Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1855: Brotherhood

Chapter 1855 Brotherhood

Lin Hao's soul was sucked into the special space inside this water wall, and then, as a bystander, he saw everything that had happened in this area from the First God Era to the present.

This feeling is very strange.

Countless thousands of years have passed since the Era of the First God, and everything recorded should have taken an extremely long time to finish watching.

But Lin Hao could clearly judge that it didn't take long for him to finish watching all this.

Moreover, every scene can be seen very clearly.

It seems that this is also caused by some special circumstances on the side of the river.

Time is long, and time and time are involved, Lin Hao is still in preliminary contact, and with his cultivation base, he can't guess what kind of regular power this is.

Now, the most important thing is to leave here.

His body is still outside.

If it is discovered by the Protoss and Wu Clan and destroys its body, the consequences will be serious.

Even if the spirit is still there, it will take a long time to re-temper the strength of the body, and the overall strength will be greatly reduced before the re-tempering is completed.

However, no matter how Lin Hao's soul searched, he could not find a direction to leave this special space.

He... lost in this special space!


In the sixth section of the Long River, the Witch and Protoss have briefly joined forces to conduct a carpet-like search, looking for targets.

Now, this matter is not just limited to a certain period of time in the long river area. The seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth sections are the top geniuses of the Protoss and Wu Clan. , Are already searching.

However, they spent several days without gain.

However, the river basin over the years has fluctuated again, and the water that has time began to fluctuate.

Therefore, these Tianjiao fighters, for their own chance, can only immediately return to the river of years to collect the water of time.

Of course, because there is still a hidden danger from the human race that has not been discovered, the Tianjiao martial artists of all races do not dare to be too scattered. They are relatively concentrated. Even if they do, they have to give up some opportunities to collect the water of time. Can be so.

No one knows when the celebrity warrior will appear. The previous experience and lessons have made them understand one thing deeply. The celebrity warrior is very strong. If they are dispersed, once the human warrior takes action, they will not be able to resist it. live!


at this time.

The long river, tenth section.

In front of Li Jun, the first Tianjiao of the Promise Xianzong in the camp of innate creatures, a man hurried over.

"Brother, on the side of the Dragon Clan, Long Lin from the water dragon line has just come into contact with me... They know the true identity of the celebrity martial artist!" said the top Tianjiao martial artist who belongs to the innate creature.

Li Junyi's expression suddenly became a little nervous, and said, "Is it Lin Hao?"

"It is Lin Hao of the human race. He has the innate origin dragon energy gifted by the heavenly dragon by a dragon vein of the dragon race. Therefore, he used the channel of the dragon race to come to the battlefield of ten thousand races!"

Get the exact news.

Li Junyi's expression became quite complicated.

He had long suspected that the human race was such a arrogant man, it was most likely Lin Hao.

Now, finally confirmed.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's hard to hide this matter from Senior Sister Yiling."

The tenth-order holy spirit body of the Promise Immortal Sect has many entanglements with the human race Lin Hao.

Li Jun admires Mu Yiling very much.

These things are actually no secrets.

Li Jun said, "I have my own arrangements for the sister-in-law, and I will disclose the news to Qin Junxuan of the Protoss and Mo Yuan of the Witch.

Lin Hao is the human race who is striving for luck in the era. The Protoss and the Witch race, if they know that the person they are looking for is Lin Hao, they will definitely pay more attention and send more manpower! "

"Brother, what about us?"

A cold light flashed in Li Jun's eyes, and said: "Staring in secret, don't do anything first. Although Lin Hao is strong, he is only one person after all. He will definitely not escape the large-scale siege of the Protoss and the Witch. If... Clan, if you really can’t solve Lin Hao, you will find a chance to do it again. Before Lin Hao’s fall, this matter must never be known to Senior Sister Yiling!"

"Brother, there is one more thing, Junior Brother Junxin is here."

Li Jun nodded and said: "I already know about this, don't worry about him, you should first stare at the movement of the Protoss and the Witch Clan. Once they find Lin Hao, they will notify me immediately."

"Yes, brother, then I'll go there first."

After the Tianjiao martial artist of the Promise Immortal Sect left, Li Jun immediately appeared in front of his younger brother Li Junxin as soon as he used his physical skills.

"Your injury?"

Li Junyi looked at Li Junxin and frowned slightly.

"Only you and me, why bother to pretend like this." Li Junxin said indifferently.

Li Junyi's expression changed, and he said, "This is your first time in the long river of years. I promised my father that no accident will happen to you. Therefore, you'd better stay with me honestly. I can guarantee that you will return safely. Promise Xianzong, but if you dare to fool around, no one can blame me for something wrong!"

Li Junxin sneered and said, "If something happens to me, maybe it's what you want to see the most. You mother and son, don't you always want me to fall."

"Shut up!" Li Jun scolded angrily and said, "From now on, let me stay here honestly. If you dare to act arbitrarily, then don't blame me for punishing me with the sect law!"

"Tomorrow, I will leave the long river of years." Li Junxin said, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Li Junxin leaving.

Li Jun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists!

They are indeed brothers.

However, they are half-parents, and there is no trace of brotherhood between them.

Li Junyi even regarded this younger brother as his biggest competitor.

It's just that he keeps covering up very well.

However, some of his disguise could not escape the eyes of Li Junxin, who possessed a wise mind.

After a while, Li Jun suppressed the anger in his heart because of Li Jun's heart.

At present, the most important thing is to get rid of Human Lin Hao first.

Mu Yiling is the only tenth-order holy spirit body of the Promise Xianzong for millions of years. It is of great help to his future. Li Junyi absolutely does not allow Lin Hao, the human race, to appear and destroy all his plans.

When Li Junyi was thinking about how to deal with Lin Hao's plan without letting Mu Yiling know about it, he didn't know that his brother Li Junxin had already found Mu Yiling.


The river of years is rolling, and the water of time is surging and splashing.

Mu Yiling was alone, at the edge of the long river. With a wave of his hand, there were a few drops of water that she collected.

Following that, Mu Yiling looked at Li Junxin, who was slowly walking towards him behind him.

Li Junxin bowed his hand, bowed, and said, "I have seen Senior Sister Yiling."

Mu Yiling nodded, and said, "Why not heal the wound first?"

She saw Li Jun's heart hurt at a glance.

Li Jun said, "These injuries are specially reserved for Senior Sister Yiling."

While speaking, Li Junxin no longer suppressed his injuries.

As the moment his strength to suppress the injury was withdrawn, Mu Yiling's face showed an expression of shock and excitement!

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