Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1746: unprecedented

The first thousand and forty-six chapters

"Let's go, the battle outside has reached the fiercest moment." Shi Po said.

Lin Hao nodded.

There is no need to pay attention to this divine source stone ore vein for the time being. After the war is over, the Protoss will withdraw from the Heavenly Heaven Realm, and then arrange for people to come.

With a wave of Shiba's arm, the space shattered, and then he took Lin Hao into it.

After a while, the two appeared in an area where the king and the strong were fighting.

"Senior Shi, don't take action first." Lin Hao hurriedly reminded.

This battle is not right!

The top powerhouses of the human race and the **** race are fighting.

In the battlefield not far from Lin Hao, the **** king of the Tianqi God Ministry was still fighting with the **** king of the Tianyun God Ministry.

This is actually very easy to identify, and the clothing of the people of the gods of the gods are clearly distinguished.

Looking at this scene, it is clear that all of Lin Hao's deployment has not yet taken effect.

Before, he asked Jiang Chen to go to the God of War Palace and told all his plans to Huo Cang in the God of War Palace. Normally, the Human Race would not start such a battle with the Protoss at this time.

"Senior Shi, please help me cover my breath." Lin Hao said.

Although Shi Po didn't understand Lin Hao's plan, he nodded.

After the power of the stone breaking concealed Lin Hao's breath, Lin Hao released the power of the Zhenwu combat body to the extreme.

The average **** king might not be able to penetrate the concealment of the broken stone and feel the breath of Lin Hao.

But Lin Hao believes that his big brother can definitely do it!

His big brother Huo Cang has been cultivating the supreme fighting body for some time, and his strength is extremely powerful. Both the true martial fighting body and the supreme fighting body are related to the original war body.

Sure enough, Lin Hao soon felt a slight response.

Shi Po's expression moved slightly, and said: "Unexpectedly, in the next three heavens, besides you, there is such a special person in the God Realm."

"Senior Shi, that is my big brother, please take me another ride to meet my big brother." Lin Hao said.

At this time, rushing through the power of the stone will not only not be discovered by the gods, but also save a lot of time.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Shi Po brought Lin Hao and met Huo Cang in the void of the Heavenly Realm of Gods.

"Little Junior Brother!"

In Huo Cang's expression, a strong expression of excitement appeared. Apart from excitement, he stared at the stone with great vigilance.

He can't see through!

You know, Huo Cang's strength is already at the top level among all the **** king powerhouses in the God Realm in the next three days, and the **** king powerhouse that he can't see through, hardly exists.

But there was one in front of him, and he was still with his little brother Lin Hao.

He could not be sure what the relationship between this mysterious strong man and his little junior brother Lin Hao was, he had to be vigilant.


Lin Hao controlled the changes in flesh and blood, restored his original appearance, and rushed towards Huo Cang.

Huo Cang was relieved to see that Shi Po did not stop him, his eyes fell on Lin Hao, with satisfaction and excitement in his eyes.

Looking for more than 20 years!

Finally saw his little brother again.

A few days ago, Yang Guang found traces of Lin Hao's return, but he lost the trace of Lin Hao in the blink of an eye, and Huo Cang had been extremely worried.

Especially after learning of Lin Hao's plan from Jiang Chen's mouth, Huo Cang was even more worried that Lin Hao would be involved in this battle and encounter danger.

"Big brother, this is Senior Shiba." Lin Hao introduced Huo Cang.

"Senior Shi, this is my senior brother, Huo Cang, the palace lord of the God Realm Wars Palace in the Human Race for three days."

Shi Po nodded towards Huo Cang.

Huo Cang bowed his hand to Shi Po and said, "Thank you Senior Shi for helping my junior brother return."

In Huo Cang's view, his little junior brother is safe and sound, basically it is certain that this mysterious powerhouse named Shipo should help.

Shi Po lightly said: "I didn't help him, but he helped me."

Huo Cang looked surprised... looked at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao said: "It's a long story, but now it's inconvenient to talk more, big brother, what is the situation now?"

"Since you asked Jiang Chen to return to the Temple of War, and told me your plan, in order to cooperate with your plan, let the Wu Clan appear as soon as possible, so we took the initiative to launch this attack.

Moreover, under the siege of our God of War Palace and the Reincarnation Shrine and Yanhuang Shrine, most of the gods of the Tianqi, Tiansui, and Tianyun gods have gathered in one area.

Later, our human race will temporarily evacuate first. If the Tianqi Divine Tribe still has the Tian Sui Divine Tribe to take action on the Tianyun Divine Tribe, it should be soon.

Moreover, according to the news from the Qingxiao Heaven Realm, many **** kings of the Protoss have also quietly arrived at the Gods Heaven Realm. It is very likely that this is the arrangement of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Tribe. "

After Lin Hao heard this, he finally relaxed. It turned out that all this was a battle initiated by Huo Cang in coordination with his previous deployment.

On the side of the stone, listening to the dialogue between Lin Hao and Huo Cang, although Lin Hao's plan could not be guessed from these few words, it also felt that Lin Hao had already made careful arrangements for this battle long ago.

He became even more curious about Lin Hao in his heart.

Not only the talent is superb, but the mental calculation is also very powerful. Otherwise, how can a kid with the peak cultivation base of the true gods calculate this battle that swept a large number of gods.

"Little Junior Brother, I can't leave the battlefield for too long, otherwise, the Protoss is easy to be suspicious, go, I will take you there first." Huo Cang said.

Lin Hao glanced back at Shiba and saw that Shiba did not respond, so he said: "Brother, I am with Senior Shi, safety can be guaranteed, you don't have to worry about me."

After a while, the big brother Huo Cang will take the human race powerhouse out of the battlefield temporarily, but Lin Hao still intends to stay on the battlefield, so acting with Shipo is more suitable for his plan.

Huo Cang frowned, obviously uneasy.

Shi Po said indifferently, "With me, no one can hurt him in the God Realm for three days."

Lin Hao also said, "Brother, don't worry."

Huo Cang thought for a while, he really wants to rush back to the battlefield as soon as possible, and his little junior brother seems to trust this mysterious stone, so he nodded and said: "Little junior brother, remember, don't take any risks. After this battle is over, immediately return to the God of War Palace. Your second senior sister, your parents, and your companions in the True Martial Realm are all waiting for you!"

Lin Hao nodded heavily.

He also wanted to return to the Palace of War God.

Go back to meet those familiar companions and your parents.

After this war, I really want to go back!

Subsequently, Huo Cang left.

Lin Hao looked at Shi Po and said, "Senior Shi, let's go there too."

Shi Po nodded, and said: "I'm a little curious, what exactly have you arranged with the cultivation base of the true gods."

Lin Hao smiled. At this time, there was nothing to conceal. Tell Shi Po of these layouts so that Shi Po could follow his own layout.

When Lin Hao told Shi Po of his plan.

Shi Po did not speak any more, but he was silent, but his heart was extremely shocked.

Lin Hao, who was only at the peak of the True God Realm, had arranged such a precise calculation for a battlefield involving the human race, the **** race, and the witch race.

Shi Po realized that even without himself.

Human race will definitely win this duel between Gods and Heavens!

A young kid at the peak of the True God Realm has changed a battle that swept the three clans and may have participated in more than a hundred people in the King of War. This kind of handwriting can be said to have no ancients before, and no one to come.

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