Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1362: encounter

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-two chapters encounter

Lin Hao just took action, although it only solved the protoss warrior who had killed them in an instant, it also caused quite a stir.

Even in the dark night of the chaotic battlefield, mental power cannot be used, but the fluctuations in sound and power can still be noticed.

At this time, Lin Hao had heard several whistling noises in his ears, and there were obviously protoss warriors who had already sensed the movement here and were coming quickly.

"Brother Qi, there are a lot of enemies coming, you should retreat first." Lin Hao looked at Qi Jingchun and said.

Qi Jingchun hadn't sensed anything yet, but he didn't have the slightest doubt about Lin Hao's words. Lin Hao not only had better fighting power than him, but also had stronger senses. He didn't even react just now. Lin Hao had already stopped the opponent. Assault and counter-kill the opponent is enough to prove this point.

"Are there many people?" Qi Jingchun asked worriedly.


"Can judge the approximate strength?"

Lin Hao shook his head. When his mental power was unavailable, he only heard the whistling sound caused by the opponent's rushing on the road, and he could not judge the strength of the opponent based on this.

"Brother Lin, the protoss warrior must have another plan at this side road, otherwise it is impossible for so many protoss warriors to lurch in a side road. Let's withdraw first, and immediately go to other people to help and catch them all!” Qi Jingchun said.

Lin Hao said: "There is no way to withdraw, they have already arrived."

Qi Jingchun's expression changed again, and he finally sensed the noise caused by the other party's rushing, and then five protoss warriors appeared in the passage in front of them.

"Hmph, I thought it was a big fish, but I didn't expect it to be just two ants!" A protoss warrior with seven layers of emperor realm said with contempt in his eyes, disdainfully.

"Don't care if it is a big fish or an ant. Since they have broken through, kill them as soon as possible, so as not to break a major event." Another protoss warrior with the seventh emperor realm snorted coldly.

While they were talking, in the fork on the side of the passage behind Lin Hao and Qi Jingchun, two more protoss warriors from the sixth level of the emperor realm rushed out, blocking their way back.

Qi Jingchun's face was pale.

The situation was instantly out of control.

The five protoss warriors in the front and the two in the back, he and Lin Hao, had fallen into a state of being under attack.

Moreover, among the seven warriors of the **** race, two are seven in the emperor realm, four are six in the emperor realm, and one is five in the emperor realm. Even if they are the weakest first-order gods of the **** race, in Qi Jingchun's view, this is not his own. Can deal with Lin Hao.

After all, his Qi Jingchun is only the sixth level cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, and it is very difficult to deal with the weakest Emperor Realm five-fold God Race warrior.

Even though he knew that Lin Hao's combat effectiveness was very difficult, he could never be one enemy six!

"Brother Qi, be careful." Lin Hao exhorted.

Qi Jingchun gritted his teeth and nodded, and said, "Brother Lin, you have more potential than me. I will spell out an exit. You try to get out!"

With Qi Jingchun's strength, the only way to make an exit is to blew himself up!

Lin Hao said, "Brother Qi, I have not yet reached this point."

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, these two human boys, it's time for them to think they have a chance to survive?"

"To be honest, I like to watch the human race guys play such a tragic scene. It is very interesting to watch these ants struggling in front of a mortal ending."

"To tell you the truth, I'm still in the mood to play with you in normal times, but now..." The strongest Emperor Realm Seventh God Race warrior didn't finish speaking, and he immediately shouted coldly: "Quick battle, kill!"

In the next moment, this seventh-level protoss warrior in the emperor realm suddenly shot Lin Hao with a palm.

In Lin Hao's eyes, a cold light flashed, a sword pierced out, the sword was swift, and the sword tip position revealed a whole world!

With this sword, he came out with the world!


A terrifying explosion sounded, and the palm prints slapped by the seven-layer protoss warrior of the Emperor Realm suddenly exploded. The face of this person changed drastically in an instant, and he immediately retreated.

But when this person withdrew and retreated violently, Lin Hao had already started to speed up, rushing to him.

The sword of nirvana, without me!


The Sky Mark Sword pierced into the center of the eyebrows of the seven-layer warrior of the Protoss Realm, and penetrated from the back of his head.

Lin Hao flipped the wrist holding the sword, and endless sword energy erupted from the sky scar sword, shredding the man's head.

This guy, when he was in danger, still had a trace of judgment, his soul escaped into that headless body.

Lin Hao’s sword moves are consistent, slashing at the same time, and his headless body is also split into countless pieces. The soul hidden in the body has no place to hide, exposed to the chaotic battlefield of the night. in.

The dark red light rushed like a tide, and swallowed all the soul in an instant.

All this happened extremely fast, and the remaining six protoss warriors were all dumbfounded.


"Go together!"

The other seven-tiered protoss warrior of the emperor realm that was stuck in front of Lin Hao and Qi Jingchun immediately took the remaining three emperor-sixth protoss warriors, and at the same time, they killed Lin Hao.

And the two Emperor Realm Sixth Divine Race warriors who were blocked behind were killing Qi Jingchun.


A domineering sword light flashed past Qi Jingchun, killing Qi Jingchun's two six-layer protoss warriors in the emperor realm. Under the power of that sword light, one of them was instantly wiped out, and the other, although still alive, could The body was also split in half, and the damage was not light.

Qi Jingchun didn't hesitate, taking advantage of this opportunity, he shot a round of crooked crescent moon in his hand, killing the six-layer gods warrior of the Emperor Realm who had been hit hard.

Lin Hao just backhanded a sword to help Qi Jingchun alleviate the crisis, and the four warriors of the Protoss race who had killed him had already rushed in front of him.

Four majestic powers of heaven and earth had already descended on Lin Hao.

Lin Hao let out a cold cry, and with his power to walk more than four hundred miles out of the impeccable emperor's road, if he faced a protoss warrior with seven layers of emperor realm alone, he could definitely suppress the opponent's power of heaven and earth.

But the opponent is four people after all, and the strength of the four people is combined, Lin Hao can no longer rely on the power of Wuwei Dilu to resolve these offensives.


Along with Lin Hao's cold drink, the blood in his body surged, making the sound of surging rivers and seas, surging!

The power of the battle body also broke out at this moment.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth that had come to him was instantly shattered!

The eyes of the four warriors of the Protoss who had already reached Lin Hao were full of shock.

Lin Hao took this opportunity to make another sword move.

Nirvana swordsmanship, broken sky!

Countless sword qi whistling, this passage, in the blink of an eye, turned into a sea of ​​sword qi!


There were screams, and the four Protoss imperial realm warriors besieging Lin Hao. Under these sword auras, they had absolutely no power to parry. Their bodies were pierced by the sword aura, cut, splashed with blood, and the blink of an eye suffered extremely. Serious injuries.


The Seventh-layer Protoss warrior of the Emperor Realm hurriedly yelled, and he dared not fight anymore, and evacuated to the passage behind him.

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