Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 513: I'm younger and more beautiful than her

Although Ye Qingqing entered the room, her ears were always pointed. She heard Bai Jiani's farewell voice outside, and snorted softly. The stinky woman was a bit cheeky and didn't stay for dinner.


Lu Mo, who was behind Ye Qingchao, rolled his eyes, everyone sitting at home attracts rotten peach blossoms, and after returning to the army, it will be fine, isn't it that peach blossoms are flying all over the sky!

She couldn't help feeling nervous, and she didn't know if Lu Mo had a good relationship in the army before. He was so good-looking and young and promising. As long as women were not blind, they would definitely like Lu Mo.

"Apart from this surnamed Bai, do you have any other friends?"

When in doubt, ask. Ye Qingqing can't hide things. Rather than wasting his brains guessing, it's better to ask directly!

Lu Mo's expression was a little helpless. This girl's language is definitely not good. Every time she uses the wrong words, she uses the good words. Really...

"Doctor Bai and I are just an ordinary doctor-patient relationship." Lu Mo explained patiently.

"She is no longer your doctor, why is she still seeing you? The eyes of that stinky woman when she looked at you were full of lust, don't think I didn't see it!"

Ye Qingqing pouted, sour.

Thinking of Bai Jiani's deep restraint and contempt when she looked at her, Ye Qingqing couldn't help but get angry and shouted, "Isn't he a doctor, what's so great, in the future I...I will also take the exam..."

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and promptly swallowed the words "postdoctoral" back into her stomach.

She is self-aware, and being admitted to a medical university is already the pinnacle of her life. Not to mention a postdoctoral fellow, even a master's degree is comparable to Mount Everest for her!

Lu Mo chuckled lightly and deliberately asked, "What are you taking the test?"

Ye Qingqing puffed out her cheeks, "Medical University, I will go to medical university."

"Compared with an undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. is indeed quite remarkable." Lu Mo used aggressive tactics.

But it poked the hornet's nest.

Ye Qingqing was furious, her eyes widened, and she rushed in front of Lu Mo, baring her pointed little white teeth, "Why should I compare my degree with her, I am better than the others!"

The smile in Lu Mo's eyes deepened, "More than what?"

"I'm younger than her, I'm more beautiful than her, I'm more attractive than her..."

Ye Qingqing put her hands on her hips and shouted loudly.

Only stupid people compare their own weaknesses with others' strengths!

"Am I right? You said, right?"

Ye Qingqing put her toes on her toes and tried her best to make herself level with Lu Mo, but she was a little too short before her forehead reached Lu Mo's mouth.


Lu Moqiang held back his smile and nodded, this girl really said nothing wrong, she was younger and more attractive than Bai Jiani, but he clearly wanted this girl to study hard!

After receiving a positive answer, Ye Qingqing's expression softened a little. It could be seen that Lu Mo had a small smile on her lips. She was unhappy again. Her mind moved, and she deliberately asked, "Me and Bai Jiani, do you like me more?"

Lu Mo's face became hot, the tips of his ears turned pink, and his heart became soft.

Of course what he likes is this girl. Bai Jiani is completely incomparable, but it's really embarrassing for him to speak love to this girl.

"Tell me, who do you like?" Ye Qingqing forced to ask, today the big wood had to admit that he liked her.

Looking at Ye Qingqing's bright eyes, Lu Mo's face turned red, his heart beat faster, and he said a word very quickly, "You!"

It's so fleeting, you can't hear it if you don't listen carefully.

The corners of Ye Qingqing's lips rose, and she said narrowly, "I didn't hear it, what did you say?"

. m.

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