Chapter 1 Rebirth as a Lion, Starting from Self-discipline

The setting sun was like blood.

Looking at the endless prairie and his hairy forelimbs that were obviously not human, Chen Mo felt desolate and hopeless about his life as a lion.

He was no longer a human.

But a 2-month-old little lion.

"I just downloaded a self-discipline game on Steam. How come I'm not a human after I just started it!"

After complaining casually, Chen Mo began to think about the biggest problem he was facing right now - how to survive! ?

When he woke up, he also got the original memory of the lion cub.

The lion cub he was reborn was a newborn of a lion group on this grassland, but because of his birth disability in his hind legs, he was rejected by the entire lion group.

Since he was a child, his brothers and sisters did not play with him, his mother only gave him the least milk, and his father, the lion king, never looked at him.

Because in the grassland where the weak are the prey of the strong, disability means weakness, means that you cannot survive, and means that you may die at any time.

Although the little lion tried his best to survive and integrate into the lion group, it still didn't fit in.

This afternoon, the lion group finally chose to leave quietly after it fainted from hunger.

Abandoning the little guy in this dangerous grassland.

"We still have to find the lion group first!"

Without time to feel sad and sigh, Chen Mo made a decision after a little thought.

This is his only chance to survive!

The grassland at night hides countless dangers.

Even if he survived by chance, he would starve to death without mastering hunting skills!

Without the protection of the lion group, it is impossible for a two-month-old lion to survive on this grassland!

"It's dusk now, the lion group should find a place to rest, and it must not be too far from where I am now."

Thinking in his heart, Chen Mo took a deep breath.

He was identifying the smell left by the lion group to confirm the direction of advance.

Under the setting sun, a skinny young lion staggered on the grassland.

Then the next second-


Chen Mo, who had not yet adapted to his new body, fell to the ground face first.

Hungry, painful, disabled...

The discomfort from all parts of his body after the fall made Chen Mo deeply realize that he was extremely weak now.

Presumably, the original little lion died slowly in this despair.

"No, I want to... live!"

In the end, the strong desire to survive in his heart made Chen Mo stand up, and then he continued to run forward limping.

Just as Chen Mo began to gradually adapt to the body of this little lion.


a somewhat illusory gray-black panel suddenly appeared in front of him——

[Self-discipline challenge has been opened, please choose one of the following three challenges]

[Complete the self-discipline challenge, you will get the corresponding title]

[Challenge 1: Clean Lion (white)]

Insist on taking a bath three times a day for 7 days.

[Challenge 2: Raging Lion (white)]

Insist on walking more than 20,000 steps a day for 7 days.

[Challenge 3: Raging Lion (White)]

Persist in running for 2 hours every day, with a running speed of no less than 30km/h, for 7 days.

After blinking his eyes and confirming that it was not an illusion, Chen Mo's originally cold heart finally felt a little comfort.

Good news: He is going to die!

Bad news: He is going to die...

After a rough look, Chen Mo quickly chose the challenge of [Raging Lion], and then continued to run on the grassland.

[Cleaning Lion] did not seem to help him much in his current situation, and [Raging Lion] was even more impossible to complete.

More importantly, these three self-discipline challenges are at least 7 days, and it is still a question whether he can survive 7 days!

The most important thing now is to catch up with the lion group!

I don't know how long I walked on this grassland,

until the distant horizon completely extinguished the embers of the sunset, until the night fell and the bright moon hung high.

Chen Mo felt that his consciousness had become blurred, his body had long been numb, and now it was purely the soul that drove the body to keep moving forward!

Fortunately, the smell left by the lion group became stronger and stronger!

Almost there!

Almost there!

Finally, when he was completely exhausted, Chen Mo saw a group of lions sleeping in strange postures in the shade of trees not far away.

He finally found the lion group!

But he knew that the test of survival might have just begun!


2 minutes ago.

Lion group territory.

The lion king and other lionesses were already asleep.

Only one lioness opened her eyes, looking at the vast night in the distance, as if expecting something.

It is the biological mother of the lame little lion.

It is waiting for "little cripple".

The lion group's abandonment of "little cripple" is actually a test.

If the little cripple does not catch up before dawn, they will leave.

"Little cripple" cannot prove that he has the ability to survive alone in this grassland, so it is better to die early.

This is the law on this grassland!

Its breast milk and the food of the lion group are limited.

This disabled little lion drank too much, and the other brothers and sisters drank less.

Animals’ nature makes them choose more offspring to survive!


It is also the mother of “Little Cripple” after all.

Beside the lioness, most of the little lions were fast asleep, only one little lion with golden hair, like its mother, was looking forward to the distance.

It was the elder sister of "Little Cripple", and the brother of the same father and mother.

Before that, when the lion group was about to leave, it slapped Little Cripple hard to wake him up, but "Little Cripple" was sleeping too soundly, so it had to leave with the lion group and its mother.

Suddenly, a yellow figure appeared in the vision of the little lioness.

It was its lame brother!

The little lioness subconsciously nudged her mother, but found that her mother had already found "Little Cripple", with a flickering look in her eyes.

Although the lioness had been waiting for "Little Cripple".

But she didn't think that Little Cripple could survive and find the lion group.

It was called a trial, but in fact, she had already given up on Little Cripple.

But unexpectedly, a miracle happened, "Little Cripple" actually found the lion group!


Seeing the only awake lioness in the lion group, the bond in blood made Chen Mo instantly realize that it was his biological mother!

Without any hesitation, the little lion limped and ran towards the lioness.

He had not eaten for a whole day, and he would die if he did not eat!

He could only take a gamble now and pray that the lioness would be willing to breastfeed him!

What surprised Chen Mo was that-

This time, the lioness did not reject him as the little lion remembered.

She just looked at it with a loving look, then slowly lay down and let him drink milk.

Chen Mo did not drink too much, and stopped eating when he felt the hunger dissipated.

He was afraid that drinking too much would choke to death, or cause the lioness to be disgusted.

After drinking enough, Chen Mo began to walk quickly near the lion group.

Each of his steps was very small, but the frequency was amazingly fast!

The ultimate small steps!

That's right, Chen Mo started today's self-discipline challenge!

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.

Don’t bully the lame lion cub!

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