Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1763: God Slayer

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-three chapters

At this moment, Lin Hao had nothing to hide, controlling the changes in flesh and blood, and restored his original appearance.

The breath on the body is no longer hidden.

Lin Hao was actually a little grateful for this temple supervisor. This person had seen everything through. Fortunately, he should have not been long since he arrived. Otherwise, his entire plan may have been greatly changed.

As for Qilian Mountain and Sui Qianyuan, it is related to the temple's supervisory envoy, but it does not mean that they can continue to move freely in the Protoss camp of the God Realm in the next three days.

More likely, it was these two guys who belonged to the inspector, or the inspector of the temple wanted to keep these two guys for other purposes.

After all, there is Sui Qianyuan in Qilian Mountain, killing the gods of the temple and other gods, which is equivalent to completely offending the gods in the next three days of the gods, and there is no room for return.

At this moment, the eight gods of the Protoss are here.

The combat effectiveness is not weak.

"Shipo, our Protoss, we can let you go, Terran Lin Hao, we must die today." The temple inspector said.

The origin of Stone Break is very special, and its combat effectiveness is also terrifying.

If they struggled with Shipo, even if they could hold it back and then take advantage of the opportunity to kill Lin Hao, they would still be killed or injured.

The best way is to let Shi Po leave.

In this way, they could kill Lin Hao effortlessly.

Shiba looked calm, without the slightest fear, and said: "In the old days, I Shiba, the demon outside the battlefield, the blood-spattered land, the number of holy demons who died in my Shiba's hands exceeded the number of two palms. Today, the Protoss area Eight **** kings want me to retreat? Ridiculous!"

"Shiba, your situation, I know that your source of origin power is exhausted, and you are constantly being eroded by the power of the outer demon. Even if we can't suppress you, after a great battle, you will either be eroded by the power of the outer demon. To become a puppet of a demon outside the territory, or to choose to self-destruct.

Are you willing to end this way?

Don't you want to go back and see if you have been given up?

Die here, you will never get an answer! "

The temple inspector still did not dispel the idea of ​​using words to make Shi Po give up.

"If you want to fight, you will fight, why so much nonsense, we are born to exist for war, never avoid war, never retreat!" Shi Po shouted.

At this moment, Shi Po was full of black hair flying, domineering and strong.

Lin Hao frowned. At this time, he was indeed in crisis.

Own strength!

not enough!

Previously, the arrangement was heavily planned because of insufficient strength.

Now, again!

Upgrade, you must upgrade as soon as possible to avoid it, and this situation will happen again in the future!


In an area not far from this void.

Huo Cang and Yang Guang are still looking for their younger brother Lin Hao.

Suddenly, Huo Cang looked happy, and said: "I found the breath of the younger brother!"

Before, Lin Hao had been covering his breath, and it was too far away for Huo Cang to feel it.

But now, Lin Hao no longer concealed his aura, Huo Cang immediately noticed with the connection of the battle body.

"Little Junior Brother hasn't returned yet, but he took the initiative to release his breath. It must be a big trouble, Junior Brother Yang, I'll be one step ahead!" Huo Cang was first excited, and then immediately realized that something was wrong. To the place where Lin Hao's breath appeared.

And Yang Guang's speed wasn't much slower, he also saved the need to lock on the aura of his junior brother Lin Hao, just follow the aura left by Huo Cang.


In the area where Lin Hao was located, the eight gods of the Protoss, headed by the temple's supervisory emissaries, looked very solemn, and the stone could not retreat, so there was only one battle.

They all know the power of existence like Shipo. The Protoss once dispatched more than a dozen **** kings to kill a life like Shipo, but they were killed and injured by the opponent.

Of course, in this battle, they didn't have the idea of ​​having to kill the stone.

The most important thing is to hold the stone broken and take the opportunity to kill Lin Hao!

"Do it!"

The inspector of the temple shouted, the inspector in his hand, the big seal, turned into a mountain and a big mountain, hitting the rock.

The rest also shot.

A total of eight **** kings joined forces to attack, powerful and powerful, destroying the world.

From the stone breach, he let out a roar, his body soared, like a giant supporting the sky, his eyes flashed brightly, turned into two beams of light, and directly defeated two attacks.

Immediately afterwards, a little white light bloomed in the heart of Shi's eyebrows, and the next moment, a Daguan knife appeared in his hand.

Shiba held the Daguan knife in both hands and swept out.

The remaining attacks were all resolved by it.

The power of stone breaking is extremely strong.

Unfortunately, he is very restricted.

Can't leave Lin Hao for half a step, can't take the initiative to attack, can only defend, looking for opportunities, open a hole, and take Lin Hao away!

For this reason, Shipo continued to withstand the attacks from all directions from these eight **** king powerhouses of the Protoss, and his body also began to show injuries, a huge body, and cracks appeared one after another.

It can't attack, it can only defend, and it won't last long after a stone break.

As the state of Stonebreak began to decline, a **** king of the Protoss finally seized the opportunity, and a spiritual force passed through the defense of Stonebreak and descended on Lin Hao.

The spiritual force of the strong **** king is enough to crush any warrior in the true **** realm. Even the top existence of the **** king is crushed by the spiritual force of the strong **** king, and it can't bear it.

However, this spiritual coercion fell on Lin Hao, but it had no effect on Lin Hao.

This kind of power is aimed at the sea of ​​divine soul consciousness.

Lin Hao's Soul Consciousness Sea, which has been fused with the power of refining belief, has undergone an abnormal change. As long as he does not actively release his spiritual power, the spiritual power of the God King and Powerful will be pressured, and he cannot find his entrance to the Soul Consciousness Sea.

The expression of this protoss **** king flashed with a hint of surprise.

But at this moment, the Shiba who had reacted, severely chopped down the big pass knife in his hand.


The body of this protoss **** king powerhouse was directly cut into pieces.

His soul wants to escape.

The Protoss Supervisor has already taken the other six kings to launch a violent offensive against Shipo, to hold Shipo and give their people a chance to escape.

But at this moment.

The divine soul of that divine king and strong man let out a huge scream.

At the same time, Lin Hao's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth all overflowed with blood!

At that moment, Lin Hao exploded the power of his abnormally transformed spirit to the most extreme state, causing a very strong blow to the spirit of a strong king!

The warrior at the pinnacle of the true **** realm used his spiritual power to cause a severe blow to the spirit of the **** king powerhouse. This kind of thing is also unprecedented.

This is because the opponent's body was shattered by the stone, the soul was exposed, and there was no defense at all, and Lin Hao's soul consciousness had a very special change.

In this step, Lin Hao also suffered a serious backlash, and he was on the verge of breaking.

Although the impact on the soul of the **** of the **** race was not small, it was not serious.

This is the power of the Divine King Realm.

Lin Hao took such a big opportunity, fighting for his Soul Consciousness Sea to almost collapse, and only shook the opponent's Soul.

The reason for doing this is naturally not that Lin Hao felt that he could kill the King of Gods, but that he was creating opportunities for Stone Break.

Sure enough, it delayed the time for the **** of the gods to escape for a moment, and the stone broke a blow from several gods of the gods, and the Daguan knife slashed into the gods of the gods.


The storm swept through, the road shook, and a **** king fell!

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