Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1346: Black Mark

Chapter 1346: Dark Demon Seal

After spending some time and unable to see any useful information from the demon gas that gave birth to the demon clan, Lin Hao's heart moved, and the power to suppress the three holy realm peak demon clan exploded.

After the demon fell, Lin Hao raised his hand and grabbed the three pure demon qi in his palm, compressing it into three small dots.

Then in Lin Hao's palm, the power of heaven and earth surged, completely destroying these demonic energy.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of sword aura tore the demon aura that gave birth to the demon clan, and Lin Hao made a new discovery.

After all the devilish energy was torn apart, there was a strand of pitch-black ink inside.

The inky black lines gave Lin Hao the feeling, very similar to the mark of Zhenwu.

"Could it be that it is this thing that continuously gathers demon energy. This is the root of the birth of the demon? This line that is very similar to the mark of Zhenwu is like a seed, and the demon energy that absorbs the concentration is this one. Seeds take root, germinate, and bear fruit, and the fruits that they bear are all demons?"

Lin Hao's thoughts turned fast.

The mark of Zhenwu was transformed by the collapse of the avenue after the fall of the Emperor Zhenwu. It has gone through nine rebirths of the Zhenwu realm without dispersing!

The dark lines that gave birth to the Demon Race have been suppressed by the Mark of Zhenwu. That is to say, the Dark Demon Mark has also gone through the nine cycles of the Zhenwu World without dispersing!

Could it be that the existence of the powerful demons such as the True Martial God Emperor was left behind after the death?

Perhaps, the Demon Clan that left this dark mark is not as good as the True Martial God Emperor. After all, a strand of True Martial Imprint suppresses a strand of dark devil mark, and the Dark Demon Mark cannot be born.

Of course, it is also possible to be stronger than the Zhenwu God Emperor. After all, there have always been demons in the Zhenwu world, and it is obvious that the Zhenwu Seal has not suppressed all the dark magic marks.

At this moment, Lin Hao felt that he seemed to have come into contact with a big secret again. This big secret should be closely related to the True Martial God Emperor. Otherwise, the True Martial Imprint left after the True Martial God Emperor’s fall would not be used in large amounts. Suppress the black mark of the birth of the demons!

This is a battle between two powerhouses at similar levels!

These are all guesses for the time being.

What is already certain is that this pitch-black magic mark is the root of the birth of the demon clan, and the number of this kind of magic mark also determines how much magic energy can be gathered.

Like the majestic devil qi that was found at the beginning, which was comparable to the true **** powerhouse, it was suppressed by the three strands of true martial mark, and the devil qi was wrapped in three strands of pitch black demon mark.

A wisp of black magic mark, the gathered demon energy, equivalent to the level of the peak power of the emperor, can give birth to a large number of demon races, but the demon race born is the strongest at the level of the peak of the holy realm.

In other words, the group of demon energy that was discovered at the beginning, the demon race that can be born, is the strongest at the level of the Divine Fire Realm.

This information is very important. It is related to the control of the situation when collecting the True Martial Marks in the future, and the ability to predict the approximate strength of the demon clan that can be born after the True Martial Mark is extracted, and the demon energy suppressed by the True Martial Mark can also be prepared in advance. .

Lin Hao took away the jet black magic seal and tried to destroy it, but found that the jet black magic seal could not be destroyed at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao threw the black mark and magic mark into the dantian world. The world in the dantian was a means that only the strong of the **** king realm could have. It should be no problem to suppress this black mark.

Moreover, at present, Lin Hao could think of only one way to suppress this dark mark.

As for the Zhenwu mark just drawn, Lin Hao incorporated it into the damaged Tianshen sword.

The Mark of Zhenwu can enhance the sharpness and sturdiness of the Tianhen Sword. At the same time, Lin Hao can also feel the way of the Emperor Zhenwu through the Mark of Zhenwu. Although the Great Way of God Emperor contained in the mark of Zhenwu is compared with the complete way of God Emperor. It was just a drop in the ocean, but it also helped Lin Hao's martial arts.

At that time, I have collected the Crystal God Fruit, and when I saw Qing Tianjun, I needed the True Martial Seal to heal the strong man in the Chaos God Sea with the Crystal God Fruit, and just strip the True Martial Seal from the Tianshen Sword.

Rush out from the ground and return to the ground.

Lin Hao decided not to collect Zhenwu Marks temporarily.

Now, relying on him alone, once encountered the dark magic mark that can continuously give birth to the peak power of the emperor realm, it has been extremely difficult to deal with.

However, the True Martial Realm Continent, the Eastern Region and the Southern Region have just experienced a war with a foreign race not long, and they are now in a period of rapid increase in strength, and it is not appropriate to immediately start a war with the demons.

Moreover, Lin Hao can be sure that, regardless of Lu Yi's arrangement of the base camp in the endless sea, there are definitely many other players on the mainland of Zhenwu Realm!

Lu Yi is also eyeing the Zhenwu Mark. If a battle against the Demon Race is set off now, it will be impossible to hide Lu Yi about the Zhenwu Mark, and things will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

Therefore, the best way is to first go to the Void God Realm, look for the Crystal God Fruit, Sansheng Stone, and Bigan Flower, and wait for these to be prepared before handling the Zhenwu Seal.

The Eastern Regions and Southern Regions have now taken over the great luck. There will be a large number of martial arts breakthroughs every day, and their strength will increase extremely rapidly. At that time, Lin Hao will have more powerful people to help him and attack the demons with thunder. After Lu Yi got the news, maybe Lin Hao had already solved the hidden dangers of the demons.


Lin Hao is going to Zhiyuanya Qin's house.

Along the way, he determined the specific locations of eleven locations that had the mark of true martial arts to suppress the black demon seal. Among them, there were five locations where a strand of true martial seal suppressed a strand of dark demon seal.

The Zhenwu seals in these five locations were all taken away by Lin Hao and incorporated into the Skymark Sword, while the pitch black magic seal was thrown into the Dantian world to suppress.

There are also six locations, five of which are suppressed by two true martial seals. Once the true martial seal is removed, the demons at the peak of the emperor realm can be born.

At the last location, there are four Zhenwu marks to suppress.

According to Lin Hao’s speculation, the inky black demon seal suppressed by the three true martial seals can already give birth to the demon clan of the Divine Fire Realm. The four true martial seals suppressed...Obviously, once the four true martial seals are taken away, there will be a true **** level The Mozu is born!

This also proves that Lin Hao's decision is correct. It is true that he cannot do it now. Otherwise, if the news leaks, Lu Yi forcibly removes the mark of Zhenwu. I am afraid that the entire Zhenwu world will be caught in an endless war!

After arriving at Zhiyuanya Qin's house, Qin Zhong and Qin Xue were naturally shocked by the aura that appeared on Lin Hao.

A few months ago, when Lin Hao left the Southern Territory, he had just broken through to the Ninth Level of the Holy Realm.

In less than half a year, he was already a powerful emperor.

Qin Zhong has entered the third stage of the Emperor Realm, but facing Lin Hao, he has a very strong intuition in his heart that he is too far behind Lin Hao!

"Hao'er, did you find the eldest sister in the endless sea this time?" Qin Xue asked, looking a little nervous.

Lin Hao nodded, and said, "Uncle, Aunt Xue, I have found my mother, but because my mother is now in a critical period of breakthrough in cultivation, it is not suitable to leave the endless sea within this year, and wait for my mother to complete the breakthrough. After that, I will pick her up again."

Qin Zhong and Qin Xue didn't doubt anything. According to Lin Hao, their siblings could be reunited in about a year anyway, and both seemed very excited.

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