Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1317: Ren Qianliu's purpose

The first thousand three hundred and seventeen chapters Ren Qianliu's purpose

"The disciple sees Master!"

In the first district, in the magnificent palace of the sovereign, there are only two people, Su Yu and Ren Qianliu.

"Get up." Ren Qianliu said while looking at Su Yu with a touch of relief on his face.

"Master... the disciple came this time, one is to apologize. During this period, the disciple made claims without the master's permission. If the master wants to punish him, no matter what the result is, the disciple will have no complaint. ; Second, the disciple wanted to dare to ask Master, what is Master's plan in the current situation of the Thousand Island Sect?"

Su Yu got up and looked at Ren Qianliu who was sitting above, with open eyes.

Ren Qianliu said: "You did a good job, not only innocent, but also meritorious.

As for what you want to know what you are doing as a teacher, knowing it now is not good for you. "

"Master, the disciples originally thought that they would disrupt the situation and defeat the enemy in the chaos, but now they find that everything is kept in the dark..." Su Yu said.

"To win in chaos, you have done a good job. Not only did you force all the hidden guys out, you also gave the teacher a chance to shoot in advance.

You will know what you want to know sooner or later, not in a hurry.

For the next thing, don't participate anymore, just go to retreat and practice once. "

With a wave of Ren Qianliu's arm, Su Yu disappeared from the hall.


Sending Su Yu away, Ren Qianliu slowly stood up.

Then, a somewhat rickety old man, carrying a sword, walked into the hall.

"Old Huang, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have entered here since the incident happened two thousand years ago." Ren Qianliu smiled faintly.

The person who came was the first sword in the North Sea, Huang San, the Zhengtian sword.

Old Huang looked at the layout of the hall and said: "Sect Master Ren remembered correctly. Although this is the first time I have stepped into this place in two thousand years, everything here is exactly the same as before."

"It's different." Ren Qianliu smiled and said: "I'm here, it's different."

"What's the difference between you doing this and two thousand years ago?" Huang Lao sighed.

"Naturally, there is a difference. Two thousand years ago, they wanted to take advantage of taboos, and I, Ren Qianliu, wanted to break all this!

The so-called taboo, the strength of strength, is not something we can use at all.

But why do we keep guarding taboos?

The Thousand Island Sect has been a taboo gatekeeper for countless thousands of years, but what has it gained?

Does the existence of taboos really consider our safety?

The nine channels of reincarnation, the ninth cycle of reincarnation, this is the last life. Taboo and the nine channels of reincarnation are inextricably linked. In this life, what will happen and what storms will erupt, we all know nothing!

Rather than wait and gamble, it is better to break these taboo doors and let those guys in the taboo guard their own doors!

Our Thousand Island Sect, we are no longer the gatekeeper!

Didn't Lu Yi just come for Taboo?

Then let those guys in the taboo come into direct contact with Lu Yi, and let them resolve their grievances by themselves!

Thousand Island Sect, why be caught between them?

Why need to survive in the cracks?

Why bother to bet that let the existence of the taboo have mercy on us and give us a small chance to survive the disaster?

For countless years, the significance of the existence of the Thousand Island Sect is to guard a gate for these taboos. After this time, the Thousand Island Sect is no longer the gatekeeper, and every Thousand Island Sect will live for himself!

Martial artist, along the way, has gained powerful strength. If you can't live happily, if you can't live for yourself, what's the point? "

Ren Qianliu sighed and said a lot, with a passionate tone, and a touch of madness in his expression!

Old Huang was silent for a long time before he said: "Breaking the taboo, no one can predict the consequences."

"I waited for more than two thousand years to plan this. Lu Yi's appearance is also in my plan. At that time, our enemy will not be Lu Yi, and Lu Yi's target will no longer be us. Let them fight and fight, what does it matter to us? Even if the forbidden door is broken, the existence inside, regardless of the Thousand Island Sect’s gatekeeping efforts over the years, wants to anger us, so why? There are countless people in the Thousand Island Sect to fight!

In my life, as long as I can accomplish this thing, I will have no regrets, but if this thing is done, the Thousand Island Sect will disappear, and it will lose all meaning.

Mr. Huang, since you have picked up the sword again.

Then I believe that you have also made a choice.

If I succeed, Thousand Island Sect will usher in a magnificent scene.

If i fail.

The Thousand Island Sect should also get rid of the fate of the gatekeeper, everyone can choose their own path.

Of course, if it fails, I hope you can help Thousand Island Sect and save some fire! "

Huang Lao didn't say a word, turned and left.

Ren Qianliu looked at the back of Huang Lao leaving, a smile appeared on his face.

He knew that even if he failed, Zhengtian Sword Huang San would still keep the fire of Thousand Island Sect!


After Huang Lao left.

Ren Qianliu came to a forbidden area in Qiandaozong.

In the forbidden ground, four figures filled with extremely powerful aura.

There were originally five elders of the Qiandao Sect, but only four remained at this time.

One true **** is strong, three gods are strong.

When Lu Yi appeared after this, the old man with the strongest aura in the true **** said: "My old bone, I don't know what evil is in it, and I would be willing to accompany you so crazy."

Ren Qianliu smiled and said, "Perhaps, this is the thought that every person who has known the meaning of Thousand Island Sect's existence for countless years has had in his heart."

The true **** old man smiled, "Is that the same with Huang San?"

Ren Qianliu nodded and said, "He knows more than we do. Therefore, the pressure on him is greater than any of us. This time he came to me because he wanted to tell me some secrets.

It's just that I don't need to know those secrets anymore. This time the arrow is on the string and I have to send it. If I broke this door, I will know what I should know.

Moreover, Huang San will definitely make a move.

He is the first person in the history of the Thousand Island Sect to walk out of the Wuwei Emperor. Although he has sealed his sword for more than two thousand years, even so, once his sword is out of its sheath, he will be invincible under the true god! "

The true **** old man nodded and said: "Wuquedi Road, perhaps it is the existence of the taboo, some gifts for us gatekeepers, it is a pity, this road is too difficult to walk.

This time the door to breaking the taboo, this kind of gift will no longer exist. However, compared with a gift that can only be seen but not obtained, the Thousand Island Sect exists for oneself and lives for oneself is more important! "


at this time.

Outside the Thousand Island Sect, a powerful and killing aura quietly emerged.

The blue sky suddenly lost its color and became gray.

The turbulent sea water no longer produces any fluctuations.

Even the air no longer flows.

A group of figures exuding a powerful aura, broke through the air, floating in the air.

The head of the head, with hair scattered on his shoulders, neat hair, hands behind his back, looking forward, his face is calm and calm, as if a big battle is about to be set off, it is nothing to him.

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