Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1250: Battle on

The first thousand two hundred and fifty chapters battle begins

In Wushuang Island, a day has passed. Under the tempering of that ray of divine fire, the fusion of the origin of the law mastered by Lin Hao and the body can be completed at any time to the degree of three-quarters, that is, he can step on at any time. Nine levels of cultivation in the Holy Realm.

However, Lin Hao still continued to temper his physical body, soul, and law origin with divine fire.

The more meticulous and thorough the tempering, the stronger the strength that can be exerted, and it will not be necessary to go back and re-lay the foundation in the future.


And as one day passed, the Destiny Island still had not yet started the battle against Wushuang Island.

He Jie, the Lord of the Destiny Island, was extremely angry. He looked at the holy land guest who went to Yunwu Island to gather reinforcements and said, "What is the situation, why are you the only one to return!"

The holy guest of Destiny Island lowered his head and said, "Enjoy the island owner, when I went to Yunwu Island, I met people from Chongxu Island, the owner of Yunwu Island, and he didn’t even want to see me. On the one hand...I suspect that Yunwu Island has always been a ghost and a snake to our Destiny Island over the years. The owner of Yunwu Island and the owner of Chongxu Island have long been secretly colluding!"

A cold light flashed in He Jie’s eyes and said, “Since they are going to fight our Destiny Island, they will regret it immediately. After I destroy Wushuang Island, they will talk to Yunwu Island, Chongxu Island, and Lingqing Island. Hanyang Island settled!"

The next moment, He Jie's figure suddenly floated above the Tianming Island.

He Wei, who had recovered from some injuries, also sensed the situation, and immediately followed, standing behind He Jie.

In addition to their father and son, there are five ordinary holy state guest officials standing in the air one after another.

A total of seven holy realm powerhouses, the aura of the sky.

"In this battle, destroy Wushuang Island, kill Jian Wushuang, whoever dares to stop, kill without mercy!" He Jie shouted, his voice rang, and waves were raised on the surrounding sea.

When the voice fell, the seven holy realm powerhouses, with no concealed aura, exploded with extreme speed, and headed towards Wushuang Island.

Half an hour later, He Jie, who rushed to the front, stopped, and the people behind him also stopped.

"Duan Chongxu, you are a good method. There are actually four holy realms on Chongxu Island. It seems that I have always underestimated you before." Tianming Island Lord He Jie stared at the people in Duan Chongxu who were blocking the road. Some accidents.

Immediately, he said again: "However, with this strength alone, I also want to stop us. It's a foolish dream. If you are willing to surrender now, I can let you have a way of life, and even guarantee that Tianming Island will be approved by the Thousand Island Sect. After that, you will be the deputy owner of Destiny Island!"

Duan Chongxu shook his head and said, "Since I have made a decision, I will never change my mind."

"You are going to die!" He Jie said coldly.

"Not always."

"The praying man's arm is a car, it's not at its own discretion!"

"Then try it!"

"as you wish!"

He Jie suddenly broke out, and shot out with a palm, the power of the peak of the holy realm, shattering the space, instantly came to Duan Chongxu's body.

Duan Chongxu yelled, he was also at the peak of the holy realm, and he blasted out with a punch, blocking He Jie's attack, and in an instant, escaped into the void!

He Jie immediately chased into the endless void and fought Duan Chongxu.

"Hmph, you all have to die!"

He Wei stared at the three holy realm powerhouses on Chongxu Island, killing intent boiled over. He is the Seven Great Sages of the Holy Realm, and there are five holy realm guest Qings from Destiny Island. In his opinion, this is a complete crush. Suppress the game.

But just as He Wei started his hand, this piece of sky was torn apart by a powerful force, and the power of the peak power of the holy realm blasted towards He Wei.


This force exploded beside He Wei, and he was splashed with blood, flying backwards!

"Little Island Master!"

The five sacred guest Qings on Tianming Island, with a flustered expression, immediately guarded He Wei who was hit hard by the blow.

"Yunwu Island, just forget it if you don't take action. You dare to deal with our Destiny Island with Duan Chongxu. Anyone who betrays Destiny Island will not end well!" He Wei gritted his teeth and looked at the sudden appearance. The figure is extremely angry. This person is the owner of Yunwu Island. He has always bowed his head to their Destiny Island!

The owner of Yunwu Island sneered and said: "Destiny Island is gone, He Wei, for a long time, you have relied on the power of Destiny Island and ignored the owner of the island. Today, I will count the accounts of these years with you!"

After that, the owner of Yunwu Island flashed his figure and rushed towards He Wei.


But Yunwu Island Master, before he rushed to He Wei, the space split again, and a violent force gushed out, blasting Yunwu Island Master, and at the same time, another space was also shattered, and Duan Chongxu was covered in blood. , Fell out.


The owner of Yunwu Island stabilized his figure and rushed towards Duan Chongxu to catch him.

And He Jie, who rushed into the void just now, also reappeared at this time, standing in front of He Wei and the others, his aura is no longer weaker than the strong man who has just entered the emperor realm.

"Brother? It turns out that you two turned out to be senior brothers. Over the years, the owner of the island has been kept in the dark. You two are really good calculations!"

He Jie stared at the master of Yunwu Island and Duan Chongxu, sneered again and again.

Duan Chongxu took a deep breath and whispered: "Junior Brother, He Jie, the old thief's background is beyond expectation... This time, the senior thief is hurting you. I will hold him back later, you leave first!"

The master of Yunwu Island frowned, and said: "Brother, Old Thief He Jie is not a real emperor, but only briefly promoted to that level, we still have a chance!"

"Yes, you do still have a chance. As long as you immediately bow your heads, open your souls, and let me place restrictions, I can let you go!" He Jie said, the Thousand Island Sect envoy will be here in the near future. He must It is necessary to immediately replenish the strength of the Destiny Island, get the canonization, but if not get the canonization of the Thousand Island Sect, that terrifying existence will not let him go.

The Lord of Yunwu Island did not respond to the Lord of the Destiny, but instead looked at Duan Chongxu and said, "Brother, our brothers, we have not joined forces for a hundred years, and I miss the original days!"

Duan Chongxu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said, "Brother, I haven't forgotten the things our master taught. I don't know if you remember."

"Old rules!"

"it is good!"

The breath of their brothers and sisters suddenly merged together, one yin and one yang, complementing each other.

"You are the descendants of Yin-Yang Island that were destroyed thousands of years ago!" He Jie used the exercises to determine the origins of Duan Chongxu and the others, and then smiled scornfully: "Yin-Yang Health Art is powerful, but you are destined to die!"

The next moment, relying on the power of the source, He Jie, whose cultivation level soared to the level of entering the emperor realm for the first time, fought against Duan Chongxu and Yunwu Island Master.

In this area, three more ordinary sacred realm powerhouses from Yunwu Island appeared, including the remaining three sacred realm powerhouses on Chongxu Island, facing the Seventh He Wei of Destiny Island Holy Realm and the other five Destiny Island Saints. Jing Keqing.


At this moment, Lin Hao had also sensed the fluctuations of the war in the distance.

He also no longer continued to temper himself with the divine fire, choosing to step into the Ninth Stage of the Holy Realm at this time, his aura soared, and then stepped out of Wushuang Island and rushed towards the land of war!

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