Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1204: Return to Eastern Origin

Chapter 1204 Return to the Eastern Origin Realm

Lu Yi's conspiracy has surfaced.

Lin Hao had speculated a lot before, and part of the truth that Wu Hanfei said was relatively close.

For example, Lu Yi's intention to unite the sandstorm tribe.

But Lin Hao didn't expect that Lu Yi belonged to the Sky Burial Line, in the first reincarnation, it had already used the other eight disciples of the Emperor Zhenwu Divine Emperor to set a mid-game.

Play with the reincarnation nine meridians between the palms!

Now, Lu Yi is about to ignite a divine fire, and he has the inheritance of six veins, which is extremely powerful, and he is hiding in the endless sea, and all the powerful forces in the true martial world cannot withdraw to deal with him.

It can be said that Lu Yi chose the right time to shoot. At other times, he has not yet lit the sacred fire and exposed his ambition. Maybe he will usher in the crusade from the powerful forces of the human race!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the only good news may be that Lu Yi will not use the Sandstorm Clan to do some harmful things to the True Martial Realm Human Clan for the time being.

At this time, the fat man looked a little ugly, and said, "Lü Yi is missing the Heavenly Channel, measuring the Heavenly Channel, and my Heavenly Stealing Channel, so he can gather the power of the Nine Channels. In other words, he Next, I will definitely do whatever it takes to deal with us..."

Lin Hao looked at the fat man and said: "Brother Fatty, your situation is not much better than mine now. An Emperor Realm Vice-Hallmaster of the Soul Blood Palace hates you so much, and Lu Yi will never let you go. In my opinion, you still don't want to run around, stay here in the Skyfire Realm. Even if Lu Yi wants to attack you, there are strong people in the Skyfire Realm who can stop him!"

Regardless of the fat man's low strength, he is only the triple holy realm, and he is also timid and afraid of death, but at critical times, he can still play a significant role with the inheritance secret technique of stealing the sky.

Moreover, ensuring the safety of the fat man is also the key to preventing Lu Yi from gathering the power of the nine veins.

As for Lin Hao himself, he wasn't too worried about Lu Yi's action against him for the time being. Xia Jiuyou was about to become a divine fire, and Nether Leng Yan was extremely powerful. Even if he lost to Lu Yi, it would not be difficult to stop Lu Yi.

Once Lu Yi is held for a while, all the major powers in the Eastern Region will be able to arrive. Therefore, Lu Yi is currently the least likely to do anything against Lin Hao. He has planned nine reincarnations and will never take risks at this last moment. If the slightest mistake has been made, he cannot bear the consequences!

"Brother Lin, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, do you have a way to deal with Lu Yi? Come and listen!

Also, don't use the deputy master of the Soul Blood Palace to scare me. Fatty, I'm not really that stupid, just that stuff, you will have to be played to death sooner or later. "

The fat man knew that Lin Hao had planted a restriction in the main body of the secondary hall of the Emperor Realm cultivation base in the Soul Blood Palace, so he was not too worried about this.

Lin Hao said: "There is really no way to deal with Lu Yi for the time being, only soldiers will come to cover the water."

As he said, Lin Hao looked at Wu Hanfei again, and said, "Is there any news about the matter of measuring the sky?"

It's been a long time since the old man Tianji disappeared. The only thing that is certain is that he must have been in contact with Lu Yi, but there is no news yet. Even the wooden camel who went to look for the old man Tianji has evaporated out of thin air.

Wu Hanfei just said that Lu Yi did not have the inheritance of the Celestial Line...Perhaps, the old man Tianji is still alive, but why doesn't he appear?

"The successor of the Cetian line should have fallen. Lu Yi took the sandstorm back to the endless sea that day, furious. It seems that he was dealing with the heir of the Fantian line at that time, and was interrupted by the heir of the Cetian line. Although he still killed the descendants of the Fantian line, the inheritance he obtained was incomplete, and the descendants of the Testtian line blew himself up at a critical time, and Lu Yi didn't get anything."

Wu Hanfei told Lin Hao everything he knew.


Regarding Lu Yi's conspiracy, Lin Hao did not make a public announcement, but asked Qin Wentian to go to Jiang's house and Tianji Pavilion in person, and informed Jiang Huanyu and the **** of the Tianji Pavilion.

As for the wooden tuozi, there is still no news.

Next, on the side of the Wuxiang Qin Family, Lin Hao sealed the origin of the Holy Realm Law extracted from the corpses of the powerful sacred realm in the small world in a large formation.

Even if he is not here later, Qin Wentian can use the great formation to mobilize the power of the source of the law of the holy realm to help some warriors who have reached the peak of the Yuanzun realm to enter the holy.

The origins of these holy realm laws are extremely huge. If they go well, they can help the Wuxiang Qin family and bring up at least 30 holy realm powerhouses!

It won't be long before the Qin family's holy realm powerhouse has a chance to break through the fifty mark!

This power is quite amazing, even the Jiang Family and Danbao Pavilion, there are not so many holy realm powerhouses!

The fat man Chen Hui and the Tian-swallowing beast Wu Hanfei were all left by Lin Hao in the Wuxiang Qin family.

For them, the safest place in the entire Eastern Region is the Heavenly Fire Realm.

Staying here, even if Lu Yi successfully stepped into the Divine Fire Realm, he would not dare to attack easily!

And on the day when Lin Hao left the Skyfire Realm, in the back mountains of the Wuxiang Qin family, a ray of holy realm law wafted through. This was Qin Xinyao in retreat, relying on her own efforts to successfully break through the realm and become holy.

But yesterday, Lin Hao received the news that Liu Ting of Wuya Mountain Villa also relied on her own insights to draw the power of the origin of the law into the body.

In addition, news about the Southern Territory has also spread among the strong circles on the Eastern Territory.

In the entire Southern Territory, when a war broke out on the Eastern Territory, it also fought a decisive battle with the Purple Blood Clan, the Storm Clan, and the Kong Clan with severe power loss.

The purple-blooded tribe of the Divine Fire Realm was injured, the top powers of the Southern Demon Race, and the ancestors of the Celestial Clan of the Divine Fire Realm were similarly damaged. However, the powerful of other levels in the Southern Territory were defeated by the foreign races!

It can be said that the situation in the Southern Region has barely stabilized.

If Lin Hao hadn't killed the ancestor of the Kong Clan with the True God Puppet in the Southern Territory before, the situation in the Southern Territory would also be extremely severe and not optimistic.

Lin Hao, who was only the cultivation base of the five peaks of the Holy Realm, had rewritten the battle in the Eastern Region and Southern Region.

People from the two domains are shocked and admired when they mention the name Lin Hao!


"You don't have to give it away. It won't be long before there will be dragons in the Eastern Origin Realm. By then, I hope you can help me and help guard the Eastern Region!" Lin Hao looked back at the powerful people who had always seen him off. The matter of the dragon vein transforming the dragon is imminent. Once the Dragon Transformation Pond appears in the sky above the Eastern Origin Realm, this secret will be known to the world, so Lin Hao will no longer hide anything.

"Take care!"

"If you can't do anything, remember to keep yourself safe!"

Lin Hao didn't say any more, and then with Xia Jiuyou, escaped into the void and disappeared!

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