Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1633: Blood stained sky

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-three chapters blood stained the sky

Less than half a day after Lin Hao arrived in the Western Regions, people from the Central Region, the Southern Region, and the Northern Region also arrived one after another.

Two of the three powerful true gods in the middle domain came.

The True God Realm powerhouse in the Southern Territory, Kuangjuexin, also came.

Three true gods!

There are a total of 17 people in the Divine Fire Realm.

Lin Hao looked at the old man Tianji and said, "Senior Tianji, can you find the specific location of Zhenshi Shrine now?"

Before, the old man Tianji had only calculated that Zhenshi Shrine was hiding in the Western Regions, but could not determine the specific location.

The ancient golden tribe also has Tyrants. Although it is a chess piece on the human side, it is in the Zhenshi Shrine. The fat old man Song Que can know everything about the ancient golden tribe in Zhenshi Shrine, and Lin Hao can also know. Tyrant’s experience in Zhenshi Shrine could not be used to determine the location of Zhenshi Shrine.

And now, the old man of Tianji has also arrived in the Western Regions, and only with the secret technique of measuring the sky can find some clues.

"The approximate location is already known, but it is still impossible to completely determine where it is located." The old man Tianji said.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Please also ask Senior Chance to lead the way."

Although it is impossible to determine the specific location, it is enough for a general area to be determined. In this way, once Zhenshi Jingong starts their hands, they are nearby and can attack Zhenshi Jingong the first time.


Time, a little bit passed.

In the Zhenshi Temple, Xiao Yuan summoned Jin Yao, Tyrant, and Ice Lord Ouyang Fei'er to join in the hall.

Lu Yi is here too.

"Xiao Yuan, Lin Hao is nearby with someone, what are your plans?" Lu Yi asked.

Xiao Yuan sneered and said: "It's not to be afraid, the sky is to be turned to the extreme, they can't find the Zhenshi Temple, so they let them wait outside.

Once the celestial formation began to sacrifice the Zhenwu Realm, even if they found the Zhenshi Shrine, they would not change much. At that time, the Zhenshi Shrine was solid. Unless the people of the Chaos Shenhai take action, it is impossible to break the Zhenshi Shrine. Defense.

Lu Yi, I said it was done before, you are responsible for Chaoshenhai! "

"The old guy on the sea of ​​chaos, I, Lu Yi, can naturally handle it. I just want to remind you that at this critical moment, the Zhenshi Temple should not be out of the basket!" Lu Yi said.

Lu Yi’s deployment was destroyed one after another, and he failed to complete the ninth world to reach the Divine King Realm. He wants to swallow the aura of the entire True Martial Realm. Now he has to rely on the great array sky curtain of the Zhenshi Divine Palace. He was extremely concerned about the palace affairs, otherwise he wouldn't have his body staying on the side of Zhenshi Shrine. He would also hide a avatar of the King of God in the center of the sky curtain of Zhenshi Shrine.

Xiao Yuan looked at Ouyang Feier and said, "Ice Master, when the time comes, you will act together with the Overlord. I will explain the specific arrangements to the Overlord.

The Golden Emperor, your ancient golden tribe, is now the most important power of the Zhenshi Divine Palace. At that time, you will be responsible for dealing with the mob of human race brought by Lin Hao. "

After Xiao Yuan made arrangements one by one, he said: "In places like Zhenwu Realm, this palace lord has waited enough. After this success, this palace lord can finally return to the gods, hahaha!

As for the promise of the ancient golden tribe and the overlord, don’t worry, this palace lord will definitely do it!

Tomorrow, blood sacrifice to Zhenwu world! "


The next day.

Xiao Yuan entered the secret room where the core formation of the sky curtain of Zhenshi Divine Palace was located, and made a series of handprints with both hands and merged into the core formation of the sky curtain.

The chains intertwined with divine power around them bloomed with dazzling light, and the majestic energy in the eyes of the core array spread along these divine power chains and flooded the entire Zhenwu world!

"Finally, it's over!"

Xiao Yuan muttered to himself softly, and another handprint was printed as he spoke.


A huge roar sounded in this secret room, and the chains intertwined with divine power danced wildly.

At this moment, the vast array of sky covering the entire True Martial Realm was instantly in an extremely violent state, and the stars that acted as the eyes of the array were replaced by blood.

The rich blood light enveloped the real martial arts world!

At this moment, the strong human races who stayed behind in various areas did not hesitate to directly attack the sky!

Even if it can't destroy the big sky array, we must consume the energy of this big sky array as much as possible to reduce the casualties of the human race!

In the Northern Territory, Lin Hao, who was guarding the area near the Zhenshi Shrine, raised his eyes and glanced at the **** sky, his eyes flickered, and he shouted, "War!"

In the voice, there was a supreme edge and a fighting will to tear the **** sky apart.

At this moment, everyone noticed an extremely violent force appearing nearby. Obviously, that location was where the Zhenshi Shrine was!

Lin Hao stepped out and led three true gods and seventeen experts from the Divine Fire Realm to the Zhenshi Shrine at the fastest speed.

Zhenshi Shrine, which was originally hidden under the restrictions of numerous formations, has now appeared.

This is a magnificent palace with a mysterious atmosphere.

The surrounding area of ​​Zhenshi Shrine has also been shrouded by an extremely powerful formation restriction!

When Lin Hao led people to arrive.

A sneer came from Zhenshi Shrine.

"Lin Hao, what if you find it, the sky is already completely mobilized to the extreme, you can't do anything, you can only watch the True Martial Realm, being sacrificed by the palace master, hahaha!"

"Xiao Yuan, this is just the beginning, you are too early to be proud." Lin Hao yelled coldly.

"You can't even break the restrictions of the Zhenshi Shrine. Whatever you do will be futile, but I really want to see you struggling.

Tyrant, do it! "

The words fell, the overlord of the overlord, and the remaining ice lord Ouyang Feier among the twelve gods of the Zhenshi Temple, flew out from the Zhenshi Temple.

Both of them are in the large formation that envelopes the Zhenshi Temple, and they can carry the power of the formation restriction and exert a powerful combat effectiveness.

"Lin Hao, the lord of the palace will give you a gift first. You should like this gift very much, haha!" Xiao Yuan laughed wildly.

Lin Hao said, "I will accept this gift, let's do it!"

The next moment, Ba Tian acted instantly, the violent power of the true **** suppressed Ouyang Feier, and then rushed out of the formation and came to Lin Hao.

With a wave of Ba Tian raised his hand, he took out a jade card from Ouyang Feier, and even took the jade card he held and handed it to Lin Hao.

These two jade medals were bestowed by Xiao Yuan to Tyrant Tian and Ice Lord, and they could control a part of the power of the formation restriction around the Zhenshi Temple.

After Lin Hao got the two jade tiles, he snorted and destroyed the jade tiles directly.


The formation restriction around Zhenshi Shrine also suddenly oscillated and weakened a lot.

Xiao Yuan, the palace lord of the Zhenshi Shrine, was so angry at this time.

He did arrange for the Overlord to attack the ice lord Ouyang Feier, but it was to threaten Lin Hao...

But he never expected that the Overlord would directly take refuge in Lin Hao, completely disrupting his deployment.

An anxious Xiao Yuan, personally appeared in the big formation, extremely angry, and coldly shouted: "Batian, you will regret it!"

However, at this time, the overlord's body belonged to Lin Hao's spirit, breaking through that layer of disguise.

Xiao Yuan suddenly realized why Ba Tian had turned to Lin Hao.

"It turns out, Tyrant has always been your pawn, but do you think this can destroy the master's plan? You are too naive, the ancient golden race, go out!" Xiao Yuan shouted angrily!

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