimoto's ending. You can just deal with it yourself." Ambassador Dong said.

Since he is already an abandoned son, he must think that it is not a price.

Not itself.

"But we need you to hand over the Shimahana named Tanihira Ningzao - he beat our workers, conducted illegal and compliant interrogations of our people, and caused countless wounds. We He is believed to be the mastermind of extremely heinous crimes.

He must be dealt with by us. "

The ambassador continued.

He remembered this name very clearly.

On Shimahana's side, several people just made eye contact with each other and then nodded: "Okay."

It's just an abandoned son who doesn't matter if he has one more.

"Secondly, we in the East need you to compensate us for this 'misunderstanding' caused by you.

Among them, the fuel cost required for the arrival and future return of the fleet is estimated to be...

The mental damages of the slandered Dongren... are worth..."

At this time, Tototo next to the ambassador took out his own manuscript paper and began to recite lengthy items and figures. There were not many. After saying "Other details are omitted for now," he said:

"Because this is the era of natural disasters and monetary value has become empty talk, Dongfang requires Daohua to compensate for materials of corresponding value."

"This is impossible."

Aikawa Ryoki immediately shook his head.

Although this requirement is theoretically reasonable.

Just like in a lawsuit, both parties can ask the loser to bear the legal fees. In this kind of battle, the loser will naturally have to compensate for all the losses incurred by the winner in the fight.

But the number reported by Dongguo is really too high. This may not be an exaggeration, but it is still a huge number for Island Flower, which is already short of supplies.

Of course you can take it out.

But what about after taking it out?

"Shimahana is temporarily unable to provide materials of corresponding value. Shimahana's materials are currently used to deal with the era of natural disasters..." Aikawa Ryoki immediately began his explanation, "I hope Dongfang will consider this..."

And his current remarks are clearly expressing that if Dong persists in this behavior, he is deliberately murdering everyone in Daohua.

on moral strength.

After Aikawa Ryoki finished his nonsense, Toto next to the ambassador nodded:

"Considering the special circumstances of the current era of natural disasters, you Island Flowers do not need to compensate us for any supplies, but instead, we need you to fulfill another of our requirements, a requirement that will hardly affect your ability to survive the era of natural disasters."

The purpose of this negotiation is not materials at all.

The East is not short of such a small amount of supplies, and in the era of natural disasters, it is necessary to seize supplies. It is indeed easy to trigger a moral attack on the entire Blue Star.

It's not painful or itchy, but it's not necessary.

"Oh? May I ask what Dongfang's request is?"

Aikawa Ryoki raised an eyebrow, but he didn't expect Dongguo to agree so neatly.

Dongren took a deep breath, as if what he was about to say was important, and then said loudly:

"We don't need those materials! Since you want to use materials to save your island flower people, then just keep them! We will bear all the costs of this battle ourselves!

But we ask -

You island flowers, publicly admit the countless crimes you have committed against the East in the past hundred years, especially during the world war! No more secretiveness, no more tampering with numbers! But face the past!

We ask -

You island flowers, openly go to the east and apologize sincerely to all the people and soldiers who sacrificed their lives in your hands during the battle!

We ask -

You island flowers, openly destroy all the temples in your territory that worship those criminals who were involved in the world war!

And thoroughly list him as a major criminal, so that this situation will never happen again! "

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