Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1398: Capture the god

Chapter 1398: Capture the Son of God

"Brother Tan, I will deal with some small trash fish first, and then control Qi Fang!"

Lin Hao's spiritual thoughts transmitted the sound, the next moment, the figure suddenly rushed out, and he slew towards the front, cut out with a sword, and immediately killed two people, tearing the encirclement circle, and tore a hole.

However, Lin Hao didn't mean to run away. His backhand swept again with a sword. Several protoss warriors were cut off and severely injured.


Tan Ming shouted violently, the domineering sword light cut out, and also took the opportunity to kill a protoss warrior.

The other seven warriors of the human race were not in good condition, but none of them hesitated, exploded directly to the limit of power, and killed them towards the warriors of the **** race.

Qi Fang, a Tier 4 divine body, looked at all this outside the battlefield and didn't care.

No matter how many people died, he still didn't believe that, just how big a storm this group of Void God Realm warriors could set off, there were only two stronger ones, and the rest were vulnerable!

For those two stronger ones, Qi Fang didn't believe that the two of them could reverse the situation!

Tan Ming was quickly entangled by two Protoss warriors of Tier 3 divine body.

On Lin Hao's side, there were three protoss warriors of Tier 3 Divine Body surrounded. At this time, there were already five Tier 1 and Tier 2 Divine Body that died under Lin Hao's sword!

The three warriors of the **** race of the gods of the gods, confident that they can take Lin Hao, the three of them were in a triangular position and attacked towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, the sword light that diffused from the sky mark sword was even more dazzling!

The seventh turn of the nine turns against the sky, the yin and yang against chaos!

The terrifying sword light flooded these three third-order gods of the Protoss warrior, and the area where the sword light was diffused, blood spattered.


Lin Hao stepped out, rushed out of the area filled with sword light, and headed towards Qi Fang who was watching the battle.

Qi Fang frowned, realizing that he had somewhat underestimated the strength of this Void God Realm human race warrior.

But for Lin Hao rushing towards him, Qi Fang didn't take it seriously, and sneered coldly, "I'm looking for death!"

Qi Fang took a palm shot, and immediately countless purple crystals condensed, turned into a huge amethyst spear, and shot towards Lin Hao.

He mastered the Amethyst Divine Canon, and the Purple Blood Clan who descended to the southern region of the True Martial Realm was created based on this divine method.

Qi Fang's use of this amethyst tome is countless times more powerful than that of the purple blood clan guys!

Lin Hao slashed on the amethyst spear.


The amethyst spear exploded, and Lin Hao continued to rush towards Qi Fang at unabated speed. At this time, Qi Fang's complexion finally changed slightly, and he drew back, an amethyst armor covering his whole body, and at the same time he took out a piece of The arrow of blood hurled towards Lin Hao.

The blood stained on the arrow contains extremely huge energy. Obviously, this drop of blood comes from the powerful existence of the Protoss.

The energy contained in the blood turned into a huge phantom, exuding a terrifying aura. The arrow was held in the hand by the phantom, and it came towards Lin Hao, as if to penetrate the space of this virtual **** realm. !

That drop of blood definitely belonged to the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm, otherwise, it would be impossible to possess such a might.

At this moment, Lin Hao no longer hesitated, his divine power broke out!

Although the rules of both parties are that the strong of the gods and fire realm will not participate in the battle, the burst of divine power is not restricted, because the divine power is contained in the divine weapons. In the hands of some top geniuses, even those with the true **** level can be The explosion of divine power is not weak, and Lin Hao's use of divine power at this time will not cause any doubt!


There was a terrible explosion, the roar spread, and the corner of Lin Hao's mouth was bleeding, and he rushed out of the storm of power.

The king of the gods is indeed powerful, but what Qi Fang uses is just a drop of the blood of the king of gods, and it will not crush Lin Hao!

Seeing his strongest trump card, Qi Fang failed to kill Lin Hao, and started to panic, turning around to flee.

But Lin Hao had already caught up at this time, cutting down with a sword.

"Crack, click!"

The amethyst armor on Qi Fang's body was covered with cracks and then exploded.


Qi Fang let out a scream, his body flew out, and then another strong sword energy fell on him, Qi Fang's body exploded into blood mist.

Lin Hao raised his left hand and slapped it out.

Between the five fingers, the power rushes, the four attributes of earth, fire, water and wind flow, and then evolve into chaos, control the world, evolve Lin Hao's impeccable emperor road, and seal and suppress Qi Fang's soul!

This is the Sealing Technique of the Four Elephants that Lin Hao has used many times. As his power reaches the Emperor Realm now, this seal technique has also undergone tremendous changes. It is not difficult to suppress Qi Fang, who is only left with the spirit. .

"You... you let me go, I can let others go!"

Qi Fang's spirit, trapped by Lin Hao's sealing technique, roared.

However, Lin Hao didn't even look at this Qi Fang any more. He turned around and went back to the battlefield!

Although Qi Fang is a descendant of the top **** king Qilian Mountain, he is obviously not too much valued. The team of protoss warriors led by him is not strong. There are only five third-order divine bodies, and there is no one who breaks the limit of the road to the emperor.

Lin Hao killed three Tier 3 divine bodies before, and there were two others, which were held by Tan Ming. After Lin Hao turned back, he fought one sword at a time.

After that, Lin Hao and Tan Ming went to support other human warriors. After a while, the battle ended.

Fortunately, Tan Ming had a clearer understanding of Lin Hao's combat effectiveness.

However, the seven Void God Realm human race warriors who had just merged were shocked. Nine of them, facing more than 20 protoss warriors, none of them fell. Except for the leader of the **** race warrior, all the others were Annihilate!

Tan Ming looked at the shocked expressions of these people in front of him, and thought of his reaction when he saw Lin Hao's fighting strength at that time, which was similar to this group of people.

After the First World War, the movement generated by the battle here will inevitably attract many protoss warriors to come, so every time you start, after the battle is over, the first time is to evacuate!

Lin Hao squeezed Qi Fang's spirit in one hand, led the crowd away, looking for a hidden place, and then stopped.

"I know who you are!"

Qi Fang's soul body, shouted.

However, no matter how he shouted, it was useless. This area was blocked by Lin Hao's power.

Lin Hao frowned, thinking that Qi Fang had guessed his true identity, but the next moment he knew that he was thinking too much.

"You must be the guy who defeated my fifth brother and created the chaotic passage!"

"Hmph, you better let me go, otherwise, my elder brother Qi Xiao will definitely not let you go!"

Lin Hao stared at Qi Fang's soul body. It turned out that this guy, not only a descendant of the top **** king Qilian Mountain, is actually a brother to Qi Chuan!


Lin Hao let out a cold snort, and a tyrannical force directly tore Qi Fang's soul apart.

This guy is already a prisoner in his own hands, so he dared to threaten him. If it wasn't for keeping him a bit useful, he would be gone!

After the reunion, Qi Fang's soul body showed an expression of incomparable pain. Lin Hao tore his soul body once, but it was much more honest.

"Where is Qi Chuan now?" Lin Hao said coldly.

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