Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1770: Go home!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy chapters are home!

Those who participated in the war in the God of War are already preparing to return to the God of War.

Huo Cang and others naturally started to get busy.

Those who have fallen can no longer be remedied, but some of the more serious injuries need to be healed on the spot. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be in the future.

It will take some time before we can really withdraw from here.

And Lin Hao, in the past two days, has been trying his best to help Shipo, visualizing the Heart Sutra by suppressing demons, suppressing and obliterating the power of the extraterritorial celestial demons in his body.

The effect is remarkable.

Of course, this also requires a bit of accumulation. After all, Lin Hao's cultivation base is still too low, just the peak of the True God Realm.

On the fourth day.

Huo Cang, Nie Ru, and Yang Guang finally dealt with the matter temporarily, all of them evacuated and returned to the Palace of War!


According to Nie Ru's statistics.

The number of deaths in the Battle of the Gods Palace this time reached more than 1,200 people, of which three were dead from the false **** king realm.

More than 3,000 people were injured!

Originally, in the Void God Realm, there were not many people in the God of War Palace. In the past two decades, the Gods Heaven Realm has also been rapidly expanded and supplemented, absorbing a lot of fresh human blood.

Not only was the War God Palace like this, the number of members of the thirty-six divine palaces that moved from the Void God Realm to the Heavenly Heaven Realm was greatly supplemented.

These people, once scattered in the heavens of Shenxiao, Qingxiao, and Bixiao, under the leadership of Yanhuang Divine Palace, fought against the gods.

But most of them do not belong to Yanhuang Shrine.

Since the Human Race made a decision to concentrate on attacking the Heavenly Heaven Realm of the Gods, all these scattered human warriors have gathered in the Heaven Realm of the Gods. Joined the thirty-six temples.

In other words, there are currently thirty-seven divine palaces of the human race in the heavens of the gods.

If Jiang Huanyu breaks through the God King, the reconstruction of the Void Shrine will be completed immediately, and the Human Race will have thirty-eight Shrines in the Heavenly Realm.

Headed by Yanhuang Shrine.

The God of War, the God of Reincarnation, the God of Sword and the God of Sword are the four cores.

The Thirty-Eight Divine Palace of the Human Race is based on the Heavenly Realm of the Gods, and the Heavenly Realm of the Gods is built into the realm of the Real Martial Realm and become the foundation of the Human Race!

Now that this matter has been more than half completed, the main power of the temple and the major gods of the gods have been driven out of the heavens of the gods.

The next thing that needs to be done is to clean up the remaining Protoss in the Heavenly Realm one by one.


As a group, return to the Palace of Wars.

Everyone stopped temporarily.

Standing in the air, thousands of people looked at this vast but simple-arranged Palace of the Gods of War. They were all moved and excited.

"I'm back." Huo Cang said slowly.

Three words are very heavy.

They are back.

However, there are still a group of disciples from the God of War Palace, who will never come back.

Before the start of this battle, everyone was prepared to be unable to return.

But most people are still back!

"Little Junior Brother, here is the new God of War Palace." Nie Ru looked at Lin Hao and said slowly.

The Palace of Wars has been moved here for twenty years, but due to the frequent wars with the Protoss, it has never stopped. Therefore, the new Palace of Wars cannot be deployed properly.


The people who went to Shenduan Mountain to join the war have returned.

The Lord of the Fourth Palace of the God of War is also back!

"Welcome the return of the four palace masters, and welcome me to the heroes of the palace, return!"

With a loud shout, it sounded from the Palace of God of War.

Immediately afterwards, all the people who stayed behind in the Palace of War God flew out.

Huo Cang watched this scene, full of pride in his heart, and shouted: "The gods are defeated, the gods heaven will be controlled by my human race, and the glory of my human race will kick off from this gods heaven!

And in this battle, all the people who participated in the war in the Palace of the Gods of War, fully display the style of the Palace of the Gods of War, and the Palace of the Gods of War, dare to be the first of the human race, and fight for the prosperity of our human race!

In addition, Lin Hao, the lord of the Fourth Palace of the God of War, has returned. After the battle to protect the true martial world, he brought the victory of this battle for my human race!

Today, congratulate my human race, congratulate me on the God of War Palace, and congratulate the Lord of the Fourth Palace on the God of War! "

Huo Cang's voice was loud and mighty, resounding for thousands of miles!

"Congratulations to my human race!"

"Congratulations to me from the Palace of War!"

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Fourth Palace!"

All the people in the Palace of the Gods of War were also impassioned, uttering a mighty sound in unison.

Sadness is heavy, you need to remember, just keep it in your heart.

What the current human race needs is this high morale, and everyone needs to know that all sacrifices and contributions are meaningful!

This scene infected everyone present.



A call sounded.

Lin Hao looked in the direction of the sound, his eyes were also slightly moist.

His father Lin Zhentian and mother Qin Yun flew towards him.

Both of them have ignited the fire.

But only twenty years have passed.

Both of them are much older.

It is conceivable that these two decades of searching and waiting have been so painful for them.

"Father, mother!"

Lin Hao shouted out these two words and took the initiative to meet the two.

Their family of three has gone through ups and downs.

When in Zhenwu Realm, the three separated.

Qin Yun suffered from lovesickness, and in the endless waters, she practiced the tactics of forgetting love.

Lin Zhennan fell into the hands of the Soul Blood Palace and was tortured for many years.

Finally, in the True Martial Realm, a family of three reunited, but the final battle in the True Martial Realm broke out, and their child Lin Hao disappeared for more than 20 years for the True Martial Realm and Human Race!


Finally, the family reunited in the heavenly realm of Shenxiao.

Qin Yun hugged her child, crying into tears.

Lin Zhentian was also extremely excited, choked up for a while.

Around, everyone in the God of War Palace became quiet.

Watching this scene quietly, they also felt the warmth in their hearts.

After a while, Lin Zhennan spoke: "Okay, don't cry, Haoer is back. This is a good thing. Our boy is the hero of our human race. We should all be proud of him!"

That being said.

But in Lin Zhennan's eyes, the tears of excitement still flowed.

Qin Yun reluctantly let go of the hand holding Lin Hao.

As the father, Lin Zhennan patted Lin Hao's shoulder heavily with one hand. He didn't know how to say a thousand words, and finally turned into three words: "Good job!"


In the next few days, the Palace of the Gods of War became extremely lively.

The group of people who went to Shenduanshan to fight on behalf of the Void Shrine also returned one after another.

The original team of Void Shrine were all from Zhenwu Realm.

Before the Void Shrine was really rebuilt, everyone was temporarily living in the War God Palace.

Tao Yuan, the dean of the Cangxing Martial Academy, Qi Huan, the pavilion owner of the Danbao Pavilion, Huang San, the Heavenly Sword of Qiandao Zongzheng, an old man of Tianji who used the nine channels of reincarnation, Liu Xiao, who crossed the sky, and The body is Xia Jiuyou of Nine Nether Sparrow.

Xia Jiuyou, although belonging to the Demon Race, did not enter the Demon God Palace like the Wolf Emperor of the Demon Emperor Mansion, and remained on the side of the Human Race.

There used to be many acquaintances in the True Martial Realm, and some had fallen in the battle of the True Martial Realm, such as Feng Wuya, Qin Wentian, Kuhai Shenni, Song Que and so on.

In addition, they have also fallen in the 20 years of fighting in the God Realm, such as Long Ming, the supreme elder of the Alien Dragon, Jin Yao, the patriarch of the Golden Ancient Clan, and Ren Qianliu of the Thousand Island Sect.

Now gathering in the Heavenly Realm of Gods, everyone is deeply moved.

In twenty years, everything has changed.

The only thing that has not changed is that they will continue to fight for the human race!

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