Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1777: Great situation

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are very good

After separating from Teng Qingfeng, Lin Hao found the second senior sister Nie Ru.

Then, I told Nie Ru some things about Teng Qingfeng.

In terms of guiding disciples, Nie Ru, who has been responsible for the management of disciples of the God of War, is obviously more experienced.

"Qingfeng, this kid, has a great talent, can endure hardships, and cultivate well. It can be of great use. After a while, I will let him go out to practice with the disciples of the God of War.

Experience something more and you will grow up soon. "Nie Ru said.

At present, there is no large-scale Protoss in the Heavenly Realm of Gods, but there are still many hidden children of Protoss hiding.

Just like the Qingxiao Heavenly Realm and the Bixiao Heavenly Realm, the Human Race had all evacuated from the surface, but in fact, there were also many eyeliners.

Therefore, at the moment, the main direction of the battle on the side of the gods heaven is to clear the eyes of the gods.

Lin Hao had no objection to Nie Ru's arrangement, and said, "Qingfeng's matter, I'm bothering the second sister."

Nie Ru smiled and said, "Your disciple is my nephew, a member of our God of War Palace. These things are my own business.

Now, the most fortunate thing is that this kid hasn't stayed with the fat guy that steals the sky for too long, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Nie Ru also gritted his teeth.

It is conceivable that if the fat man stood here now, he would definitely have to clean up.

"Fat brother's thing is indeed a good way." Lin Hao said.

Nie Ru nodded and said, "Yes, the Protoss did leave a lot of cemeteries in the heavenly realm of Gods, and there are many resources in the cemetery that can be used.

I have already sent someone to the Yanhuang Shrine to inform the big brother of this matter.

The big brother was in the Yanhuang Divine Palace, discussing some specific management matters of the gods and heavens, and he is almost coming back. About the fat man who steals the sky, maybe the results have also been discussed. "

"By the way, Second Sister, the Dragon Clan had visited our God of War Palace before. I wonder if there is any information about the location of the Ancestral Dragon Palace?" Lin Hao asked.

"Little Junior Brother, are you going to the Zulong Palace?"

Lin Hao didn't conceal it, saying: "I am going to pass through the Ancestral Dragon Palace to come into contact with the innate creatures and bring Yiling back."

Nie Ru frowned, and said, "This matter will be discussed when the big brother comes back. At first, when the dragon came to our God of War Palace, it was also the big brother who came into contact with them. Only then can the big brother know something about the Ancestral Dragon Palace."

As a result, Lin Hao could only wait.

And during this waiting period.

Lin Hao was not idle either.

After entering the treasure house of the God of War, I chose a Tier 3 Excalibur that was still in hand and refined it.

His Skymark Sword was completely destroyed twenty years ago.

Although there is no sword in his hand, Lin Hao can at any time condense the indestructible power into a sharp sword for normal use, but having a suitable sword is not the same as having no sword in his hand.

The magic weapon has the effect of increasing the magic power.

This is something that the divine power condenses into a sword does not.

After the exhaustion of the war, there is nothing good in the treasure house of the God of War, the third-order magic sword, let's talk about it first.

When you find enough materials in the future, you can find a way to forge your own original divine sword.


A few days later.

Huo Cang finally returned from Yanhuang Shrine.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao and Nie Ru were gathered together in the main hall of the God of War.

"Big Brother, Junior Brother Yang, he..."

"I know." Huo Cang interrupted Nie Ru's words, and said: "Junior Brother Yang entered the Azure Heaven Realm, and in just one month, he had destroyed the 18 Protoss temples, and killed the Protoss God King powerhouse. Three, twelve in the realm of false gods.

Now, the Protoss of the Qingxiao Heavenly Realm has gone crazy, looking for the whereabouts of Junior Brother Yang everywhere. "

Speaking of this, Huo Cang also looked helpless, but in helplessness, he was also somewhat relieved.

Yang Guang is so foolish, of course taking risks.

However, it brought great chaos to the Protoss.

After the first battle in the Heavenly Realm of Gods, the twelve gods of the Protoss tribe, only ten gods remain.

The Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe were expelled. Most of the powerhouses of these two great divine tribes have died, but inside the temple, the figures related to the Tian Qi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe are intertwined.

The entire Qingxiao Heaven Realm and Bixiao Heaven Realm, within the Protoss, have ushered in a major reshuffle.

At this juncture, Yang Guang, the Human Race God of War Palace, appeared in the Qingxiao Heaven Realm, arbitrarily working on the divisions of the Protoss Temple. One can imagine how much pressure it will bring to the Protoss.

The most important thing is Yang Guang's strength. Since mastering the six reincarnation fists, the Protoss wants to siege Yang Guang, and there is no chance at all without dispatching six or seven **** king powerhouses.

Moreover, Yang Guang's whereabouts are uncertain, and the Protoss is helpless.

This is also the benefit of the Human Race's full withdrawal from the Qingxiao Heaven Realm. Yang Guang can act unscrupulously without worrying about getting involved with the Human Race.

Before the change, on the Human Race side, even if there is a strong person who can be as powerful as Yang Guang, the fighting power is so strong, but he dare not go crazy.

"In fact, the Protoss also followed the practice of Junior Brother Yang and wanted to arrange for the king of the gods to sneak into the heavens of the gods, but they were unsuccessful and were directly repelled. No one of them dared to take the same risk as Junior Brother Yang, and they were afraid of death. "Huo Cang said.

"This reckless man can be regarded as a slap in the face, doing one thing right." Nie Ru said with emotion. Although he is still worried about Yang Guang's safety, but the matter is over, worrying is useless.

"Junior Brother Lin, Senior Shiba of the Most Holy Army, is he still in the God of War Palace?" Huo Cang asked.

Shiba is powerful, and Huo Cang can hardly perceive his aura. Coupled with his respect for Shiba, Huo Cang will not arbitrarily investigate the area originally arranged for Shiba to practice and practice.

"Return to Senior Brother, Senior Shi has left the Heavenly Realm of Gods a few days ago

Huo Cang nodded and said, "About the matter of Senior Shi, the major shrines of our human race have not yet discussed a suitable way of getting along. Everything is the same as before.

In addition, you have reached the Yanhuang Shrine a few days ago about stealing the tomb of the gods. The results have been discussed. At that time, a group of teams will be organized, mainly Chen Hui, who steals the sky. Advance this matter. "

Although the robbery and digging of the cemetery of the gods, it sounds a bit unpleasant.

But for the human race situation, as long as the human race's strength can be strengthened, there is nothing to care about.

Next, Huo Cang explained the situation of the Protoss and the Witch in detail.

Protoss’s civil unrest this time is very serious. The Temple of the Middle Three Heavens has sent several monitors to stay in Qingxiaotian and Bixiaotian for a long time.

However, there was no news of Qilian Mountain and Sui Qianyuan who were still alive. Huo Cang speculated that these two people might have been hidden by the monitor who appeared in the heavens of the gods before.

As for the Wu Clan, two palace owners of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine died in the Heavenly Heaven Realm. The remaining five palace owners of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan also completely tore their faces. As for the more detailed situation, because the witch The clan completely sealed off all the outer sky, and the human clan could not find out other news.

In general, the situation of the God Realm in the next three days is quite beneficial to the Human Race.

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