Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1226: Suppress

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-six chapters of suppression

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

Lin Hao's battle body has been upgraded to a level that can compete with the sixth-order divine body, and the sword essence and the power of qi and blood contained in the body are greatly improved.

Before, he used this powerful sword with divine power, and in an instant, 70% of the divine power would be extracted.

But now that the strongest sword exploded, only 50% of the divine power was extracted, and the 50% of the divine power extracted was even more profound than the previous 70%!


As Lin Hao slashed out, Jin Han, the prince of the ancient golden clan who rushed towards Lin Hao, suddenly had a panic in his eyes, but at this time, he had no time to dodge, so he shot out with both palms.

Two completely different palm prints manifested, one with golden light and one with incomparable darkness.


Both of these palm prints were broken by Lin Hao's sword.

The huge divine power sword fell on Jin Han's body, Jin Han let out a scream, and flew backwards, leaving only a trace of skin and flesh on his body.

It can be seen from this that Lin Hao's sword is strong, and it can also be seen from this that the three princes of the ancient gold tribe, Jin Han, are physically strong.

While Jin Han was still flying backwards, his body had already recovered.

But before he had time to counterattack, Lin Hao took another sword.

This time, he didn't use the strongest God of War sword technique Jiujiu Guiyi sword, but the sword power he cut out was still terrifying.

God of War sword, column word sword!

The edge that tore everything broke out.

Jin Han, who had just gathered his body, was directly cut off an arm by Lin Hao this time, splashing golden blood.

Lin Hao let out a cold cry, and instead of giving Jin Han the slightest chance, he turned to the God of War sword technique, which is a sword!

This all-word sword was to dissolve, split two strands of sword aura, one sword aura stopped Jin Han, and the other sword aura, with a chuckle, sank into Jin Han's cut off and flying out of the arm.

That arm instantly exploded into blood mist!


"Lin Hao, this prince wants to break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Jin Han roared again and again, although it is not difficult for him to rebirth from a broken limb, but the complete destruction of one arm is already a great shame to him!

Lin Hao didn't care what Jin Han said, his offensive was continuous, and the nine-character mantra of war style was contained in his sword moves. Jin Han no longer had the power to fight back.

Long Cang who was watching the battle was also highly concentrated, watching everything about Jin Han.

And the emperor of the ancient golden tribe frowned at this time, and the elder of the divine fire state of the ancient golden tribe was worried and looked at the emperor of the ancient golden tribe. Divine Thought Transmission said: "The emperor, can't go on like this!"

The emperor of the ancient golden clan, Divine Thought Transmission responded: "Don't worry, Han'er can hold it for a while."

"But if this continues, the secret of our clan to make up for our own shortcomings will be revealed..."

"This secret exposure is nothing. Moreover, as long as Han'er does not use that trick, no matter how powerful Long Cang is, what he can see is very limited. If we can see the secret of Lin Hao's explosion of divine power, For our ancient golden tribe, this is no worse than making up for our own defects!"


Under Lin Hao's offensive like a violent storm, Jin Han was in danger, like a flat boat in the storm, it would be torn apart at any time!

Lin Hao fought with divine power, and he didn't worry about being seen through. Before, he was weak and explosive, and he needed to cover it up to avoid being targeted by some strong men.

But now he has a fighting power comparable to that of the Emperor Realm, and there is no need for that cover.

Moreover, even if some powerful people spy on his secrets, they are destined to be in vain. The reason why he can explode his divine power is not the power brought by some secret method or a single reason, but the battle body, Guwu Combining factors such as tactics, innate origin dragon energy, etc., is a product of chance.

Jin Han, who was suppressed by Lin Hao, was very embarrassed at this time. No part of his entire body was intact. There were many parts that had been destroyed by Lin Hao. They were temporarily reorganized in a hurry, and there were even some parts that were too late. Go to reorganization!

His golden eyes were full of extremely fierce and brutal colors at this time.

"Hundred God Seal!"

Jin Han only heard a roar like a beast, his hands pinched a weird handprint, and this endless void trembled suddenly!

You know, this piece of endless void was jointly suppressed by the emperor of Long Cang and the ancient gold tribe. Both of them are the strength of the realm of true gods. Jin Han's so-called Hundred God Seal at this time can cause this endless void. The tremor means that the strength of this secret technique has also reached an extremely terrifying point.

Jin Han's body turned into a thousand feet high, with arms drawn out of his body.

Excluding Jin Han's two arms, thirteen arms were drawn out of this thousand-foot-tall body!

The five fingers of each arm hold a special handprint.

The power of magical powers burst out from these handprints.

Among them, Lin Hao had come into contact with the supernatural powers of the Cang tribe, the empty tribe, the hidden tribe, the Tianmu tribe, and the fire tribe.

Some others were supernatural powers that Lin Hao had not touched.

Including Jin Han's golden ancient tribe's magical powers, there are a total of fourteen magical powers to fight Lin Hao!

Lin Hao also saw the core of this secret technique called the Hundred God Seal of the Golden Ancient Race in an instant.

The ancient golden race has surpassed the past and made up for the shortcomings. They are no longer confined to their own life essence, they have begun to contact the supernatural powers of other alien races, and then merge these supernatural powers into one!

Now this Jin Han has completed the integration of fourteen divine powers.

This is the fourteen magic methods of the God Realm Temple!

At this moment, even being as powerful as Long Cang was moved.

Long Cang glanced at the emperor of the Golden Ancient Clan, and the other party also felt it. He nodded and smiled at Long Cang. Long Cang retracted his gaze. He couldn't see the slightest change of mood in his expression, but his heart was even more for the Golden Ancient Clan. Pay attention!

Facing the fourteen alien supernatural powers attacking him, Lin Hao took a deep breath, blood roared, flesh and blood burst into light, divine power broke out again, and all of them were transferred into the Skyscar Sword in an instant.

The strongest sword of the God of War sword turned into an extremely harsh sword light, smashing the power of nine magical powers!

The remaining five supernatural powers were about to drown Lin Hao.

Jin Han grinned, extremely arrogant.

At this moment, even Long Cang was ready to take action and rescue Lin Hao.

The emperor of the ancient golden tribe glanced at Long Cang, he would not stop Long Cang from saving Lin Hao, because he was really going to fight, he was not the opponent of Long Cang, but this did not prevent him from showing a trace of pride!

He was quite sure that Long Cang did not see how many true secrets of the ancient golden tribe. At the same time, their descendants of the ancient golden tribe suppressed Lin Hao, the number one arrogant in the real martial arts with a double special status!

Just as Long Cang started to save people, he suddenly waved his hand to dissipate his strength.

Because at this moment, an edge that reversed everything broke out in the area swallowed by several secret magical powers, shocking the sky and sweeping everything!

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