Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1224: breakthrough

Chapter 1 224 Breakthrough

Fighting against Lin Hao in the Hualongchi space, Jin Han was unwilling to win when he failed to win. Now that he has the opportunity to fight Lin Hao, how could he give up? Wish to go to war now!

"Long Cang Patriarch, there is one thing that the younger generation needs to make clear in advance. Lin Hao has the armor of the **** of war, and I also have the armor of the **** of the clan, we can fight each other, no one can help each other, if we really want to distinguish between..."

Before Jin Han finished speaking, Long Cang already knew his plan, but he was too lazy to respond. He interrupted directly, looked at the emperor of the ancient gold clan, and said: "There will be a battle between their juniors, what are the rules? , We don’t make the decision for them, wait for Lin Hao to come out later, they decide by themselves."

The emperor of the ancient golden clan nodded and said: "Since the clan chief Longcang is so curious about our ancient golden clan to make up for his own shortcomings, and my son Jin Han is also eager to fight Lin Hao, that is what the clan chief Longcang said. ."

The ancient golden tribe made up for their own shortcomings. Prior to this, it was always a secret. Only a few strong members of the ancient golden tribe knew about it. But when they decided to come to the real martial world and participate in the great battle, they were ready to spread this secret. , Therefore, the emperor of the ancient golden tribe does not matter.

What's more, he also knows that Lin Hao, the descendant of the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation Against Heaven, and the third-generation descendant of the Void God Realm God of War Palace, is the most important variable in this world of great controversy. If Jin Han can suppress Lin Hao, for Jin For Han, there will also be tremendous benefits.


Inside the Hualongchi space.

Lin Hao is accepting the Fuze after the dragon vein transforms the dragon.

He has read the records in the ancient books and knows that these blessings are a great opportunity for the dragon vein after the forty-nine reincarnation of the dragon calamity.

Originally, this was an exclusive opportunity for Tianlong.

However, Tianlong at this time insisted on letting Lin Hao share this good fortune with him.

That colorful glow contains countless kinds of pure energy, which is greater than the energy of thousands of magical medicines combined.

Most of them were directly injected into Tianlong's body due to the order of the heavens and the earth, and a small part was forcibly controlled by Tianlong to flock to Lin Hao.

Receiving the infusion of these pure energy, Lin Hao's life essence is also sublimating in an extremely obvious state, and his bones, flesh and blood are undergoing a transformation.

Stuck in a battle body that can compete with the fifth-order peak **** body, signs of breakthrough have also begun to appear.

The inheritance of the battle body originally had the opportunity to compete with the fifth-order **** body after the divine fire realm. When Lin Hao was in the Yuanzun realm, he had already reached the limit of the inheritance of the battle body.

Some time ago, he once again obtained a ray of innate origin dragon energy, and his battle body went further, reaching the peak of the fifth-order divine body, which was comparable to the sixth-order divine body, and only one step away.

But this one step away is a huge moat. If it is done step by step, it may take thousands of years and consume countless resources without necessarily succeeding.

However, now that Tianlong Fuze has been accepted, this bottleneck has begun to crack!

The power of qi and blood in Lin Hao's body rushed through the skin and flesh meridians, and the bone marrow in his bones was also surging like magma. He released an incredibly hot breath from all over his body, as if he had become a real body. Like the scorching sun.


Lin Hao yelled softly, his fighting spirit rose, the will to fight to the end with the world and everything, and everything with himself broke out. Qi, blood and sword essence, actively united, transformed divine power, and tempered the body!


Under the superimposed impact of heavy forces, this process of transformation finally ushered in the final eruption. In the depths of his body, it seems that a huge volcano is erupting at this moment, and a powerful sense of strength fills his body!

Battle body, break through with the trend!

Lin Hao, who has not yet entered the emperor realm, has completely broken the limit of the inheritance of this technique at this time, and can compete with the sixth-order divine body!

The Protoss of the God Realm in the next three days has no arrogance anymore, and in terms of physique, it can be compared with it.

Moreover, the **** race of the sixth-order **** body is also a rare genius in the middle three days, and even in the upper three days of the gods, it can be called a genius!

The benefits of the breakthrough of the battle body are not only the sublimation of the life level, but the power of the law in his body is once again integrated with the body, the cultivation realm has also broken through the seventh peak of the holy realm and entered the eighth holy realm.

It can be said that after receiving part of Tianlong Fuze's gift, Lin Hao's combat effectiveness has undergone a qualitative change.

The breakthrough of the battle body means that the Jian Yuan and the power of Qi and blood that Lin Hao's body can hold are even larger, and the power of the explosion of divine power is even more terrifying.

A breakthrough in the realm of cultivation, one sword to control ten thousand tactics to achieve one sword to break ten thousand tactics, also took a big step.

Furthermore, before that, Lin Hao had performed the seventh round of the Nine Guards, which was extremely difficult, but now he can perform it perfectly, truly exerting the power of the seventh round of the Nine Guards.

The seventh turn, the eighth turn, and the ninth turn of the nine turns against the sky are the real horrors of this secret method. It is no more than the explosion of divine power!

Nowadays, if Lin Hao wants to explode his divine power, he needs to fuse qi, blood and sword essence. In the state of exploding divine power, he cannot use the secret method of Nine Turns Against the Heavens, but when Lin Hao stepped into the divine fire realm, his sword essence , Will also be transformed into divine power, by then, he will be able to explode this secret method with divine power!

The explosion of divine power was just a hole card of Lin Hao before he stepped into the Divine Fire Realm. After he reached the Divine Fire Realm, this hole card could be said to be useless.

However, the Nine Turns against the sky can always accompany him, even if he has reached a very high level on the path of the gods, he can still play a powerful role!

Around Lin Hao, there is still a colorful glow surging into his body, but his ascent speed has slowed down a lot.

He glanced at the Tianlong on the side.

After the dragon veins are completely transformed into the body of the Tianlong, the power they have accumulated will be transformed into the dragon yuan. This requires a process. Obviously, now the Tianlong Fuze is a help to help Tianlong transform the dragon yuan.

Lin Hao didn't intend to covet this Tianlong Fuze anymore, if he consumed too much, it would not be a good thing for Tianlong.

At this moment, a voice of divine thought entered Lin Hao's mind: "Boy, come out quickly, I have prepared a battle for you."

Lin Hao is very familiar with the fluctuations of this divine mind. It comes from Long Cang, the patriarch of the Celestial Dragon family that he has contacted. Therefore, his figure flashed, and he took the initiative to leave the Hualong Pond space!

The current Hualongchi space is completely different from before.

Before, it was only possible to enter but not to exit.

Now you can only go out, not in!

It's very convenient to leave.

As soon as Lin Hao just rushed out of the Hualongchi space, he was guided by Long Cang's power and appeared beside him.

"Patriarch Long Cang, fortunately not insulting his life, he succeeded in transforming the dragon!" Lin Hao said.

Long Cang smiled and nodded, and said: "This time we Tianlong has inherited your affection. If there are too many, the old man will not say anything. If you have trouble in the future, the old man will not sit idly by."

With that said, Long Cang glanced at the trio of the ancient gold tribe in front of him, then looked at Lin Hao, and said, "This kid of the ancient gold tribe, are you confident to solve him?"

Lin Hao smiled and looked at the three of the ancient gold tribe. Then his eyes fell on Jin Han, nodded, and said, "It's a fight!"

And Jin Han couldn't help it at this time, and shouted: "Lin Hao, if there is a kind, he will remove the armor of the **** of war. This prince also does not use the armor of the body, and he is divided!"

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