Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 534: Seeds are about to take root

"Mum's mother, Zhiguo, if the Family Planning Commission catches us, we won't be able to keep our jobs." Shen Yanhong had no choice but to use her work as an excuse.

"I've said it a long time ago, I can keep my grandchildren at work, what are you afraid of? You keep pushing back again and again, don't you want to give birth to grandchildren for our Ye family!"

The old lady reprimanded sharply, her eyes became sharp.

Shen Yanhong was so frightened that she trembled, and she said with an apologetic smile: "Mum, you misunderstood. How could I not want to have a son? I'm really afraid that I won't be able to keep my job. How can I raise a big family then?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I'm sure the family planning committee will not know about it, you just have to worry about raising the baby!" The old lady was confident.

"Mum, the people from the Family Planning Commission are very good, and the factory has a gynecological examination every spring, so I can't hide it." Shen Yan's eyes lit up, and she finally thought of a good excuse.

Ye Zhiguo also frowned. This is indeed a bit troublesome. Before, I was only interested in happiness and forgot about it.

"What month is the gynecological examination?" The old lady was not in a hurry.

"It's usually April." Ye Zhiguo replied.

The old lady pinched her fingers and said silently, "It's okay, it's November now. You will be born in June. In March, you will take sick leave to go back to the countryside, and then let Zhiguo do some errands. After you give birth, you will come back for the maternity examination."

With such a big factory, who would know if one or two didn't go to the maternity check-up. It's a big deal. The old lady is not in a hurry at all and is as stable as Mount Tai.

Ye Zhiguo nodded, "Mom's method is still better. I will tell the female director of the factory that it should be fine."

The women's director loves petty cheapness, he can get it done with a little gift, it's not a big problem.

Shen Yanhong's heart was as bitter as Huang Lian, and she had said all the excuses. If she pushed back three and four, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the dead old woman and Ye Zhiguo. What should she do?

The old lady looked at Shen Yanhong coldly, this look of losing her soul made it clear that she didn't want to give birth to a grandson for her.

"Who do you show this dead person to? My mother tells you that you don't want to give birth. There are many people out there who want to give birth to my son. If I don't give birth, I will get out of here!"

Shen Yanhong hurriedly cheered up, forcing a smile to say kind words, "I don't want to give birth, I just don't have the energy. Mom, you misunderstood."

"Hmph, the old lady's ugly words are in front of you. If you dare to do something wrong to my son, the old lady can't beat you to death!" The old lady's eyes were sharp, as if she had seen everything.

Ye Zhiguo thought it was strange, how could his mother say these words for no reason, how could Shen Yanhong dare to do something wrong to him?

He still has this confidence.

"Mom, Yanhong may be worried about being caught, she won't mess around outside." Ye Zhiguo said with a smile.

When the old lady saw her son coming out to make a ticket, her suspicions faded, but she still stared at Shen Yanhong in warning. , rushed into the bathroom to vomit, and vomited darkly.

"I'm not lucky, I can't eat such a good fish soup. When I was pregnant with your three brothers, it was good to have an egg to eat, but I can't eat fish."

The old lady rolled her eyes. People in the city are squeamish. She used to be planting rice and planting rice during the eighth month of pregnancy. Her three sons didn't have a full-term confinement. Not the same.

The corners of Ye Qingqing's lips were slightly cold, and the seeds of doubt had been planted in the old lady's heart, and they would soon take root and sprout and grow into a towering tree!

That's when the big show started!

. m.

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