Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 871: fire burglar proof woman

He Weishao stared angrily at the closed door, still can't believe that he was swept out of the house.

And they are good brothers for many years.

And it was after he diligently washed the dishes.

"It's too much, it's too much, the brotherhood ends here!"

He Weishao scolded furiously. He only learned today that Lu Mo was a ruthless villain who crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

"I'm so mad at me, and I actually don't want to use it in the future. I'm so mad at me!"

He Weishao was so angry that he put his hands on his hips, and after scolding a few more words, he felt more comfortable.

Next to Meng Huishan, her stomach almost hurt from laughing, and she has never seen a man smaller than Lu Mo's heart.

Just because of a little unwarranted suspicion, the brothers who have been around for many years were kicked out, haha!

Meng Huishan looked at the angry He Weishao with guilt. He suffered from this unwarranted disaster, all because of her, so embarrassed!

Ye Qingqing didn't expect Lu Mo to be so jealous. Although she was very happy that Lu Mo was nervous about her, she felt it was necessary to clarify for Meng Huishan.

"Sister Huishan received a Western-style education, so she will be more enthusiastic..."

"In the future, you will keep a distance of three meters from her. Be careful."

Lu Mocai can't stand Meng Huishan hugging and kissing whether it is Western-style education or Chinese-style education, can't he speak well?

Ye Qingqing laughed dumbly and didn't refute any more. Anyway, she knew that Meng Huishan was definitely not that kind of person, she just had to control herself.

As for the man, why try to convince him?

Sometimes it's necessary to follow yang and yin!

"Do you think Ye Susu will sue?" Ye Qingqing changed the subject.

Lu Mo sank his face, affirming: "No, she doesn't dare!"

The old lady is very clever, how could she give Ye Susu a chance to sue?

A VIP ward of Pingjiang Hospital

Ye Susu was already awake, but she couldn't move at all. Her whole body hurt a lot, especially her lower body, which seemed to be torn in two.

Although she couldn't move her body, the scene from yesterday kept showing up in her mind.

Countless dirty men do whatever they want on her, and I can't count how many times...

And round after round, ignoring her cries at all, those people were stinky, dirty, and so ugly.

She is the most filthy inferior. Usually, she wouldn't even look at it, but now... she was insulted by these inferior people.

Not even one, but 20!

Ye Susu almost died when she heard Lu Qingquan and the police talking about the crowd.

She thought there weren't so many people, but who knew that there were actually 20 men, and she was actually humiliated by the 20 meanest, ugliest, and filthiest men!

Ye Susu wished she had lost her memory, or just had a nightmare, and nothing happened after she woke up.

But the pain in her body reminded her that it was not a dream, it had actually happened, and there were even countless traces left on her body.

She didn't have amnesia either. Those clips were extremely clear, and they were presented one by one in her mind. It was like a movie camera slowed down, and many details were clearly presented.

"Bitch, I can't spare you!"

Ye Susu bit her lower lip, blood dripped out, but she couldn't feel any pain.

She has already figured out that it must be the ghost of Ye Qingqing that bitch, she can't spare that bitch!

"Old lady, be careful!" The nurse's voice came from the door.



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