Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1739: Mine action

Chapter 1739 Mine Operation

Lin Hao didn't ask about the origin of the taboo again, and this kind of thing is indeed not accessible to people of Bei Gongxiu's level.

"Where is the taboo of this **** source stone vein?" Lin Hao said.

Bei Gongxiu's temples still had eyelids throbbing, and a strong instinct of danger came into her heart, saying: "I warn you, don't fight that taboo idea, otherwise, everyone will die!"

"I ask, you say!" Lin Hao's tone increased and repeated.

"Lin Hao, tell you yes, but I have one condition. I want to leave here. I can swear that no news about you will be passed on!"

Bei Gongxiu knew that in her soul, there was a restriction set by Lin Hao, and her every move was under Lin Hao's surveillance.

After leaving the Heavenly Realm of Shenxiao, separated by a barrier, she didn't have to worry about Lin Hao's restrictions placed in her own sea of ​​divine soul consciousness.

In fact, this kind of restriction requires a relatively close distance, and the person who arranges the restriction can control everything at any time. Even if Bei Gongxiu has not left the heavenly realm of Shenxiao, he can regain freedom as long as he is farther away from Lin Hao.

The problem now is if she leaves without Lin Hao's consent, she is afraid that Lin Hao will directly urge the restraint and destroy her own soul consciousness.

Lin Hao thought for a moment. At this time, if Bei Gong Xiu is forced to be too cruel, he is not afraid that Bei Gong Xiuyu will die. Bei Gong Xiu has no courage, but after all, this is a temporary camp of Bei Gong family. If Bei Gong Xiu really is If you don't cooperate, you will be easily discovered.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Hao nodded and agreed to Bei Gongxiu's condition.

He needed the so-called taboo information in this source of the gods, because after entering the source of the gods and making a round, he realized that the method of destroying the detonation of the veins was almost impossible.

So, I can only take a risk.

See if you can use the power of that taboo.

To him, Bei Gongxiu was really useless.

Next, Bei Gongxiu immediately swore an oath, as long as Lin Hao lets her leave here, she will inform Lin Hao of all the taboo information here, and after leaving, she promised not to disclose any information of Lin Hao.

The martial arts oath is still very useful. No one dares to violate the oath arbitrarily, otherwise they will suffer martial arts backlash and be wiped out.

Next, Bei Gong Xiu said: "The taboo in this divine origin stone ore vein, only a few days ago, it was discovered that the entrance has been blocked by the big formation, and there have been many strong gods guarding it. You want to go from the entrance to the fork. There is no chance to sneak in.

However, I have a map of all the roads in this vein. "

With that, Bei Gongxiu took out a map, in which the routes crisscrossed and densely packed.

Bei Gongxiu pointed to a location on the map and said, "Here is the place where the taboo appears. If you want to go in without being noticed, you can forcibly break through a road from the nearest passage where the taboo appears.

In these passages, no **** source stone has appeared, so you will not meet anyone from our Beigong family. "

Lin Hao looked at Bei Gongxiu and sneered.

At this time, Bei Gongxiu was not so scared, and said: "You don't have to doubt me. What I told you is true. If you don't believe it, you can enter the place where the taboo appears and let me leave."

The reason she gave the map and told Lin Hao how to enter the place where the taboo appeared was nothing more than that she wanted Lin Hao to die here.

As for Lin Hao's touching of the taboo, which caused serious and high consequences and would kill everyone in their Beigong family here, Beigongxiu didn't care.

If you die, you die.

Just live by yourself.

More importantly, when Lin Hao died, he was finally liberated, and no one would know some of the things that Bei Gongxiu did.

Lin Hao collected the map, and then said, "How is the battle situation on Shenduan Mountain now?"

Bei Gongxiu said: "What was it before, what is it now, this battle didn't end so soon, you just entered here for a day, nothing has changed outside."


After the rest time was over, Lin Hao reentered the mine, still with the two protoss men before.

When dispersed from the crowd.

Lin Hao and these two protoss men followed the fork to the area where they mined the source of the gods yesterday.

"I don't know how long I will stay here. To be honest, I have had enough. Sometimes when I think about it, I think it's good to fight abroad. Kill a few more human races and exchange achievements for resources. It's dark here. It is too boring to secretly mine the source stone of the gods."

"Come on, although the overall strength of the human race is not very good, they are all ruthless characters. I participated in the battle and met a human warrior who had just entered the realm of the true gods. As a result, the guy fought with me for half an hour. It took a lot of effort to kill him.

I don't want to go to the battlefield anymore. Human race guys are all lunatics. Killing such lunatics is too dangerous. "

The two of you said a word, I said a word.

Lin Hao was silent and said nothing.

After another moment, Lin Hao felt that he could do it. Now that he had gone deep into this fork for a certain distance, there were some power fluctuations, which would not arouse the suspicion of the Protoss.

When the Protoss discovered something abnormal, it was already a day later.

In the next moment, a tyrannical divine power swept out of Lin Hao's body, covering the two protoss men.

The reason why the power of the original world is not used is because the fluctuation of the power of the original world is too special.

Even without using the power of the original world, killing these two protoss men would only take a few breaths.

After killing the two, Lin Hao immediately followed the route marked on the map of the source of the gods, and rushed to the forbidden area of ​​the source of the gods.

Without anyone noticing it, Lin Hao sneaked into an abandoned mine. Here, from the mine where the taboo appeared, and forcibly opened a passage, it was only about ten miles away. For Lin Hao, It can be done in a quarter of an hour.

Before doing it, Lin Hao took a deep breath.

This is a huge adventure.

If that mysterious life is really so terrifying and unable to communicate, once you touch it, you will also be at great risk.

Lin Hao decided to do this because he felt that there was a big problem.

These mysterious beings are so powerful and dangerous, even if the Protoss discovers them, but these mysterious beings are in deep sleep, and they are not so easy to be awakened. Why should the Protoss detonate the source of the gods in the first time and destroy these mysterious lives together?

Based on the hostile relationship between the Protoss and the Humans, they can completely leave this kind of divine source stone veins to the Humans so that the people can bear the disaster brought by the mysterious life.

Therefore, Lin Hao felt that this mysterious life either had an irreconcilable contradiction with the Protoss, or it might be related to the Humans!

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