Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 621: dreaming about lovesickness

"Fortunately, the doctor had timely acupuncture and moxibustion to delay the flow of congestion, otherwise the patient would not be able to undergo surgery at all."

The doctor praised again and again, the ancient Chinese medicine is really amazing.

Just as Tang Yuan Yuan was about to say it, Ye Qingqing said first, "It's an old doctor near our house. He is very skilled in medicine. Unfortunately, he will soon go to settle abroad and be reunited with his children."

Tang Yuanyuan's eyes widened, she didn't understand why Ye Qingqing lied, where did the old doctor come from, it was clearly her needle!

The doctor sighed regretfully, and originally wanted to visit the old doctor!

Dad Tang needs to be observed in the intensive care unit for three days. As long as he spends three days of danger, he will be completely safe.

Ye Qingqing couldn't hold it any longer, yawned continuously, and the dumplings weren't much better. She was frightened all night. Now that Daddy Tang was safe, she was completely relaxed and very tired.

"Half a day off at home tomorrow, I will call your head teacher to ask for leave." Lu Mo said.

Ye Qingqing couldn't open her eyes, she nodded dazedly and almost hit the wall, Lu Mo hurriedly stretched out his hand to block it. Seeing the girl staring in a daze, she was really worried and simply took her hand.

Lu Mo sent Ye Qingqing home, Tie Dan sent glutinous rice balls, and the soldiers were divided into two groups.

After getting into the taxi, drowsiness struck, Ye Qingqing's head twitched little by little, and soon fell asleep and fell into Lu Mo's arms.

Lu Mo smiled and shook his head, changed his posture gently, and put his palm under Ye Qingqing's face, making her more comfortable on her stomach!

Feeling the temperature of Lu Mo's palm, Ye Qingqing immediately put her face on it, wiped it a few times, and snorted a few times, like a kitten.

Lu Mo couldn't help laughing, stroking his fingers lightly, stroking the girl's smooth face, his eyes became more tender and doting.

"Lu Mo...hehe..."

Ye Qingqing murmured and laughed, Lu Mo heard his name, and the corners of his lips rose, even more tenderly.

I'm thinking about him in my dreams, how much this girl likes him!

The next day, Ye Qingqing didn't wake up until after nine o'clock. She couldn't remember how she got home. It felt as if she had flown directly from the hospital to her home, and was cut off in the middle.

"Lu Mo brought you back, why did you go last night, you dead girl, let a man carry you home in the middle of the night, it's a shame!"

As soon as they came downstairs, the old lady's angry scolding sounded into her ears.

Ye Qingqing felt sweet in her heart, why did she say it was broken!

"What's the shame of my own man taking me home!" Ye Qingqing was full of confidence.

The old lady choked, but she couldn't find anything to refute.

"I'm not married The man shouts more affectionately than the married one, and your skin is thicker than the wall!" The old lady cursed angrily.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to the old lady. She checked the time, it was only after nine o'clock, let's go to the hospital!

She had just finished taking a shower when the urgent phone rang, it was Tang Yuan Yuan.

"Qingqing, my money is gone, it's all gone..."

Tang Yuan Yuan cried anxiously, how could Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo be paid back without money?

And Dad will definitely have to pay later, so I can't let Lu Mo pay in advance!

Ye Qingqing frowned and asked, "How much is the total?"

"It should add up to more than 10,000. I don't know how much. Every month, I put the money that I can't use into the piggy bank, and I can get more than 200 more every month."

Ye Qingqing twitched the corners of his mouth, and put more than 10,000 yuan into the piggy bank so casually, this girl's heart is really big!

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