Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1268: Defeat Mengtian

Chapter 1268 Defeating Mengtian

"The eighty-sixth in the sacred list, it's not enough to stop me from doing it!" Lin Hao sneered and yelled softly.

"Enough is not enough, it’s not the final word, I'm here, Mengtian, you are doomed to fail, Jian Wushuang, I will not be merciful." Mengtian was not angry about Lin Hao's words, his tone was the same as before, arrogant ,indifferent.

Martial artists with talent and certain strength are all confident.

But there are already too many guys with strong self-confidence on the Beihai Inner Sea, and his confidence has been crushed by him.

In Mengtian's view, this Jian Wushuang was no different from others.

"Then see the real chapter under your hand!"

Lin Hao shouted, with a thought, the Blood Fiend Sword was held in his hand, and he suddenly pierced a sword towards Meng Tian.

Mizusawa Kingdom!

A vast country will cover the sky.


Immediately afterwards, Mizusawa Kingdom was split apart by a terrifying law.

"Small bugs!" Meng Tian sneered, his body glowing with blazing light, vaguely carrying a ray of power from the world, and rushed towards Lin Hao.

The strong people who can enter the holy list are all existing on the road to the emperor realm and have walked a certain distance. It is not surprising that they can mobilize some of the power of the world that can be controlled by the strong ones in the emperor realm.

Facing Mengtian's burst of power from heaven and earth, Lin Hao's expression remained unchanged and he swung his sword calmly.

In the True Martial Realm Continent, the number of Emperor Realm experts who died in his hands is unknown. Even if Lin Hao hides most of his strength now, he can't handle a guy who hasn't really entered the Emperor Realm. Possible!

The law of water system and the law of ice alternated with each other, and Lin Hao and Meng Tian, ​​who was holding a treasured sword, fought at close range.

Xu Tong, who came from the tenth district and was crushed by Lin Haogang, looked at this scene, his face became more and more ugly, now he knows how strong Jian Wushuang is... he can compete with the eighth district, Beihai Inland Sea Shengbang eight The 16th place Mengtian was equally matched.

Obviously, this Jian Wushuang didn't use his full strength when fighting against him... Otherwise, he would not only be hurt by this point? I am afraid that the body has exploded long ago, and the soul has been injured!

Although the guard of Emperor Island has seen more battles, the intensity of the battle in front of him at this time has reached the level of the battle between the strongest in the holy list. His expression has also become dignified, carefully observing the battle.

In his opinion, even if Jian Wushuang loses to Mengtian, he is definitely better than the last few in the holy list. After this battle, on the holy list, there must be the name of Jian Wushuang, and it is the only holy realm nine times to enter the holy. People on the list!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Hao and Mengtian had already fought for more than a hundred rounds.

"It's over!"

Mengtian yelled, and the power of heaven and earth in the long sword reached the limit he could burst.

He was only at the peak of the holy realm, but the power of the world that erupted at this time was no longer than Tao Yuan and Feng Wuya, who stepped into the emperor realm with one foot, and had the title of quasi-emperor.


Lin Hao slashed out against Mengtian's long sword, a dull thunder rang out, and the lightning exploded. The laws of thunder and lightning that he used also contained the power of heaven and earth!

After all, Lin Hao now has a clear understanding of the road to the emperor realm. It is not difficult for him to mobilize some power from the world.


Swords collided, and a crisp sound rang. In this area, for a moment, everything seemed to be still.

After being still, the horrible sword light shattered and the storm swept across.

The guard of the Emperor Island looked serious, and immediately made several handprints to increase the power of the large formation protecting the Emperor Island, so as to prevent the Emperor Island on the 18th from being destroyed by the aftermath of Meng Tian's fight with Jian Wushuang.

Amidst the shattering storm of the dazzling sword light and sword energy, the figures of the two people who fought against each other were already submerged.

The guard of Emperor Island, and Xu Tong from the tenth district, can't see clearly the situation in the field, nor can their mental power perceive the specific picture...

"The strength of this Jian Wushuang can definitely be included in the holy list... But Mengtian has been in the holy list for many years, and his background is stronger, he should be able to suppress Jian Wushuang..." Xu Tong thought secretly in his heart.

After a while.

Everything subsided.

Xu Tong's eyes widened, and a shocking color appeared on his face.

The expression of the guard at Emperor Island was also obviously extremely unexpected.

Meng Tian, ​​ranked 86th, has been in the holy list for many years. There was a transparent blood hole in his chest. He was bloodied and embarrassed, relying on a long knife to support him so that he would not fall.

And that just entered the Inland Sea, connected to twelve emperor islands within a month, and gained fame in the Qiandao sect. Jian Wushuang, the nine-fold cultivation base of the holy realm, had no injuries on his body although his breath was somewhat disordered!

Sit down!

Jian Wushuang defeated Mengtian!

The corners of Mengtian's mouth trembled, he took a deep breath, put away the long sword, barely maintained his balance, took a deep look at Lin Hao, said nothing, and left sadly.

Xu Tong also made the same choice. Without staying for a while, he wanted to immediately bring the news back to the tenth district...

As for Jian Wushuang's qualification, whether he can be recognized by the Emperor Realm Origin Seal on the 18th of the Ninth District, there is no need to think about it.

Jian Wushuang had already accumulated a general trend, but now the general trend is more intense, there is no possibility of failure.

"Do you want to recover for a while before you come to accept the test?" The Emperor Island guard asked.

Lin Hao nodded and immediately sat cross-legged.

In fact, his breath disorder was completely deliberate. Otherwise, the Ninth Level of the Holy Realm would easily defeat the eighty-sixth Mengtian of the Holy List, which would seem too suspicious.

Now that the news spread, it was still within the acceptable range of the Qiandaozong strong, after all, he was connected to the twelve emperor islands.

For these, Lin Hao had extremely clear judgments in his mind.

After resting for almost half an hour, Lin Hao got up, walked to the guard of Emperor Island, and said calmly: "Please also the guard to start the test of Emperor Island on the 18th!"

The guard was actually a little surprised at Lin Hao's recovery speed, but when he thought of the horror of Lin Hao's talent, he was relieved. If he recovers slowly, there will be a problem!

After the guard of Emperor Island nodded, the restriction in the stone tablet was opened, and a burst of power from heaven and earth rippled out of the stone tablet and enveloped Lin Hao's body.

After a while, the power of heaven and earth disappeared, and there was no resistance, which meant that Lin Hao was recognized and could enter the 18th Emperor Island tomorrow.

After waiting for a day, the stone stele on Emperor Island on the 18th revealed a vortex channel intertwined with the power of heaven and earth, and Lin Hao stepped into it.

This is the thirteenth Emperor Island he entered.

And in this emperor island, the road to the emperor realm evolved by the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm seems to be somewhat regular, but this road to the emperor is longer than before!

It can be said that the original imprints of the imperial realm he felt before are all the way to break through from the peak of the holy realm to the imperial realm, and on the 18th side of the emperor island, it is a road to the emperor that has already gone through a lot of it. .

Even if Lin Hao has the practice experience of crossing the road of the imperial realm, it is also an extremely rare opportunity to be able to see the roads of other powerful imperial realms.

Observe the road of others, to fill the road of the imperial realm that you are about to take!

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