Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1400: Qichuan's means

The first thousand four hundred chapters of Qi Chuan's means

Lin Hao and Tan Ming approached where Qichuan was.

Although Qi Fang’s Soul Body confessed some things honestly, he couldn’t ask about some deep-seated things about the Protoss. Obviously, even if this guy belongs to the God Child of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, his strength lies here, and he can’t reach it. The real core thing.

For Qi Fang's honest cooperation, Lin Hao naturally knew that this guy felt that he could not deal with Qi Chuan, he wished he would fight Qi Chuan immediately, and then he had a chance to survive.

Just as Lin Hao and the others were about to approach the area where Qichuan was located, more than 20 subordinates of Shenzi Qichuan were besieging a group of Void God Realm Human Race warriors.

There are more than ten human warriors in this group, and they are all in very bad condition.

Three of them were disciples of the God of War Palace that Qi Chuan had pursued for a long time.

The others came to support the three people in the God of War, but they were unsuccessful and were trapped by the people in Qichuan.

The person Qi Chuan most wanted to find was the guy who broke his plan and fled him embarrassedly, but he never found it. Therefore, he poured all his anger on the other human races in the Void God Realm. On the warrior.

Every Void God Realm human race warrior who was caught by him would endure extremely miserable torture.

Among the more than a dozen warriors of the Void God Realm human race who were trapped by his people, in addition to the warriors of the three God of War Palace, there are also six or seven guys who participated in the war in the channel that Qichuan was responsible for. Qi Chuan not only There is an incomparably big resentment towards Lin Hao, and towards these people, there is also a deep hatred.

At present, there are more than 20 people following Qichuan's command and fighting. These more than 20 people are the elites of the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

Although the three guys in the God of War are not weak, the three of the people in the God of War have been chased by him all the time, which consumes a lot of money and are all injured. The rest of the Void God Realm human race warriors are all of ordinary strength.

But Qi Chuan deliberately slowed down the rhythm, directing the elite of the more than twenty Tianqi Divine Tribes, slowly besieging!

Qi Chuan is waiting for the support of the Void God Realm Human Race warrior. Once someone comes, he arranged for another group of Tianqi Divine Tribe elites hidden nearby to appear, and the Void God Realm Human Race warrior will appear here. , Catch it all in one go.

It's better that the **** guy will show up too!

Suddenly, Qi Chuan frowned, and he sensed Qi Fang's breath fluctuations, very quickly.

"Something happened to the sixth man!" Qi Chuan suddenly had a judgment.

"Don't procrastinate anymore, make a quick decision!" Qi Chuan shouted.

But just as his words fell, a powerful sword light came across the sky.

With a scream, one of Qi Chuan's subordinates of Tier 3 Divine Body was beheaded by a sword.


Immediately afterwards, another round of scorching sun emerged, falling among the warriors of the Protoss, and exploded, flying a piece of warriors of the Protoss.

Zhuo Feng of the Sword God Palace, Di Lie of the Flame God Palace, the two brought more than a dozen warriors of the False God Realm Human Race to support!

"It's just right, I, Qi Chuan, will let you come and go today!" Qi Chuan yelled, and suddenly, in all directions, the breath of more than 30 gods warriors emerged.

Qi Chuan arranged to ambush the elites of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, all of them were dispatched. This time the harvest has been considered great. Together, they wiped out more than 30 Void God Realm Human Race warriors in one fell swoop.

A few of them are true elites of the younger generation in the Void God Realm!

Zhuo Feng and Di Lie, who had just come to support, knew that they had been hit, and immediately burst out with the most powerful force, ready to blaze a trail of blood!

But this time, the people arranged by Qichuan are very powerful. The worst is Tier 2 Divine Body. There are more than 20 Tier 3 Divine Bodies, and three Tier 4 Divine Bodies. They are very powerful, just for a moment. Several people have fallen.

Regarding the situation here, Qi Chuan no longer worries about it. As for Qi Fang’s secret method to contact him just now, Qi Chuan didn’t care at all. He didn’t bother to pay attention to it. If he died, he would die.


On the other side, Qi Fang's Soul Body was violently twisted.

Just now he used a secret method to sense the location of Qi Chuan, and quietly moved some hands and feet, how could he hide Lin Hao's perception?

After tidying up Qi Fang's Soul Body, Tan Ming coldly shouted, "The next time I will kill you!"

Qi Fang’s soul body became more transparent and illusory, and he shouted: "I dare not, I will never dare anymore. Qi Chuan knew that something was wrong with me, but did not take the initiative to use secret methods to contact me and look for My position, he wants to die by me!

Two, as long as you promise to let me go, I will help you deal with Qi Chuan. Since he can't save him, then I will use his death in exchange for my life! "At this time, Qi Fang's tone was also spiteful.

Just now, he used the secret method to interact with Qi Chuan and deliberately moved his hands and feet, but until now, Qi Chuan has not used the secret method to find him, Qi Fang's heart is desperate!

"Just like you, can you help us deal with Qi Chuan?" Tan Ming sneered.

"I can, I definitely can, two, Qi Chuan is not willing to save me now. That's because only he knows that I have an accident, but if I have an accident in front of a group of people in our Tianqi Divine Department, he can't help but save. , Otherwise, Qi Chuan himself will be finished!" Qi Fang explained.

Tan Ming looked at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao nodded.

"Hmph, I warn you, it's best to keep me tricks, if I find something wrong, the first one will destroy your soul!"


Following Qi Fang's induction of Qi Chuan's position, they continued to move forward. Soon, Lin Hao and Tan Ming stopped. They were fighting in front of them, and the power fluctuations caused by the fighting were extremely violent.

"Two, Qi Chuan must be besieging your Human Race Martial Artists in the Void God Realm now. You trade me for those Human Race warriors, and Qi Chuan will definitely agree!" Qi Fang made a living.

Lin Hao said: "Go!"

He and Tan Ming immediately increased their speed to the fastest speed and rushed to the place where the battle took place.

As for what Qi Fang said, it was one way. This guy didn't care about anything in order to survive.

Of course, Lin Hao also has his own ideas, and everything happens by chance!

After a while, Lin Hao and Tan Ming could already see the fierce battle ahead with naked eyes.

"Brother Zhuo, Brother Di!" Tan Ming suddenly looked nervous.

He and Zhuo Feng,   Di Lie, joined the battle in a chaotic battlefield channel. The three have a good relationship. Now, Zhuo Feng and Di Lie have been attacked by the warriors of the Protoss. They are at a huge disadvantage and may fall at any time!

Lin Hao frowned. He didn't expect the situation here to be so severe.

At this time, Qi Chuan also discovered the arrival of Lin Hao.

Suddenly the anger was widened, and a group of elite warriors from the Tianqi Divine Department who were besieging Zhuo Feng and them flew over to Lin Hao.

"You are finally here, I have been looking for you!" Qi Chuan's gaze flashed with incomparable murderous intent, staring at Lin Hao, gritted his teeth.

"Fifth brother, save me!" At this moment, Qi Fang's Soul Body, who was controlled by Tan Ming's power, shouted loudly.

Qi Chuan frowned, looking at Qi Fang's Soul Body, his face became extremely ugly.

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