Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1246: The name of Jian Wushuang

Chapter 1246: The Name of Jian Wushuang

Lin Hao looked at the extremely angry jagged monster shark with a calm expression.

If he uses the sword of nirvana, the sword just now can definitely cut off the tail of the serrated monster shark, but the sword of nirvana is too conspicuous. If Lu Yi is also arranged here in the North Sea, it is easy You can guess who you are.

There is no need to use the sword of nirvana, nor the sword of the **** of war, neither the secret technique nor the divine power is used, and even the power of the source of the law of kendo and the law of chaos are not used. Just rely on the blood evil sword. To kill the serrated monster shark at the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Holy Realm, the difficulty is not small.

After his thoughts flashed, Lin Hao had other ideas!

The furious jagged demon shark rushed towards Lin Hao again, Lin Hao let out a cold cry, and the sword in his hand suddenly pierced out.

A misty world, accompanied by the piercing of his sword, emerged.

This is a powerful secret technique that Lin Hao broke away from the law of chaos, stripping the power of the law of the water system alone, the kingdom of water!

This secret technique was obtained from his previous life and rarely used.

It’s not that the power is not strong enough, it’s just that it’s weaker than Lin Hao’s other methods, but for other warriors, this secret method is still extremely strong, especially in the special environment of endless seas. Since then, the power has skyrocketed, used to trap the enemy, with extremely powerful effects.

This misty world is vast and boundless, trapping the serrated monster shark in it.

The ubiquitous water mist, under Lin Hao's control, turned into a sword aura and shot towards the serrated monster shark.

The serrated demon shark slammed left and right, but could not break the restraints, and could only hold up the powerful law to block the water mist and sword air.

Lin Hao's figure flashed, appeared above the serrated monster shark, pierced with a sword, and all the mist in the waters of the kingdom instantly surged and merged into the long sword in his hand.


Lin Hao's sword tore through the defensive law of the serrated monster shark and smoothly penetrated into the serrated monster shark's body.

The serrated demon shark yelled violently and shook its body frantically.

Lin Hao's palm holding the sword exerted force again, the long sword stirred in the serrated monster shark's body, and the power of the law of thunder and lightning had also exploded, quickly destroying the serrated monster shark's body structure and destroying its vitality!

The power of the law of water system, the power of the law of thunder and lightning, using these two laws, there is no need to worry about being discovered by Lu Yi, after all, this is just a common law.

Even if the power of one or two laws erupts, the risk of exposure is not great, and the endless sea is wide and wide, and it is normal to have a strong holy realm who masters the power of multiple laws.

Of course, if you can use as few methods as possible, try to minimize the risks.


A violent explosion sounded, and the serrated monster shark controlled its power and exploded the part of the body that had been destroyed by Lin Hao's power.

Lin Hao waved a blade of sword light and placed it in front of him, blocking part of the serrated monster shark's self-destructive force, and then approached the serrated monster shark with a little tiptoe.

The power of the water law in this set of swordsmanship secrets of the Mizusawa Kingdom fixed the body of the serrated monster shark, and the water atomized the sword, continuously cutting the serrated monster shark.

With the long sword in Lin Hao's hand, he accumulated a large amount of lightning laws, and slashed across the serrated monster shark, cutting off one of its tails.

The serrated monster shark did not choose to transform, the cultivation process, and the continuous tempering of its body, each piece of flesh and blood contained a lot of its efforts. It blew a part of it just now, and now it has been chopped off by Lin Hao with its huge tail. Even with a large number of natural treasures, the serrated monster shark will take hundreds of years to recover!

The serrated demon shark madly twisted its body, trying to get rid of the shackles of the Mizusawa Kingdom, and at this time, there was also a powerful attack outside the Mizusawa Kingdom.

Obviously, He Wei, the seven-layer holy realm of Destiny Island, and the other two holy realm powerhouses, are all helping, wanting to break the Shuize kingdom.

A cold light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes, and the serrated monster shark was still suppressed while the Shuize Kingdom had not been broken. The power of the law of thunder and lightning, the light gleaming in the long sword, became more powerful and terrifying.

"Thunder and destroy the world!"

Lin Hao shouted, this is also a thunder and lightning attribute sword art he mastered in his previous life.

With thunder roaring and lightning flashing, the power of Lin Hao's sword is the most pinnacle of this shot so far.

The severely wounded serrated monster shark had boundless fear in his heart, but he could not get rid of the shackles of the kingdom of Mizusawa.


This time, a sword pierced the head of the serrated demon shark. The law of lightning is a violent force, piercing the hard bones of the serrated demon shark's head, and then this force exploded in the head of the serrated demon shark. Open, explode its head as big as a mountain into a blood mist.

Lin Hao's spiritual power swept out, turning into a spiritual giant sword, crushing the spirit of the serrated monster shark!

The guardian monster beast of Tianming Island, only weaker than the powerful existence of their island owner He Jie, fell.

The Nation of Mizusawa was still under attack from the outside world, Lin Hao's heart moved, and the power of the secret technique of Mizusawa was withdrawn.

He Wei's attack hit the empty space, exploding a large area.


The huge body of the sawtooth demon shark smashed to the surface of the sea, setting off a huge wave.

At this moment, He Wei and the two old saints on Destiny Island were all startled, with an unbelievable look on their faces.

Every strong man who watched the battle in the dark also opened his eyes wide, revealing a deep shock!

"Guardian lord..." He Wei lost consciousness for a moment. This is the guardian monster of Destiny Island. It can immediately break through the existence of the highest sacred realm. It is one of the foundations for their Destiny Island to be recognized by the Thousand Island Sect...

The guardian demon beast died here, and the power of Tianming Island instantly fell by one-third, and there was no chance for it to be recognized by the Thousand Island Sect.

"Little Island Master, be careful!"

At this moment when He Wei lost his mind, the two veteran holy realm experts on Tianming Island reacted and reminded him loudly. The figure flashed and stood in front of He Wei.

At this time, Lin Hao had already cut out a powerful sword that contained the law of thunder and lightning towards He Wei.


Of the two old saints who stood in front of He Wei on Tianming Island, one of them was killed by Lin Hao's sword, and the other was also blasted by the power of Lin Hao's sword.

He Wei had realized that Jian Wushuang on Wushuang Island in front of him was not a powerful existence that he could deal with, so he was frightened and immediately retreated!

The old holy guy who was bombarded by Lin Hao followed He Wei and immediately evacuated.

Lin Hao's figure flickered, and soon overtook him, a sword pierced out abruptly, plunged into the back of the old man in the holy world, his wrist was turned, the sword stirred, and the endless sword energy erupted from the old man in the holy world. This person also fell.

And He Wei, who had already escaped a certain distance at this time, looked panicked. He originally wanted to use Wushuang Island to gather momentum for their Destiny Island, but he did not expect to kick the iron plate...

And the strong man watching the battle in secret, at this time was already shocked and didn't know what to say.

An old man sighed and said, "In the name of Jian Wushuang, in this sea area, I am afraid that a huge storm will be set off!"

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