Rebirth as a lion starts with self-discipline

Chapter 89 The Lord of the Great Snow Mountain! (3k)

"Of course it was given to me by the Sky Curtain Ice Spider. It said to take this to the senior, and the senior would give me the spirit of this place."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Turtle sighed heavily, and then without hesitation gave the fragment of the regional spirit of this snow mountain to Chen Mo.

After completing the gift, the Babel Turtle sank to the bottom of the lake again, with only a small section of the turtle's back exposed.

At this point, Chen Mo obtained the last regional fragment of the Daxue Mountain Secret Realm.

When the fragments of this area slowly merged into the "sphere", the entire surface of the "sphere" emitted an icy blue light!

There are runes flowing on it.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious force flowed into Chen Mo's body.

At the same time, a bright blue light beam shot straight into the sky, hundreds of times brighter and thicker than any previous light beam!

Even from thousands of miles away, you can see it clearly.

At this moment, all the creatures in the secret realm of the Snow Mountain couldn't help but raise their heads and look at this beam of light.

They know that the secret realm of the Snowy Mountains has welcomed its real owner!

About 30 minutes later.

The blue light beam gradually dissipated, and Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes.

He has become the true regional master of the entire Snowy Mountain Secret Realm! The absolute king!

After refining the regional core of the entire Daxue Mountain Secret Realm, he gained three special abilities.

The first special ability is [Self Enfeoffment].

He can enfeoff every snow mountain in the secret territory of the Snowy Mountains to other extraordinary creatures. The enfeoffed person will become the "Lord of the Area" on behalf of the area, have the same authority as the "Lord of the Area", and the level of the extraordinary will also increase. to the lord level.

Of course, Chen Mo can take back these enfeoffed "regional lords" at any time.

The second special ability is [Teleport]

After Chen Mo injected his spiritual power into the core of the God's Domain, he could view every place in the Frost God's Domain at any time, just like watching a surveillance camera.

At the same time, he can teleport to any place in the Frost God Realm at any time.

This ability means that he is almost invincible in the Frost and Snow God Realm!

The third ability is called [Gathering Spirits]

Just as the leader of Treading Snow Fox had guessed before, the Frost God Realm can absorb and gather spiritual energy within thousands of kilometers and convert it into ice spiritual power.

After refining the core of the Divine Realm, Chen Mo discovered that the current rate of absorbing spiritual energy in the Frost Cold Divine Realm was not at its highest, only about 50%.

Chen Mo adjusted it to the highest level without hesitation.

In addition, he can also control the spiritual power concentration of every snow mountain in the Frost God Realm.

After thinking about it, he adjusted the aura concentration of Lion King Mountain and Shuangyang Mountain to the highest level, which increased it by about three times.

These two areas are where Chen Mo mainly grows magic medicine.

The increase in the concentration of spiritual energy can make the growth of these magical medicines and many spiritual plants faster.

Chen Mo observed it and found that after the concentration of spiritual energy increased, the first batch of more than 100 first-level magic medicine trees planted were still about 60 days away from maturity.

If it is catalyzed by the Little Spiritual Rain Technique, I am afraid it will be almost mature in 10 days!

At that time, he will once again experience a surge in strength!

"Now that I have completely mastered the secret realm of the Snowy Mountains, it is time to officially establish the Ice Lion Kingdom and start expanding the surrounding areas."

Chen Mo thought to himself.

The effect of [Lord Lion] is that the larger the occupied territory, the stronger the increase.

The Secret Land of the Snowy Mountains covers an area of ​​only 450,000 square kilometers, and the entire land area of ​​Africa is approximately 30.2 million square kilometers. The Secret Land of the Snowy Mountains only accounts for 1/67.

If possible, Chen Mo wants to conquer the entire Africa!

But he and the ice lion clan alone would never be able to occupy such a vast land.

If he wants to continue to expand his territory, he needs the dependents in the Snowy Mountains to expand his territory and guard one side.

Therefore, he needs to establish the Ice Lion Kingdom and complete the integration of his various clan forces.

With this thought in mind, he called over the leader of the Snow Fox, Wang Long and others.

The establishment of a kingdom first requires the revision of a charter, or law.

A complete set of rules is needed to restrict the behavior of the Familia, and a complete reward mechanism is also needed to encourage each Familia to strive for the Ice Lion Kingdom.


【Gluttonous Lion+】Day 15.

Early in the morning.

After Chen Mo finished eating two roasted gluttonous pigs, he found that the [Gluttonous Lion+] self-discipline challenge on the last day had been completed.

Its belly squirmed.

The flesh and blood he had just eaten was quickly digested, but the feeling of hunger still lingered in his heart.

So he took out the frozen frost wolf meat from the cold storage and ate it along with the ice residue.

Just in time to feel the effect of [Gluttonous Lion+].

The chilled wolf meat also tastes unique.

The long-lost pleasure swept through the body again, and every cell was cheering for joy!

His physical fitness is improving at an alarming rate!

Compared with [Gluttonous Lion], the enhanced version is more domineering.

After eating the flesh and blood of the Frost Wolf leader, Chen Mo's physique, strength and agility increased by 10 points!

The previous [Gluttonous Lion] could only increase its physique and strength by eating extraordinary meat, but this time it even increases its agility!

Then, the flesh and blood of the winter saber-toothed tiger, and the flesh and blood of the white ape leader.

Chen Mo actually finished eating dozens of tons of meat in one meal!

His body was like a huge furnace, rapidly digesting these extraordinary flesh and blood.

These extraordinary flesh and blood quickly turned into spiritual power and nutrients, nourishing the whole body.

Chen Mo can clearly feel that his muscles are getting stronger and his strength is getting stronger!

But after he finished eating the flesh and blood, he suddenly felt a strong sense of sleepiness.

Just like the dragon in Western mythology, his body seems to need to sleep to develop.


Chen Mo forcibly restrained his sleepiness and began to absorb the spiritual power from the Frost Wolf leader's ice pill.

Immediately afterwards, he absorbed all the spiritual power in the five low-level lord-level demon pills, then closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

About three hours later, Chen Mo woke up and suddenly found that the ice cave had become somewhat narrow.

Of course it's not that the ice cave has become smaller, but that it has grown bigger again!

Chen Mo took a look at his information and found that his body length had reached 10.8 meters and his height had also grown to 5 meters!

It has to be said that he is already a super beast now.

In addition, his physical fitness has been greatly improved!

Chen Mo felt that he could fight with medium lords or even higher-level extraordinary creatures just by relying on his physical strength and speed!

If you look at it from the perspective of cultivating immortals, Chen Mo is an out-and-out physical cultivator!

Moreover, the progress of physical cultivation is one stage faster than the progress of legal cultivation.

"Besides, this is not my limit! The limit should allow me to compete with the lord's limit with my physical strength alone!"

In addition, Chen Mo found that the liquid spiritual power in the ice pill increased by 103 channels.

The spiritual power contained in the extraordinary flesh and blood is not much, probably only a dozen in total. The real big one is the ice pills of these lord-level monsters!

Now he is still 250 liquid spiritual powers away from being a high lord. After the first batch of first-level magic medicine matures, he should be able to complete the promotion.

“Let’s see what new self-discipline challenges have been refreshed first!”

Chen Mo opened the self-discipline panel.

After completing [Gluttonous Lion+], a new self-discipline challenge will be refreshed in the self-discipline panel.

He fell asleep just after eating, and he didn't even have time to check.

What is newly refreshed is still a green self-discipline challenge.

【Fishing Lion】(green)

Fish for 3 hours every day and catch 10 fish every day for a month.

Seeing this self-discipline challenge, Chen Mo was stunned.

He had no hobby of fishing in his previous life. He tried it once, but after sitting there for a long time without catching a single fish, he gave up this recreational sport completely.

The bigger problem is - he is now a lion! !

It would be a bit fanciful to expect a lion to go fishing.

I'm afraid that if I exert even a little force, the fishing rod will explode!

Another question is -

The temperature in the secret area of ​​the Snowy Mountains is below minus 30 degrees, and there are almost no unfrozen lakes at such temperatures.

Due to the "radiation" of the secret realm of the Snowy Mountains, there may not be any lakes without ice within a radius of several thousand kilometers.

"How about choosing the Architectural Lion?"

Chen Mo hesitated.

In terms of title effects alone, he felt that [Fishing Lion] would most likely be better.

"Wait, it doesn't seem like it can't be completed!?"

After Chen Mo thought for a moment, he suddenly thought of something.

[Fishing Lion] Two difficult problems seem to have solutions!

The first is the problem of the fishing rod. He doesn’t need a fishing rod at all!

Who says you have to use a fishing rod for fishing? He can just use his own tail!

The second question is that there are not no lakes in the secret area of ​​the Snow Mountain. The place where the Babel Turtle sleeps is a lake.

The last time Chen Mo visited the Sky Turtle, he discovered that there were many extraordinary fish growing in this lake.

At the time, he wasn't interested in these extraordinary fish, but now he is!

"The decision is yours!"

In the end, Chen Mo chose the self-discipline challenge of [Fishing Lion] and chose to use the [Super Self-Discipline Card].

This means that he will have to fish for 6 hours every day and catch 20 fish at the same time.

Chen Mo ran all the way to the lake in Guishan, preparing to start today's [Fishing Lion] self-discipline challenge.

When he came to the lake, Chen Mo first tied a few pieces of "Houttuynia cordata" that contained weak ice spiritual power on his tail.

Then he glanced around, and after confirming that there were no extraordinary creatures, he swung his tail out like a string.

After all, fishing with one's tail is too shameful. If other extraordinary beings see it, it will lose one's image as a lion!


The tail touched the water, and then quickly sank into the lake under Chen Mo's control.

At this moment, Chen Mo's body length is close to 11 meters, and the length of his tail is also close to 6 meters!

More than enough for fishing!

Chen Mo turned his back to the lake and began to look forward to it.

I don’t know if I can catch fish this way?

I hope the fish here can be more knowledgeable.

If you don't take the bait, don't blame him for charging into the lake, just release the lord's coercion and fry the fish!

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