Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1623: Body of the holy spirit

Chapter 1623: The Body of the Holy Spirit

Xiao Yuan was worried about being besieged by the powerful from all aspects of the human race. He did not dare to continue to delay time. His eyes flashed, his hands were connected with the seal, and the vast array of sky enveloped the real martial world, projecting a vast array of light, pouring into this void, next In an instant, Xiao Yuan took all of the ancient gold tribe and disappeared from here.

Jiang Chen and Tao Yuan looked at each other, and a smile appeared in their expressions.

Everything is proceeding according to plan.

They all knew that killing Xiao Yuan now had no meaning. Without destroying the sky, Xiao Yuan's origin could be reborn.


After a few hours.

When Lin Hao arrived in the Central Region, Jiang Chen, Tao Yuan, and Tang Lin, the leader of the Central Region Aristocratic Family Alliance, all gathered in a secret room, waiting for Lin Hao's next arrangement.

"Patriarch Tang, Director Tao, Patriarch Jiang, and the two main hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace have been removed. I have obtained the location information of the Soul Blood Hall remaining in the various sub-temples and the status of the members. Next, I will immediately deploy my strength to remove the soul blood hall. , Do it all!"

With that, Lin Hao raised his hand and waved the three light groups into the eyebrows of Tang Lin, Tao Yuan and Jiang Chen.

"Palace Master Lin, on the side of Zhenshi Temple, what should we do next?" Tang Lin said.

The Zhenshi Shrine is a big stone that weighs on everyone's hearts, especially the huge formation of the sky, monitoring the entire Zhenwu world, which is disturbing and panic.

"The ancient golden tribe is a bargaining chip for our human race, and Xiao Yuan is in urgent need of manpower now, and the ancient golden tribe will inevitably be reused by Xiao Yuan.

Therefore, we don't have to rush to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to Zhenshi Divine Palace for the time being, first find out some of the secrets of Zhenshi Divine Palace bit by bit.

Besides, there shouldn't be any movement in Zhenshi Shrine recently, and it will go away for a while. "

It’s not that Lin Hao is unwilling to attack Zhenshi Shrine, but now it’s not making any sense to attack Zhenshi Shrine. According to Mu Yiling’s words, the sky curtain covering the entire True Martial Realm penetrates the vitality of the True Martial Realm and is forcibly destroyed. , Zhenwu world will also usher in destruction.

Only when the Zhenshi Shrine sacrifices hundreds of millions of living creatures with blood from the sky, this super large formation will be separated from the Qi of the True Martial Realm, and it will be an opportunity to do it.

Before that, anything to do was in vain!

After explaining some things, Lin Hao set off for the Southern Region.


There is a simple wooden house beside a mountain stream in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains of the Southern Territory. The former mad master of Zhenshi Shrine lived in desperation, and the fire master Huo Linger lived here.

Wait for Lin Hao to arrive over this area.

Both Kuangjuexin and Huo Ling'er felt something and walked out of the wooden house.

"I have seen Palace Master Lin."

Kuang Juexin and Huo Ling'er saluted Lin Hao at the same time.

Lin Hao helped a lot in Huo Ling'er's recovery, and the two of them owed Lin Hao a great favor.

In addition to Lin Hao's fame, no one in the real martial arts knows, no one knows, the cultivation base of the emperor, the true **** who beheaded, have exceeded the number of palms, this strength is also awe-inspiring!

When Lin Haogang met Kuangjuexin, Kuangjuexin's body became a true god, and now, he is a true true **** powerhouse.

Huo Ling'er is a cultivation base who has first entered the Divine Fire Realm.

"You two don't need to be polite. I came here this time. I want to see if they know something." Lin Hao said, and then told about Mu Yiling.

Both Kuang Juexin and Huo Ling'er knew about the existence of Mu Yiling, and they told Lin Hao some news about Mu Yiling being imprisoned in the Zhenshi Shrine.

But the two of them don't know much about it.

When they heard Lin Hao say that Mu Yiling was detained at the core of the Tianshi Temple of Zhenshi Temple, there was a look of doubt on their faces, and they were very puzzled.

Suddenly, Huo Ling'er said: "I remember hearing Xiao Yuan occasionally mention that the huge sky formation can not only sacrifice hundreds of millions of creatures in blood, but also help him achieve the body of the Holy Spirit. I don't know if it is related to Mu Yiling. ..."

"The body of the Holy Spirit?" Lin Hao was suspicious.

Huo Ling'er said: "I don't know what the body of the Holy Spirit is, but I heard Xiao Yuan say that using the sky to sacrifice blood to the True Martial Realm is actually not good for him. This is just the deployment of the temple."

Lin Hao showed the color of thinking.

The reason why the temple arranged for this large array of sky curtains in the Zhenshi Shrine is easy to speculate. It is nothing more than that they feel that the True Martial God Emperor has left behind hope in the True Martial Realm.

The temple, in order to destroy these hopes, blood sacrifices to the true martial world, cut off human luck.

And since Xiao Yuan once said that the sky can help him achieve the body of the Holy Spirit, then it is very likely that it is really related to Mu Yiling, otherwise, Mu Yiling will not be suppressed in the Palace of Zhenshi Said such an important place!

Now I don't know what the so-called body of the Holy Spirit is, so I can only look for opportunities to inquire about the Void God Realm.

"Senior Mad, Senior Huo, thank you for your information!" Lin Hao thanked the two.

Kuang Juexin waved his hand and said: "Palace Master Lin, without your help, there would be no such thing as our husband and wife today, and besides, we have not helped much.

When Palace Master Lin decides you want to attack Zhenshi Shrine, let us know in advance, and we will join the battle! "


After saying goodbye to Kuang Juexin and Huo Ling'er, Lin Hao returned directly to the Eastern Cangxing Martial Academy.

Tao Yuan had already spread the information about where the remnants of the Zhenshi Divine Palace were hiding out to other areas, and began to arrange a clean-up operation. Lin Hao did not need to do these things himself.

After returning to Cangxing Wuyuan, Lin Hao thought for a while, and asked Liu Ting of Wuya Villa to take a trip to the God Realm Wars Palace on her behalf.

First, let Liu Ting help spread the message, let the people of the God of War go to the God Realm, contact the Temple of the North Palace Show, find out where Ouyang Feier’s soul lamp is hidden, and if there is a suitable phone meeting, bring the soul lamp back.

Second, let Liu Ting go to the Void God Realm to find out about the body of the Holy Spirit.

Today, Liu Ting has also entered the Emperor Realm cultivation base, and has good talent. Lin Hao arranged for Liu Ting to go to the God of War Palace. In fact, he also has some other ideas to let her get in touch with the Void God Realm. Maybe there will be a chance.

The reason why Lin Hao didn't enter the Void God Realm himself was because the situation in the True Martial Realm was really changing rapidly. He worried that if he left for a while, something big would happen in the True Martial Realm!

After these things were arranged, Lin Hao began to retreat.

In the First Battle of the Northern Territory, he excessively used the secret technique of the sword of rebellious life, and his life origin and the soul origin, and there was a great loss. Regarding the origin, he can't be careless. If he does not adjust and recover in time, even if his background is restored No matter how strong it is, it is easy to leave hidden dangers, which will seriously affect the future development of martial arts.

In addition to the life origin and the soul origin need to be restored as soon as possible, he also excessively consumed the power of the origin world in the First Battle of the Northern Territory, and urgently needs to be restored. This will be another powerful hole card of his that no one knows yet.

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