Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1276: Conspiracy exposed

Chapter 1276 Conspiracy exposed

Lin Hao swung his sword out, a flash of light from the sword drove his opponent back.

Zhang Yuntu asked him to hold his opponent, attracting the opponent's reinforcements to arrive before killing, Lin Hao did.

Of course, he also has his own plan.

When he was fighting against his opponent, his mental power was quietly diffused.

With the strength of his soul and the use of spiritual power, it is difficult for ordinary emperor realm powerhouses to find clues.

In Lin Hao's induction, it was discovered that Zhang Yuntu was carrying the guard of the Emperor Realm, not choosing to ambush around, but quickly moving away from this area.

"Zhang Yuntu, finally showing his feet, let's see, what are your plans!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Hao's mouth, and then he stopped going to Zhang Yuntu's side and started fighting with the opponent in front of him.


Zhang Yuntu took the emperor realm guard and evacuated thousands of miles away before stopping.

"Young Master, this Jian Wushuang is not a stupid person either, he might be able to check our tracks." Zhang Yuntu's guard of the emperor realm said.

Zhang Yuntu didn't care, and said, "It's okay. He wants to check, so let him check it out. I said to ambush around. Ambush naturally wants to cover up the breath. He can't find us, and he will think that we are just covering up. ."

The guard nodded and said, "Young Master, someone has rushed over."

He is far superior to Zhang Yuntu, so he has a wide range of sensing.

"What happened to Jian Wushuang?" Zhang Yuntu asked.

"There should be no doubt, still fighting." The emperor realm guard said.

"It's almost there, after Jian Wushuang killed that guy, we will reappear." Zhang Yuntu said.


After fighting against each other for a while, Lin Hao sensed several powerful auras, and was rushing towards this side quickly.

He suddenly shouted, the power of his sword moves skyrocketed, and a sword smashed his opponent into the sea.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao's figure flashed and rushed into the bottom of the sea, trying to kill his opponent.

Lin Hao's opponent was covered in blood at this time, his eyes were cracking, and he shouted angrily, punching Lin Hao who was chasing him in the sea.

Lin Hao didn't care, a sword pierced out, and the water rippled, and this sea area turned into a special world.

Mystery, the Kingdom of Mizusawa!

Trapping the opponent in it, Lin Hao thought, a strip of colorful silk flew out.

The treasure of the soul blood palace, roll the sky curtain!

At this moment, it is possible to perceive the situation inside unless someone in the Divine Fire Realm is strong.

Blocking all the breath of this sea area, Lin Hao's sword in his hand gathered the thunder and slashed out with a single sword. The origin of countless lightning laws, transformed into sword aura, drowned the opponent at the peak of the holy realm.


An extremely terrifying explosion sounded.

The sea area where Lin Hao and the peak of the holy realm fought, set off a huge wave, and the aura of destruction swept away.

At this time, six figures have arrived here, two of them are in the emperor realm, and four are at the peak of the holy realm. They mentally explored the surrounding sea area, and they can no longer feel the slightest breath, and their faces show anger.

"Qingshan Island Lord is dead!"

"The owner of Qingshan Island was wounded in battle before, and healed his wounds in this sea area. We have already worked together to investigate this sea area. It is impossible for there to be thirteen insurgents or warriors of the Tianmen!"

"I have already remembered the breath of the person who fought with the owner of Qingshan Island. Although the owner of Qingshan Island was dying, he dragged his opponent to death, but this matter must be investigated!"

"Yes, after solving this trouble, you must thoroughly investigate this matter, if it is from the Thousand Island Sect..." The person who said this was interrupted by the eyes of other people before he finished speaking.

Although they all suspected that the Thousand Island Sect might have acted, taking advantage of this opportunity to eradicate some island owners who were reluctant to obey the order of the Thousand Island Sect, this kind of remarks cannot be said without conclusive evidence.


Just as these inner island owners were talking, two more figures rushed over.

Zhang Yuntu's face is ugly!

His plan is a bit messy.

I thought Jian Wushuang could kill the opponent, and then these inner island owners rushed to fight Jian Wushuang.

But Jian Wushuang actually died...

In this way, Su Yu is unlikely to have a great conflict with these inner island owners for a dead person, so many plans of Zhang Yuntu will not be able to proceed smoothly!

The six inner island owners looked at the two Zhang Yuntu warily.

Zhang Yuntu suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, I am Zhang Yuntu of the Qiandao Sect Zhang family."

One of the inner island owners in the emperor realm nodded and said, "It turns out that it is the young master of the Zhang family.

Zhang Yuntu was too lazy to say these polite remarks, and said: "You came earlier, but have you discovered what's going on here just now?"

The island owner in the emperor territory who replied thought for a while and smiled: "There is indeed something to be discovered."

Zhang Yuntu's heart moved. Now, his plans are not all messed up, there is still a chance.

Even if Su Yu could not have too much conflict with these inner island owners for a dead person, but if these inner island owners knew that the guy who killed their companion was Su Yu's person, they would definitely not give up.

"You don't have to have any worries. The Zhang Family is in charge of the Qiandaozong Law Enforcement Hall. It has always been fair and just in handling everything. I must all know this. Please tell me what you have discovered." Zhang Yuntu said .

"Master Zhang, if there is a problem within the Thousand Island Sect, can the Law Enforcement Hall be willing to deal with it impartially?" one person coldly snorted.

Zhang Yuntu said righteously, "If you can't believe me, Zhang Yuntu can swear with the heart of martial arts!

"Okay, Zhang Gongzi, let's just say it!" The Inner Sea Emperor Realm island owner who first responded to Zhang Yuntu said: "The one who fell here just now is the owner of Qingshan Island. He was healed here, so we can be sure. In this sea area, no thief will appear. Although the owner of Qingshan Island has died with his opponent, I also caught a breath."

As he said, this Inner Sea Emperor Realm Island Master raised his hand and shot out a force, simulating the breath that he had just sensed, and a vague figure.

Zhang Yuntu's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at.

"Young Master Zhang, are you familiar with this breath and figure?" The Neihai Emperor Realm Island Master asked immediately.

Zhang Yuntu nodded silently.

"Then ask Young Master Zhang to announce the identity of this person."

"What? Young Master Zhang is not willing to say it?"

"Hmph, it seems our guess is right!"

Several Inner Sea Emperor Realm island owners pressed Zhang Yuntu.

Zhang Yuntu took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, I can tell the identity of this person, but there may be a misunderstanding in this. I hope that everyone can stay sensible and wait for the solution of the thirteen insurgents and the martial artist of Tianmen. We Qiandao The Law Enforcement Hall will definitely give you an explanation!"

"Young Master Zhang, you should tell the identity of this person first!"

Zhang Yuntu nodded and said, "This person is a martial artist named Jian Wushuang who has just entered the ninth district of the Inland Sea, but he will definitely not have a problem. There may be some misunderstandings."

"What else can be misunderstood? The proof of Qingshan Island Master's death in the hands of this guy named Jian Wushuang!"

"Did Mr. Zhang forget the promise he made to us just now?"

Zhang Yuntu's face was embarrassed, and said: "This matter may have another internal affair. Jian Wushuang is the son of Su Yu, and the son of Su Yu is open-minded and acts upright. His people would not do such a thing."


At this moment, not far from Zhang Yuntu and the others, a cold chill flashed in Lin Hao's eyes.

It turned out that Zhang Yuntu's purpose was this!

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