Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1697: Migration plan

Chapter 1697 Migration Plan

Lin Hao got his wish and reaped a lot of benefits from the Tianqi God Department.

As for the artifact, although there is no Tier 5 or Tier 4, we also took three Tier 3 ones.

Two Tier 3 artifact long spears, and a Tier 3 artifact sword!

Qi Hong, who took Lin Hao to choose her baby, felt very distressed.

Because, in Lin Hao’s words, Tier 3’s divine weapon and sword are used to prepare for emergencies and explode people...

As for the use of Yin Su Yin Qin brothers and sisters, as well as the magical medicines that Feng Yan group of guys searched for in the name of healing, naturally they would not be given to these shamans.

When he came to the place where Lin Hao lived, Qi Hong said cautiously: "Master Yuan, if you have anything in the future, let me know and I will try my best to meet your needs."

Qi Hong is now instructed to keep an eye on this little ancestor who caused trouble. If there is another accident, the powerhouse of the false **** king who sits here in the Tianqi Divine Tribe will not dare to do anything to Yuan Xian, but he will definitely punish him!

"Don't worry, Envoy Qi Hong, I have always liked to be calm and reasonable. No one will provoke me, and I will not take the initiative to cause trouble." Lin Hao said without changing his face.

Qi Hong smiled and nodded...only he knew what he thought.

Enter the training room.

Lin Hao began to refine the magic medicine that had just been searched.

He has few injuries.

The loss of energy and blood burned before was nothing to him.

The abundant energy contained in the magical medicine was quickly refined by his real martial arts combat body to improve his cultivation.

At this level, one level of cultivation was promoted in one hundred and eighty years, and for many ordinary True God Realm warriors, it was considered fast.

Even if some top talents want to improve their cultivation base, it is normal to spend ten or eight years.

But Lin Hao is different.

He had obtained the power of faith in the real martial arts world, Qing Tianjun explained to him and stored the power of refining faith, and there will still be a rapid improvement period in a short time in the future.

Although Lin Hao's refining power of faith was completely gone in the battle that detonated the Tianmen twenty years ago, part of the power of faith after refining was completely integrated with his sea of ​​soul and consciousness. .

Coupled with the recovery that broke and stood up, he now has no bottleneck at all. As long as he has enough energy, he can raise his cultivation base!

While refining the energy in these magical medicines, Lin Hao was also thinking about what to do next.

Now, on the Human Race side, they definitely know that there are Witch Races in this area.

In order to calm people down, the Tianqi Divine Tribe might choose to evacuate this area. The reason why we haven't left yet is because it is waiting for orders from the person in control of the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

Now, the most important thing is to look at the human race, whether it can make a decision as soon as possible and launch an attack on this area before the Tianqi Divine Tribe leaves!

Lin Hao himself, for the time being, has no plans to actively contact the Human Race, so it would be easy to expose, and as Yuan Xian, staying on the side of the Witch Race and behind the Protoss army can do more!

Putting down these thoughts, and refining the magic medicine with all his strength, after three full days, all the magic medicines obtained by the search have been refined.

Although he didn't have a bottleneck in his cultivation for the time being, the energy required for each advancement of the true martial art battle body was far more than that of ordinary true gods.

Of course, the benefit brought by it is that every time he improves, his strength will also increase substantially!


Out of the training room.

Lin Hao discovered that in this area, the people of the Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe and the Wu Clan began to mobilize on a large scale.

And Qi Hong of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, guarding outside his residence, obviously made up his mind to watch this troublesome little ancestor.

"Envoy Qi Hong, what's the matter? Are you about to start fighting with Human Race?" Lin Hao asked.

"Yuan Shaoye misunderstood, the human race in this area has no worthy targets at all. Therefore, King Qi specially arranged another area for Yuan Shaoye to practice for you." Qi Hong replied.

Lin Hao frowned slightly.

It seems that the Tianqi Divine Tribe is going to pull the Wu Clan people and evacuated from this area.

As for Terran, it has not yet launched an attack on this side!

"Envoy Qi Hong, you should know that when we came this time, we didn't run around with your Tianqi Divine Ministry, we came to fight!" Lin Hao said.

"Don't worry, Master Yuan, the additional area arranged by King Qi can definitely meet the needs of Master Yuan for your experience. That area is the trace of the ten outstanding human races." Qi Hong smiled.

"Ten Terran Outstanding?" Lin Hao was puzzled.

Qi Hong smiled again, and said: "The ten outstanding human races are all talents from the real martial arts world of the human race, headed by Jiang Chen, a descendant of the human race that has not yet been reconstructed.

Each of these ten people are extraordinary talents. Although they are all true gods, they have teamed up to kill a powerful man in the false **** king realm of the Tianyun Divine Department.

Didn’t Master Yuan want to capture the Human Race Tianjiao and use it to practice the Witch Clan’s secret method? These ten people best meet the needs of Yuan Shaoye. "

There was a touch of excitement in Lin Hao's expression.

In Qi Hong's eyes, this was Yuan Xian's expression on finding his prey.

In fact, Lin Hao had another idea in his mind.

After inquiring again, I learned some more detailed information about the Ten Elite Human Race from Qi Hong, all of them are Lin Hao's old acquaintances!

Jiang Chen, Yu Jianxin, Wei Liang, Feng Dongyu, Su Yu, Chen Hui, Wu Hanfei, Qin Xinyao, Liu Ting, Ouyang Feier.

In addition to the ten outstanding human races, there are six heroes and nine heroes.

The six males were all top talents from the Yanhuang Temple of the Human Race, but Lin Hao didn't know them.

But Jiu Hao came from the Human Void God Realm, and was also Lin Hao's acquaintance.

Zhou Chengyun, Huo Yuanzhan, Zhang Mu, Di Lie, Ouyang Jing, Meng Chuci, Zhuo Feng, Zhou Huang, Shen Ao.

Six heroes, nine heroes, and ten outstanding men have become the thorns and thorns of the Protoss.

All of them have the record of killing the powerhouses of the Protoss Pseudo-God King Realm, and their fame is not only limited to the Gods Heaven Realm, but is widely known throughout the God Realm of the next three heavens.

Lin Hao's heart is very pleased!

Happy for these former close friends!

Also happy for Terran!

Lin Hao has always been very clear that Human Race has not been fighting alone, and there are countless people fighting like him.

Only in this way can the human race be able to sustain the fire forever.

No matter how powerful a person is, there are limits to what he can do, and he can only play a leading role.

Only when the entire human race is strong can you win the battle in this magnificent era!

"Emissary Qi Hong, since you know my plan, then, if you find clues about these human arrogances, you must notify me as soon as possible." Lin Hao said with a smile.

Twenty years...

It's also time to meet these old friends!

Twenty years ago, he fought shoulder to shoulder in the real martial arts world.

At this reunion, the battlefield is already the Heaven of Gods.

Twenty years ago, they guarded the Zhenwu Realm together and guarded the foundation.

When we gather again this time, we must win this final decisive victory for the human race!

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