Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1620: Mutual calculation

The first thousand six hundred and twenty chapters calculate each other

The war between the Northern Territory Human Race and the Soul Blood Palace is still not over.

However, when Lin Hao rushed out of the endless void, he shouted the news of killing the two main hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace, and announced to all directions, the souls of the Soul Blood Palace people suddenly became disheartened and defeated the army.

There were originally five battlefields for the powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm, but now only four are left.

The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Blade Holy Land in the Northern Territory, as well as a group of imperial martial artists, at the expense of self-destruction, solved a **** fire realm powerhouse in the Soul Blood Palace.

Xia Jiuyou and Liu Jing, the lord of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land, originally faced two opponents respectively. Xia Jiuyou has already solved one, and Liu Jing also solved one with the help of Lin Hao.

Now, Xia Jiuyou and Liu Jing both have an advantage.

But the other two Divine Fire Realm powerhouses of the Northern Territory Human Race are at a greater disadvantage.

Therefore, Lin Hao immediately rushed to one of the battlefields. After arriving, he shouted: "Hold the other one!"

The Divine Fire Realm powerhouse of the Northern Territory Human Race who was fighting here immediately evacuated and rushed to another place for support, leaving the Divine Fire Realm powerhouse in the Soul Blood Palace to Lin Hao.

Even if Lin Hao's origin was severely depleted, he could deal with opponents in the Divine Fire Realm without much pressure, and within a moment of effort, he would behead a strong in the Divine Fire Realm in the Soul Blood Palace!

at this time.

In a hidden area near the battlefield, five figures emerged.

"The time has come, do it, buy time for the palace lord's actions!" One of them sighed softly, and the next moment, all five of them were illuminated with divine light, connecting with the stars that enveloped the sky in the northern region. .


The sky was a huge array, roaring, and power rushing, one after another tyrannical beams fell down, covering the entire battlefield.

This force did not attack anyone in the large formation, but blocked the world.

The purpose of Zhenshi Shrine was to let Lin Hao lead the Northern Territory Human Race and the Soul Blood Palace to fight both defeats, and then temporarily prevent Lin Hao from leaving the Northern Territory, and buy time for Xiao Yuan to lift the seal of the Golden Ancient Race over the Central Territory!

It didn't take long.

In the blocked battlefield, the battle was completely over.

Xia Jiuyou, Liu Jing, and the two other Northern Territory Human Race's Divine Fire Realm experts all gathered in front of Lin Hao.

Xia Jiuyou's condition is still a little better, but it consumes too much.

Liu Jing is seriously injured.

In addition to the serious injuries, there is another layer of trouble for the other two gods and fire realm powerhouses of the Northern Territory Human Race. Just now, the battle broke out with all their strength. The power of attracting the gods towards them is already extremely strong. Even if they can still resist, they can It won't take long before they must enter the Void God Realm!

Otherwise, they will be forcibly led to the God Realm by the force of attraction.

Last time, in the Eastern Region, the Soul Blood Palace joined forces with the Zhenshi Shrine, and Lin Hao led the Eastern Region Human Race powerhouse to meet the enemy. After the battle, Dan Baoge's pavilion Qi Huan had already faced this situation.

Every time a great war is set off, the strong human race in the real martial arts will face the hidden danger of attracting force in addition to the danger of falling.

The powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm in the Soul Blood Palace actually has this hidden danger.

Zhenshi Shrine did not have this concern.

"Palace Master Lin, what does Zhenshi Temple want to do now?" Xia Jiuyou asked.

After the end of the war, Zhenshi Shrine used the power of a large array of sky curtains to seal off the world, but did not launch any offensive. Not only Xia Jiuyou couldn't figure it out, but Liu Jing and the others couldn't figure it out.

Lin Hao naturally knew what Zhenshi Shrine wanted to do, so he said, "Regardless of them, take advantage of this time to adjust your own state!"

Xiao Yuan, the palace lord of the Zhenshi Shrine, was worried that when the ancient golden tribe's seal was lifted, Lin Hao rushed to the Central Region.

Lin Hao does what he wants.

Xiao Yuan didn't do it, and Lin Hao's plan could not proceed smoothly.

Although Xia Jiuyou and the others were still uneasy, seeing Lin Hao as sure as he could, they didn't say much.


In the domain.

The power of the large array of sky curtain controlled by Zhenshi Shrine is in an extremely violent state as a whole. In the dim sky, the stars are arrayed and the power surges, making the entire Middle Territory like a big enemy, the Middle Territory family Alliance strong, stand ready!

At this time, Xiao Yuan had already arrived in the middle domain.

He attracted the attention of all the top experts in the Central Region with the abnormality of the large array of sky, and then quietly came to the sealed place of the ancient golden tribe in the endless void.

A broken bell, floating in the void, connected to a piece of origin world.

The ancient golden tribe was sealed in this original world.

This bell is the original artifact that Xiao Yuan's ancestors held to ring the sky bell. This piece of the original world is also left by Xiao Yuan's ancestors after their fall.

Although the ringing of the sky bell and the original world have something to do with Xiao Yuan, he has no chance to control it.

The ringing bell contains the prohibition set by Lin Hao. Once the prohibition is touched, the dilapidated ringing bell will immediately collapse, leading to the complete seal of the original world of the ancient golden race!

Only Lin Hao can open the restriction without destroying the ringing bell, and freely enter and exit this original world.

In Xiao Yuan's view, the reason why Lin Hao didn't destroy the ringing bell and completely seal up this original world was obviously to find an opportunity to enter the original world by himself and conquer the ancient golden race.

After all, Lin Hao had already subdued the alien dragon and had already tasted the sweetness.

After replenishing his brain, Xiao Yuan's expression became serious, and with a wave of his hand, a bright divine light flooded into the ringing sky bell.

"Jingle Bell!"

Within the ringing bell, there was a crisp sound.

This piece of the original world that sealed the ancient gold tribe began to experience violent fluctuations.

Xiao Yuan's expression tightened, and he made a series of handprints. This was their Xiao family's method of controlling the ringing bell. Although it is impossible to completely isolate Lin Hao's prohibition in the ringing bell, it can also slow down the collapse of the ringing bell. speed.

As Xiao Yuan's handprints continued to be punched out, violent power fluctuations began to occur in a location trapped in the source world of the ancient golden tribe.

The world of origin is slowly opening!

But at this moment, a book with shining golden light appeared in the void.

The golden book turned into a huge seal, falling towards Xiao Yuan.

This huge golden seal fell down with a mysterious light, carrying extremely strong void power, and enveloped Xiao Yuan!

"Jiang Chen!" Xiao Yuan shouted angrily, his tyrannical power exploded, and the golden light shook violently.

At this time, a dazzling star appeared in the void, blending into Jiang Chen's power!

"Tao Yuan!"

"Lin Hao just arranged for the two of you to stare here, so I underestimated my Xiao Yuan!"

Xiao Yuan's anger sounded again.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Tao Yuan had both appeared in this void, with solemn expressions.

However, the strength of the two of them really couldn't restrain Xiao Yuan.

And at this moment, there were three more figures who rushed to this void. These three people are the three existing true gods of the Middle Domain Family Alliance!

After the appearance of the three powerful true gods from the Aristocratic Family Alliance, they also took action to completely trap Xiao Yuan!

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