The first thousand six hundred and eighty-eight chapters

Lin Hao really broke through, from the Eighth Layer of the True God Realm to the Ninth Layer of the True God Realm!

He didn't hide it anymore, because the combat power he showed as Yuan Xian was just the tip of the iceberg. He broke through and no one else knew his true strength.

The main reason for being able to make such a quick breakthrough at the level of the true gods is actually not in those cultivation resources, but Lin Hao has experienced a break and then stood up. He has a stronger control of power and has a lot of insights, especially the gods. The knowledge of the sea is completely integrated with the power of faith after refining, the soul is stronger, and the progress of cultivation is faster!

"Congratulations to Master Yuan for his breakthrough in cultivation. Be careful and disrespectful. I hope Master Yuan will not dislike it." The silver snake's voice came from a distance, and then there was a storage ring flying towards the area where Lin Hao was. Fell into Lin Hao's hands.

Lin Hao's mental power poured into the storage ring sent by Silver Snake. He was still satisfied. He laughed and said, "Thank you, Lord Silver Snake!"

far away.

The silver snake hid in a secret room, it was really afraid to go out.

But just now, Yuan Xian broke through and made such a big movement. If he didn't say anything, it wouldn't be justified.

Therefore, I could only endure my heartache, and took out some of the good things in my storage ring and sent it over.

"The True God Realm Nine Layers, it seems that I bet right this time!" Silver Snake said to himself.

Heartache, heartache, but also let the silver snake see Yuan Xian's potential!


And the next day.

In this outer sky, another powerful Wu clan arrived. This is Yuan Xian's ancestor, the man arranged by Yuan Xiao, the palace owner of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan, who specially gave Yuan Xian some life-saving treasures who participated in the war.

The person who came to deliver the goods, did not delay the time, and left directly.

Lin Hao was in the secret room, looking at the life-saving things Yuan Xiao had sent.

This turned out to be a group of spiritual power differentiation!

It doesn't matter to bring this thing around, Lin Hao doesn't worry about his secret being discovered.

He also has a lot of understanding of the method of mental power differentiation. As long as he doesn't trigger it, this thing is a dead thing and is of no use.

Even if it is triggered, as long as you don't have some suspicious behaviors, this group of spiritual power division bodies should not be able to discover their own secrets. After all, they are not Yuan Xiao's body of the **** king realm, and power induction and other things are greatly reduced!

It was a few days later.

The Silver Snake will summon Yuan Xian, Yin Qin, Feng Yan and others in his place!

The battle between the human race and the **** race has begun!

The time for the Wu Clan team to sneak into the heavenly realm of the gods has finally arrived!

The Wu Clan team is dominated by silver snakes from the pseudo-god realm. At the same time, there are two pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, more than 30 people in the **** realm, more than 300 people in the true **** realm, and more than 500 people in the divine fire realm.

Nearly a thousand people.

After the team was assembled, Lin Hao looked at Yinqin and said: "Remember what I said before, everything is based on my deployment, otherwise, if anything goes wrong, I want you to look good!"

The Silver Snake, who was the head, didn't hear it. He didn't call the shots anyway, and it had nothing to do with how these young masters and elder brothers would toss.

His task is actually equivalent to a nanny!

Take this group of young witches and Tianjiao out for a while, and then bring them back safely.

Before Yin Qin, she originally planned to find Yuan Xian to fight again after her injury recovered, but since Yuan Xian broke through to the Ninth Level of the True God Realm, she had lost this idea.

Yuan Xian of the Ninth Level of True God Realm, holding a Tier 5 artifact long spear, Yin Qin knows that he is no longer Yuan Xian's opponent, and now he can only endure it first, and wait for the meeting with Yin Su before teaching this arrogant Yuan Xian.


A group of people left from this outer space, passed a complicated teleportation array, and arrived at the God Realm half a quarter of an hour later!

As soon as he entered the realm of God, Lin Hao immediately felt a familiar breath!

He has entered the God Realm three times.

For the first time, I watched the big brother Huo Cang walking the road of the invincible king.

The second time, in the chaotic battlefield, he led the human imperial realm warriors and rushed into the chaotic battlefield to fight at the end of the gods.

The third time, twenty years ago, in order to disintegrate Lu Yi's Tianmen detonated the impact on the barrier between Zhenwu and God...

"Finally back!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart, a little excited.

This is where he should exist, this is his new battlefield, and here, there are many acquaintances of him!

"Hmph, no experience, the God Realm of this era is full of divine auras. Only the Protoss can absorb these powers. Don't waste your efforts." Feng Yan on the side could not help but say something.

It is not the first time Feng Yan has left Tianwaitian to come to the God Realm, so he still has some understanding of the God Realm.

In his opinion, even if Yuan Xian does not lack actual combat experience, he has never been to the God Realm to temper him and does not understand the God Realm at all. He looked at Yuan Xian a little distracted, and thought that Yuan Xian was caught by the divine nature of the God Realm. The anger was attracted.

Lin Hao glanced at Feng Yan, without warning, suddenly took a palm.

The huge handprints were pressed down.

Feng Yan's body couldn't withstand this power, and his body was suddenly blown apart, and his soul was lying on the ground.

"I hope you can remember this lesson. If there is another time, you can go away!" Lin Hao said lightly, and then withdrew his strength.

Feng Yan, who was reunited with his body, got up, lowered his head, stepped back to the side, and did not speak. Although the hatred in his heart was overwhelming, but now it is obvious that he is the one who suffers from the fight against Yuan Xian, so he can only endure it first!

Lin Hao made no secret of it, and sneered.

He knows the divine air better than Feng Yan!

This kind of power, in the general sense, can indeed only be used by the Protoss.

But in fact, after reaching the Divine King Realm, with the original world, you can also absorb these divine energy.

It's just that after reaching the Divine King Realm cultivation base, it is no longer useful to absorb divine aura, and their cultivation has nothing to do with divine power.

Therefore, the powerhouse of the **** king realm would not do such a thing.

But Lin Hao is different!

He has opened up the original world that only the strong of the **** king realm can have, and he can also absorb the energy of the gods!

He is still the cultivation base of the true gods, and the aura of divine nature is of great use to his cultivation.

Right now, there are people from the witch race. If he absorbs the energy of the divine nature, the flow of power will be found to be abnormal, so he just pretended to try it and created the illusion of failure, so he would no longer pay attention to these divine auras. gas.

Anyway, he has already come to the God Realm, and the God Realm will be his own brand new battlefield in the future, so there are plenty of opportunities to absorb the spirit of God!

Lin Hao and others had just arrived in the **** realm, and soon a group of strong gods rushed around.

A false **** king takes the lead, and there are more than a dozen strong gods, not many of them.

One of the strong celestial gods was Qi Hong who had previously entered Yuan Xian's outer heaven.

"Envoy Qi Hong, long time no see." Lin Hao said hello first.

Qi Hong also responded with a smile, and then the two sides introduced each other, and then the people from the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the team that led the Wu Clan to fight came to the edge of a huge mountain called Shenduan Mountain.

Along the way, Lin Hao felt a little heavy.

He felt countless fluctuations in the war, the human race and the **** race are fighting for life and death!

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