Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 502: 1000 mental damage fee

Hu Laosan didn't care about the old lady anymore. He wanted to stop Ye Qingqing and let this crazy girl smash it down, and everything in his house would be smashed.

"Don't come here. My **** doesn't have long eyes. I won't have to pay for my life if I smash it to death. The big deal is that I will go to the juvenile management center for a few years!"

Ye Qingqing's **** was raised high, her face was frosty and murderous, Hu Laosan was so cold that she didn't dare to move for a while.

Ma sells batches, why is the girl of the Ye family so difficult to deal with, like she will die, if he had known that this girl was so fierce, how could he have provoke!

A scoundrel is afraid of the horizontal, and the horizontal is afraid of dying. Hu Laosan is at most a little gangster, not even a horizontal.

The reason why he was able to dominate Fu'ai Road is not because of how powerful he is, but because the people in Fu'ai Road are too civilized. When a scholar encounters a soldier, he can't explain it rationally. Can't beat the waves.

Now that he met Ye Qingqing and the old lady, who were desperate, his arrogance suddenly stopped, and his previous arrogance was gone.

"I won't talk to your child, let your dad come over and talk to me!"

Hu Laosan shrank his neck, but still refused to admit defeat, clamoring for Ye Zhiguo to come forward.

"I am the victim. Now this girl is going to teach you a lesson, and this girl doesn't want to talk to you!"

Ye Qingqing raised her **** directly. She didn't want to talk nonsense at all.

The old lady also raised the big iron spoon and roared, "My granddaughter was frightened tonight, and she will pay a thousand yuan, not a penny!"

Before coming here, the old lady had a good idea. She was good at extorting money, how could she miss such a good opportunity, a thousand yuan must not be less, and she moved the quilt and came to Hu's house for the night. , she will go home whenever she has enough money.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

In the past, it was Mr. Hu who extorted other people's money, but now the feng shui turns, and it is Mr. Hu's turn to be extorted by Ye Aimu!

Oh, the big show is getting more and more exciting, even better than the performance of the Xiaobaihua Theatre Troupe.

Especially the family who was beaten by Hu Laosan for 1,000 yuan before, his eyes were red with excitement, he silently cheered on the old lady, and let out a sigh of anger for him!

"I was seriously frightened both physically and mentally. One thousand yuan is too little. For the sake of the neighbors, it is one thousand yuan!" Ye Qingqing immediately agreed.

Xiaotong's school needs money every month, she doesn't mind too much money!

"Your mother sells batches, and you dare to ask Laozi for money..."

Hu Laosan is on fire. He has always been the only one who corrupted other people's This dead old woman and crazy girl have bullied him, how can he bear it, Hu Laosan took the chair beside him , Chong Ye Qingqing smashed down.

Ye Qingqing and the old lady attacked at the same time, hoes and iron spoons flying.

One attack on the road, the other on the bottom road, Ye Qingqing and the old lady cooperate very well.


The chair in Hu Laosan's hand was chopped up by Ye Qingqing with a hoe. There were only two chair legs left in his hand, but the old lady's big iron spoon hit his knee, and he immediately knelt down in pain. On the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Losing money, if you don't, you'll smash your family!"

Ye Qingqing raised his **** again, aiming at the only large piece of furniture left in the house - the wardrobe.

Xu Yuetuan panicked. The wardrobe was one of her dowries, and so was the chest of drawers that Ye Qingqing had smashed before. With only these two decent pieces of furniture in the house, the family would no longer be able to become a family if they were smashed.

. m.

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