Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1315: The last island

Chapter 1315 The Last Island

On the tenth emperor island, Lin Hao, through the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm, felt that it was no longer the road to the emperor realm.

For now, his imperfect road framework has been completely built, so there is no need to look at other people's roads to the emperor.

Next, he has to take the crucial first step. If he is still comprehending the road of other people's imperial realm, it will even cause the imperial road he has to take to be affected!

What is Wuquedi Road?

Lin Hao was already very clear.

Wuquedi Road is an inclusive road, which is somewhat similar to his choosing to take one sword to control the world in the Holy Realm stage.

One sword protects the world, his sword, and the laws governed by him are all the laws of the True Martial Realm, and have never been his own. He just borrowed the power of the True Martial Realm.

Under normal circumstances, even if the imperial realm powerhouse reaches the peak of the emperor realm, they also have to borrow the power of heaven and earth between the real martial realm.

And the powerhouse of Wuque Dilu is not borrowing the power of heaven and earth, because Wuque Dilu is a way to control the world and become the master of heaven and earth!

From weak to strong, the martial artist has always been borrowing external power. As the martial artist's cultivation level improves, the strength that is borrowed has become deeper and deeper. From the most common elemental power, artistic conception, law, and power of heaven and earth, Constantly sublimating, waiting for the sacred fire, then no longer use external power, but self-born divine power.

At the level of gods, the biggest difference from the warriors under the gods is that the powerhouses who reach the level of gods can thoroughly use their own power to contend with all things in the world.

To control the world, it is natural to have a deep understanding of the world.

Therefore, Lin Hao on Emperor Island on the tenth, through the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm, the picture he felt was a world of heaven and earth.

If he does not have the experience of the previous 21 emperor islands, and the accumulation of background information is not enough, then, entering the tenth emperor island, just like other warriors, he can only perceive a very far road to the emperor realm. The special point of Zongdi Island, the feelings of warriors with different backgrounds in the Emperor Island are different.

Lin Hao looked around the world he saw.

The sky is clear, flowers and plants are full, birds call and insects sing, it is peaceful and calm.

His mind became calm and calm with this environment.

In the blink of an eye, this world, day and night alternate, and the four seasons cycle.

The vitality of spring, the scorching heat of summer, the yellowing of autumn, and the coldness of winter.

With the passage of time and the rotation of the seasons, those ordinary plants and trees also sprout from branches, bloom and bear fruit, to withered and decay. Under the cover of the white snow, hope is gestating, waiting for the warm spring of the coming year, and then reopening belongs to Their life cycle.

Unknowingly, the cold winter passed, the snow melted, and in the declining earth, with a night of spring breeze, countless greenery drilled out of the ground...

Lin Hao's heart was shaken, there seemed to be something to break out of the ground!

The next moment, with a move of his mind, he withdrew from the imperial realm origin imprint perception state of Emperor Island No. 10.

"Between heaven and earth, the laws of nature." Lin Hao whispered to himself, and then immediately ran the sword and the law to suppress the eager force in his body.

Just now, the shock in his heart was not only the realization of something different, but also a burst of power. If it was not suppressed in time, then Lin Hao would immediately take the first step towards the emperor realm.

He hasn't fully understood that even if the framework of Wuwei Emperor Road has been completely built, if this step is uncontrolled, it is not Wuwei Emperor Road.

Huang Lao had told Lin Hao in this situation before that he must finish all the Emperor Island. Before that, you must not step into the Emperor Realm. For countless years, there have been many Tianjiao who want to take the road of the imperial emperor. , Lu hadn't really walked out, but because he couldn't control the breakthrough power, it failed to walk the Wuque Emperor Lu.

Lin Hao was also a little surprised. He had only entered Emperor Island No. 10, and he had already appeared in this kind of breakthrough that was about to be uncontrolled. Next, there were nine Emperor Island in the ninth area. The power to motivate one's own breakthrough will be stronger.

This means that in addition to continuing to understand the remaining nine emperor islands, there is also a great challenge to suppress one's own power and prevent these forces from breaking through!

It took five days to walk from No. 14 Emperor Island to No. 10 Emperor Island, five Emperor Islands.

Lin Hao no longer thinks about the Thousand Island Sect. What is the situation now? When he entered the Emperor Island before, Su Yu followed the method negotiated with him to completely muddy the water of the Thousand Island Sect. Those who wanted to be behind the scenes The people who lay out must all appear in person one after another.

Qianliu, the director of the Thousand Island Sect, would definitely not sit back and watch.

Therefore, after coming out of Emperor Island No. 10, Lin Hao went directly to Emperor Island No. 9.

In the Nine Emperor Island, still see a piece of heaven and earth.

In the world of Emperor Island No. 10, he saw the change of day and night and the rotation of the four seasons under the laws of nature. What he saw on Emperor Island No. 9 was human ethics, etiquette, and the impermanence of life.

Although, they are all very ordinary pictures.

But every scene directly hits the softest part of people's hearts.

The arrival of a new baby, the excitement of the whole family.

An old man passed away, sorrow and pain permeated.

And the unspeakable grief of white-haired people sending black-haired people.

Every scene Lin Hao saw, he seemed to be substituting it, empathizing and feeling mixed.

Finally, Lin Hao developed great perseverance in his heart and restored his will.

From these pictures, to feel, to find your own way, rather than being immersed in it.

Sighed lightly, and sure enough, the force in his body that wanted to break through was about to move again, much stronger than the last time.

However, Lin Hao still suppressed this force and turned to enter the Eighth Emperor Island.

He only stayed for half a day on Emperor Island No. 9!

On the eighth Emperor Island, in the imprint of the origin of the Emperor Realm, what I felt was a world in war.

In this war-torn world, there are countless strategists who adhere to different ideas and form a set of ideological systems that affect different people and are intertwined into brilliant thoughts.


Emperor Island on the eighth is still only half a day.

Emperor Island on the seventh, five hours.

Emperor Island on the sixth, four hours.

Emperor Island on the fifth, three hours.

Emperor Island on the fourth, two hours.

No. 3 Emperor Island, one hour.

Emperor Island on the second, half an hour.

Lin Hao walked faster and faster during the journey to Emperor Island, and he entered the seven Emperor Islands in a little more than a day.

The accumulated background has become more and more vigorous. At this time, it is no longer to perceive as long as possible, but to choose what you need.

And now, Lin Hao had only completed the 31 Emperor Island in the ninth area with only one Emperor Island. The power in his body that he wanted to break through was already extremely powerful.

Lin Hao has even begun to mobilize his dantian world to suppress the breakthrough with the power of the world, otherwise, he would not be able to persist until now.

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