Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1618: Great crisis

Chapter 1618: Great Crisis

Lin Hao's gaze stared at the body shared by the two hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace, the power of the supernatural eye, urging to the extreme.

The secrets that can be seen are very limited.

This involves the soul demon and blood demon cultivation secrets of the extraterritorial heavenly demon, as well as the power of the battle body of the God of War Palace, as well as other strange powers.

"Lin Hao, if you take the initiative to offer sacrifices, the master of this temple can promise you, and then eradicate the Zhenshi Temple, and protect the real martial arts human race for thousands of years!"

It was the soul palace master of the soul blood palace who was speaking, which is a very good distinction.

The previous Blood Palace Master had a relatively low voice, but the Soul Palace Master's voice was much sharper.

"You don't have to suspect that we will lie to you. Our Soul Blood Palace is different from Zhenshi Shrine. We are a human race and we don't work for the gods. This position has never changed. Lin Hao, this is your only choice."

A deep voice sounded, obviously, this is the Blood Palace Master talking.

Obviously it is a body, but there are two consciousnesses, the same mouth, and the words spoken, the first moment is the Soul Hall Master, the next moment is the Blood Hall Master, it seems extremely strange.

Lin Hao sneered.

In some respects, the Soul Blood Palace and the Zhenshi Temple were indeed not the same.

But the Soul Blood Palace, like the Zhenshi Temple, is not a good thing.

"Do you really think that winning is set? I am Lin Hao, undefeated!"

When the voice fell, Lin Hao slashed out in an instant, and the dazzling light gleamed in the sky-scarred sword, expelling the darkness of the endless void, sweeping the edge with a mighty power.

The hall master of the Soul Blood Palace gave a cold scream and slapped it with a palm. The divine powers of gray and blood were intertwined, turning into a huge palm print, crushing the sword light that Lin Hao had cut.


The palm prints carrying the aura of destruction were about to fall on Lin Hao.

In Lin Hao's mouth, a clear whistle was issued, all the power was returned to a sword, and with an extremely tough posture, he smashed this handprint and rushed towards the hall master of the Soul Blood Palace.


The hall master of the Soul Blood Palace suddenly swelled up like a sky-supporting giant, with blood-colored and gray divine power rushing towards Lin Hao who rushed in front of them.

The void collapsed, even if Lin Hao had a true martial body that could rival the seventh-order divine body, he could not withstand the pressure, and his body was blown up!

Fortunately, he had already used the secret technique of the Sword of Rebellion, and he immediately recovered, maintaining his peak state, and slashing with his sword.

Before Lin Hao used the secret technique of Sword of Rebellion, he could withstand no less than twenty physical collapses and maintain his peak state.

But just now his body collapsed once, and he noticed that his life origin and soul origin were extremely damaged.

The combined attack of the two hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace is very special. The damage to the life origin and the soul origin is much greater than the damage caused by the divine power of other true gods.

If this continues.

At most ten times, the secret technique of Lin Hao's Sword of Rebellion would fail.

"The Emperor Realm can cut the true god, so what, in front of us, there is still no resistance!" The voice of the blood palace master sounded.

The shrill laughter of the Soul Palace Master followed.

The tyrannical force once again destroyed Lin Hao's body.

Lin Hao's situation has become quite dangerous at this time.

If he continues to fight like this, when the life source and the soul source are consumed to the maximum extent, and the Secret Technique of the Rebellious Sword fails, he will be weak to the extreme, and he will lose the strength of the first battle.

But now, even if he exploded his power to the extreme, he was indeed not the opponent of the two hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace.

And the original world that belonged to the **** king and the strong could not contain the two hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace.

The armor of the God of War is even more unusable!

It seems that for the present plan, there is only one, and that is withdrawal?

But how to withdraw?

There is no way out!

The two main hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace appeared today. Once Lin Hao withdrew, they would inevitably start a monstrous killing in the Northern Region.

Just as his thoughts were turning, Lin Hao's body collapsed again.

This is the third time!



Lin Hao's physical body soon ushered in the fifth collapse!

"I don't believe it, you can keep going!" The shrill voice of the Soul Palace Master sounded, and he was laughing wildly and proudly.

"Emperor realm cultivation base, you have this level of physical body, you can imagine how powerful your Dao is, but after today, everything you have is ours, hahaha!" The lord also laughed.

The two of them occupy an absolute advantage at this time.

Under this circumstance, they didn't think Lin Hao had any chance of comeback.

With a blast, Lin Hao's body collapsed for the sixth time.

Both the origin of life and the origin of souls have been consumed more than half, and the consequences will be disastrous if they don't want to deal with it.

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, his fighting spirit was extremely high, even at such a disadvantage, there was no fear in his heart.

The more dangerous you are, the more you have to keep your head calm. Once your thoughts are all messed up, it is even more impossible to think of a solution.

All the pictures of the previous life, and all the past after the rebirth in this life, turned into light and shadow, quickly passing through his mind.

It is not that he has no way, but he is unwilling to use the method he can think of.

Ignite the divine fire and use the power of the sealed divine king in his body, both can resolve this crisis and turn defeat into victory.


"Are you going to light a sacred fire?"

Lin Hao felt a little unwilling!

Lighting the divine fire, he has absolute confidence, crosses a big realm, straight into the true divine realm, and solves the two hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace easily.

But in that way, Zhenshi Shrine would contact the shrine, and the power of the attraction came, and he would no longer be able to stay in the true martial world to fight!

If he left the real martial arts world.

The human race of Zhenwu Realm was completely unable to deal with Zhenshi Shrine and Lu Yi.

In addition to igniting the divine fire, the seven sealed powers in his body can also be used, but Lin Hao is unwilling to use these powers to deal with the two great hall masters of the Soul Blood Palace who are only equivalent to the strength of the true god.

The power of the king is the ultimate bargaining chip against Lu Yi!

But if it really reaches the moment when it can't hold it, you can only use the power of the sealed seven gods.

At least, after using the power of the **** king, he can continue to stay in the true martial world.

After igniting the sacred fire, you can no longer stay in Zhenwu to fight!

At the moment when Lin Hao's body collapsed and reunited for the seventh time, a flash of light flashed in his mind!

He thought of the big brother Huo Cang, the scene when he walked the road of the invincible king, the power of the source world, gathered in a punch, Qilian Mountain, the master of the Tianqi Divine Tribe who punched him, had no power to fight back!

"Yes, the Origin World can not only be used to trap the enemy, the power of the Origin World can also be turned into other attack methods!" Lin Hao said inwardly.

The picture of his big brother Huo Cang defeating Qilian Mountain's punch in the first moment flashed through his mind again and again.

Then, Lin Hao thought of the experience of mobilizing the power of the original world in the space to fight with the mark of true martial arts in the skymark sword when picking the crystal fruit in the chaotic battlefield.

A trace of comprehension came to mind.

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