Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1322: Broken statue

Chapter 1322 Broken Statue

"Lu Yi, forcibly open the gate of heaven and lead the gods to come, can you bear the consequences?"

Long Cang roared and stood in front of Lu Yi, his expression full of tension!

Lu Yi wants to completely open the sky of the True Martial Realm, then, after this, the God Realm exists, and he has no worries about coming to the True Martial Realm.

The existence of the God Realm has always been extremely hostile to the Human Race.

The existence of the Void God Realm is to open up a buffer place for the conflict between the True Martial Realm and the God Realm, and to maintain the power of the Void God Realm has made countless efforts.

The Protoss on the other side of the God Realm needs to pass through the Void God Realm if they want to come to the True Martial Realm.

In the Void God Realm, thirty-six divine palaces are guarded, always defending the God Realm Protoss.

But once Lu Yi opened the Heavenly Gate, the meaning of the existence of the virtual **** realm disappeared.

The Protoss descends, destroys the True Martial Realm, and then enters the Void God Realm from the True Martial Realm, the Void God Realm will also be in danger of destruction!

"Originally, I didn't plan to do this, but now that there are so many things beyond my control, then I have no worries.

As for the consequences?


Between this world, including the Nine Heavens God Realm, what are the consequences that Lu Yi cannot afford? "

A crazy look appeared on Lu Yi's face.

At this time, both sides of the war had stopped.

Ren Qianliu's face was very ugly at this time.

Like Lu Yi, he had already made many changes. Lu Yi's strength was beyond his expectations, but the appearance of Long Cang was also beyond his expectations.

Fortunately, these two existences that were not under his control were restrained by each other, otherwise, his plan would have been shattered long ago.

But now, Lu Yi is about to open the gate of heaven and lead the gods to come, and Ren Qianliu also knows the serious consequences of this matter.

Even if he broke the taboo and forced the existence of the taboo to make a move, it would not help. When the time comes, not only himself, but the entire Thousand Island Sect, and the entire True Martial Realm human race will fall!

The Zhengtian Sword he had entrusted before could not bear this heavy burden!

The power of attraction from the gods continues to come, Long Cang, as well as the divine fire realm powerhouse on the Thousand Island Sect side, already need to use a powerful force to suppress the power of attraction, unable to do their best.

The same is true for the powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm that Lu Yi brought, but their situation is better. A total of nine Divine Fire Realm powerhouses retreated to Lu Yi's side. Lu Yi has the means to help them cover some of their breath. The strength of the God Realm to withstand is not as much pressure as opponents have to face.

As I saw it, the cracks in the sky became more and more obvious.

At the same time as the power of God Realm's attraction became stronger and stronger, everyone could even see through the crack and feel several powerful auras hovering around the crack!

Once the crack opens, the existence of the gods will immediately descend!

"Everyone, today's battle is related to the survival of the Zhenwu Realm. If it is dragged on, no one can think of a way to survive!" Long Cang took a deep breath, shouted, and the next moment, he turned into a 10,000-meter golden dragon and headed towards the sky. The middle door rushed away.

Qianliu, the director of the Thousand Island Sect, also made a domineering cut, and his power was stronger than before.

The True God powerhouse of the Qiandao Sect, and the three powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm, also resisted the attraction of the God Realm and attacked the sky, trying to prevent Lu Yi from opening the Heavenly Gate!


That ten thousand-meter-long golden sky dragon was unparalleled in power. In an instant, it smashed a strong man in the divine fire state brought by Lu Yi. The golden dragon claws ripped apart the soul of the strong man in the divine fire state. A ray of fire squeezed!

After hitting the present, the powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm has finally fallen!

Lu Yi snorted coldly, that huge white jade portal projected a phantom, suppressing a strong **** fire realm in the Thousand Island Sect. In turn, the strong fire realm he brought, the two rushed out and took it The powerhouse suppressed by the phantom blasted and killed!

The second **** fire state level has fallen!

The True God-level Supreme Elder of the Thousand Island Sect shot down in the portal and the portal shook. At this moment, the crack in the sky burst out with a cold snort, an unmatched divine power, through the cracks, the Thousand Island Sect The true **** powerhouse flew, his body exploded!

"Give me all my strength, otherwise, Lu Yi will fail, and you will never want to get any benefits!" Lu Yi yelled, and suddenly, at the location of the crack, three figures forced through the crack.

These are the three top powerhouses of the God Realm Protoss!

The Heavenly Gate has not been fully opened yet, and these three powers of the God Realm and the Protoss can only descend with a ray of spiritual power manifestation, but these three spiritual power manifestations are overwhelming!

The ten thousand-meter golden Tianlong roared and rushed towards a manifestation of spiritual power!

The Qiandaozong's reorganized true **** level elder also rushed towards a manifestation of spiritual power.

Ren Qianliu also faced the manifestation of the spiritual power of a Protoss powerhouse alone!

In addition to Long Cang, Ren Qianliu and the True God-level Supreme Elder of the Thousand Island Sect were at a huge disadvantage, and those who were suppressed could not fight back.

Originally, Lu Yi brought nine experts from the Divine Fire Realm, but one was killed by Long Cang, leaving eight.

Thousand Island Sect was counted as Qianliu, as well as the four Supreme Elders, and there were five Divine Fire Realm experts.

One was killed just now, and now Ren Qianliu and their most powerful true **** Taishang elder, each dealt with a manifestation of the powerful existence of the gods, only two people were left, facing the eight divine fire realm. Siege of the opponent!

It won't be long before these two people will be besieged by each other.

If it weren't for the fear of the two elders of the Thousand Island Sect who were too high on the fire, they would not dare to force them too hard, and they wanted to deplete their strength little by little, otherwise, the two of them would not be able to hold on for a moment.

At this moment, the imperial realm powerhouses on both sides also had no room for action.

They couldn't get in at this level of war at all.

Lu Yi raised his head and looked at the crack in the sky. The craziness on his face had been suppressed, and he had restored the previous look of everything under control.

"Lu Yi, quickly and completely open the gate of heaven!" A loud shout came from the crack.

Lu Yi snorted coldly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I will let you come when it is time to let you over. The Heavenly Gate is in my hands. You are not qualified to order me Lu Yi!"

It is true that Lu Yi didn't really want to open up the real martial world, but only used the gods of the gods.

The gods of the gods are not stupid, but they are still willing to fight. Naturally, there are other factors.


In the space of the No. 1 Emperor Island Stele in the ninth district.

Lin Hao, who had already stepped into the emperor realm cultivation base, followed the sudden call and walked forward in this void space.

After a while, a statue appeared in front of him.

The statue is a stalwart man standing in an empty space.

Covered with countless cracks, there is only one arm, and there is a big transparent hole between the chest and abdomen. The remaining arm carries a big sword full of cracks.

Lin Hao stood in front of this statue.

He felt a vicissitudes and tragic breath permeating from the statue.

The statue is dead.

But at this moment, Lin Hao looked at the statue and said, "Since I am called to come, then show up."

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