Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 670: Coincidence?

Ye Susu told Ye Qingqing and Ye Tong's situation, Tang Yufen frowned and her expression changed slightly.

"That girl's name is Ye Qingqing? Which Ye? Which Qing?"

"It's strange to say that Xu Yiping's granddaughter's name is similar to mine. It sounds like a sister, the leaves of the leaves, the green of green grass, and the silly grandson's name is Ye Tong."

Ye Susu is actually very unhappy that the name is similar to Ye Qingqing. She is the dignified eldest miss of the Ye family, and Ye Qingqing is just a wild girl. What qualifications does she have to have a similar name to her?

Ye Xunmei, who was talking to her children and grandchildren next to her, changed her face when she heard Ye Susu's words, and came over.

"What is the name of this Ye Qingqing's father?"

Although Ye Xunmei was over old, she was still in high spirits, her hair was black, her face was red, and she looked over fifty at most.

Moreover, Ye Xunmei's figure is well managed, slender and straight, without any fat, only looking at the back, even more attractive than his three sons!

Despite her age, Ye Xunmei still exudes the charm of a mature man, and HK's love affair with him has never been interrupted.

Even now.

If it wasn't for Tang Yufen being strong enough, Ye Xunmei would definitely add a few more concubines and a few more illegitimate children to come to recognize their relatives.

Tang Yufen glanced at her husband lightly, her eyes mocking.

She knew why Ye Xunmei asked that, and she must have thought of that idiot Gu Nianci.

And Gu Niancisheng's equally stupid son, Ye Mingcheng.

Because Ye Xunmei likes her daughter very much, and she also likes to give her daughter the same name.

When she gave birth to her daughter Ye Shishi, Ye Xunmei was going to be named Ye Qingqing, but Tang Yufen rejected it.

The name Ye Qingqing was chosen by Ye Xunmei and Gu Nianci after negotiating.

It's just that Gu Nianci gave birth to a son, so the name is useless.

How could she, Tang Yufen, use the rest of her name for her daughter, Gu Nianci!

After Ye Xunmei came to HK, although she married her, she still missed Gu Nianci in her heart.

The lovers he found after that were almost more or less similar to Gu Nianci.

Hmph, utterly hypocritical stinky man!

After stabbing Gu Nianci with a knife, he still pretended to be affectionate and regarded Gu Nianci as Bai Yueguang, so disgusting!

Ye Susu was a little strange, why did grandfather care about Ye Qingqing so much?

She was even more unhappy, but she still answered Ye Xunmei's question, "Ye Qingqing's father is called Ye Zhiguo, and he works as a security guard in the factory!"

"Ye Zhiguo? Are you sure it's this name? Is there a previous name?" Ye Xunmei went to the bottom of it.

"No, I went to inquire about it. Ye Zhiguo returned from the army and this is the name."

Ye Xunmei was suddenly disappointed. It was definitely not Ye Mingcheng who came back from the army.

In the identity of Mingcheng, he is not qualified to be a soldier at all, it seems to be just a coincidence!


Ye Xunmei sighed I was very disappointed, and I don't know how Gu Nianci and their mother and son are doing now?

He was the one who was sorry for their mother and son back then!

"Since I miss you so much, go back and find them now!" Tang Yufen sarcastically.

She owns 51% of the company's shares and has absolute right to speak. Even if Ye Xunmei wanted to reunite with Gu Nianci's mother and son now, she wouldn't care!

Just a bad old man, go wherever you like!

She has money, is she afraid that she can't find a young and strong lover?

Ye Xun was very angry, and glared at Tang Yufen angrily, not daring to reply.

The financial power is in the hands of the dead old woman, what can he do?

. m.

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