Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1665: Save people, sword

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-five chapters save people, sword

"Let's go." Lin Hao looked at Teng Fengxuan and said.

"Lin... Master Lin, where are you going?"

Teng Fengxuan did not call Lin Hao's protection **** again, but did not dare to call Lin Hao disrespectfully, so he called Lin Hao as Lord Lin.

When he said this, Teng Fengxuan was very nervous.

Lin Hao is leaving...

"Go save Teng Qingfeng." Lin Hao said.

He was very confused. Before, his subconscious mind told him that it took fifteen years to reunite with the flesh. He had accumulated the energy to barely reunite with the flesh, but he didn't know what to do next.

Since Teng Qingfeng was besieged by a beast and in trouble, he should save people first.

If you save people, kill the beast, and the beast has energy for your own use.

Your body, like a bottomless pit, needs energy.

When Teng Fengxuan heard that Lin Hao was going to save Teng Qingfeng, he became excited and said, "Thank you, Master Lin, Qingfeng is outside the barrier, I will lead the way for Master Lin."

In the past fifteen years, after accepting the worship of the Teng clan, Lin Hao also learned a lot about the Teng clan.

They come from the Early God Period and are a small branch of the Human Race.

In the period of Chushen, a great battle broke out. Among the Teng clan, all those who had a little cultivation base went to the war.

Before participating in the war, these warriors of the Teng clan set up a barrier to protect the clan.

In that battle, those who went out have never returned.

The temple statue that the Teng clan people have been worshipping also collapsed, and every time they tried to repair it, it would collapse...

There seemed to be some impressions in Lin Hao's consciousness of these words in the Early God Period, but he couldn't remember them.

Under the guidance of Teng Fengxuan, Lin Hao headed to the edge of the barrier.

On the way, Lin Hao looked at the surrounding environment.

It feels very strange, very strange!

He was trying very hard to think about what he had experienced before, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of it. His expression gradually revealed a trace of pain.

Although Teng Fengxuan felt that Lin Hao's condition seemed very wrong, he did not dare to speculate about Lin Hao's affairs, cautiously and maintaining the fastest speed, leading Lin Hao.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Lin Hao said.

Teng Fengxuan stopped and said, "Master Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Hao looked into the distance and said, "Then, what is it?"

Teng Fengxuan followed Lin Hao's gaze, and then a deep doubt appeared in his expression, and said, "Return to Master Lin, this is a sword."


Lin Hao repeated the word.

So familiar!

This kind of familiarity made Lin Hao feel that the sword seemed to be completely integrated with his life!

So, his right hand slowly stretched out, the palm of his hand was in the air, and he held it empty.


The next moment, a crisp sound of a sword sounded, and the sword stuck on the ground in the distance instantly turned into a ray of light and fell into Lin Hao's hand.

Start with the sword.

Lin Hao had an extremely cordial feeling.

This kind of feeling made him lose the restlessness in his heart because of the confusion!

Like a sword in his hand, he has everything, without fear of any difficulties!

Looking at this scene, Teng Fengxuan trembled in his heart!

This sword is just a very ordinary iron sword. It should have been abandoned here by the Teng clan. Under the wind and sun, it was rusty and decayed, as if it could be broken with a little force, but at this moment, When Lin Hao grasped this rusty sword, Teng Fengxuan felt an unspeakable edge!

A decayed sword.

Falling into the hands of Lin Hao, it will bloom with supreme edge!

"Master Lin used to be, perhaps a top kendo expert, maybe, maybe a sword **** expert!" Teng Fengxuan thought in his heart.

"Let's go."

Lin Hao looked at Teng Fengxuan and asked him to continue to lead the way, while he was on the way, holding this rusty sword in both hands and looking at it.

Looking at this sword, he felt calm inside.

Looking at this sword, scenes appeared in his mind.

These pictures are exquisite swordsmanship.

After these swordsmanship moves appeared in his mind, he didn't need to practice. Lin Hao had an intuition in his heart that he could use these swordsmanship moves at will to swing his sword, and he could perform the most perfect swordsmanship.

These ones……

As if it was his instinct!

When Lin Hao came to the edge of the barrier under the guidance of Teng Fengxuan, Teng Fengxuan said, "Master Lin, once you leave the barrier, you may encounter a beast at any time.

These years, thanks to the martial arts and martial arts bestowed by Master Lin, otherwise, the barrier that protects our Teng clan would have long been broken by the fierce beast. "

The enchantment of the Teng clan was laid down from the time of the First God, and no one knows how long it has passed since. More than ten years ago, this enchantment was already in danger.

As for the Teng clan, the inheritance of cultivation is severed, and once the barrier is broken, they will also be in danger of destruction.

Therefore, fifteen years ago, as the only priest of the Teng clan, Teng Fengxuan led the people to pray to the collapsed and dilapidated temple. A golden light penetrated the space and fell into the dilapidated temple. The members of the clan were agitated, so there were continuous sacrifices, and Lin Hao's consciousness contained in the golden light slowly recovered bit by bit.

After that, Lin Hao taught the people of the Teng clan how to practice. In the past 15 years, the strength of the Teng clan has been greatly improved, and it has been able to defend and kill the fierce beasts that impacted the enchantment.

Lin Hao nodded and walked towards the edge of the barrier.

Teng Fengxuan wanted to remind.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

In his line of sight, Lin Hao directly passed through the barrier and walked out.

Teng Fengxuan was shocked once again!

Enchantment is meant to prevent people inside from going out at will, and to prevent evil beasts from coming in.

If you want to get in and out, you must have corresponding control methods.

Previously, only the priest Teng Fengxuan of the Teng clan had a token that opened the barrier passage. Now that the practice has begun to spread widely among the Teng clan, they no longer need to use tokens, but can be opened through the seal of heaven and earth element force. Enchantment channel.

Teng Fengxuan has never mentioned how to use the Yuan Li Jiyin to open the barrier passage...

"Could it be that Master Lin had paid attention to the enchantment with spiritual power before, and then saw the scene of our Jieyin opening the passage?" Teng Fengxuan thought in his heart, but quickly denied this idea.

Because, what he saw just now was very clear, Lin Hao didn't have any power to touch this barrier at all, just pure... walked over!

I couldn't figure it out and didn't dare to ask, Teng Fengxuan immediately shook his head, suppressed all these thoughts, hurriedly formed seals, and opened the barrier channel.


And outside the barrier.

Lin Hao, who had just passed through the barrier, had a flash of light in his eyes, and his eyes were like the brightest stars.

Just now, he directly saw through the barrier, saw all the power flowing in the barrier, and then passed through the barrier naturally.

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