Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3319: come out

"Have you seen Manager Gao do those things with your own eyes?" Shi Junjie asked coldly.

Lao Zhang saw clearly that it was him, a newcomer to the company, he immediately puffed up his chest and sneered, "Want to fight for Gao Shengnan? Everyone in the company knows what she did, boy, you and her too. You've slept!"

Seeing that Shi Junjie's expression was wrong, several other people did not dare to say any more, and even persuaded Lao Zhang to say less.

But Lao Zhang was stunned. His performance last month was not only inferior to that of Gao Shengnan, but even Shi Junjie, who had just joined the company for half a year, was a little bit worse. He was criticized during the department meeting, and his heart was full of anger.

If that big client wasn't stolen by Gao Shengnan, why would he be like this now?

That big customer has tens of millions of orders every year, and Gao Shengnan relies on this customer to feed himself.

"Fuck you, you eat **** in the morning, you spread rumors and make trouble if you don't have the ability, and the senior manager does performance based on his ability. I have seen it with my own eyes, which of you has a senior manager working hard? Another time, you vomited blood after drinking it, and you were talking nonsense and splashing dirty water without seeing anything. If your mother was splashed with dirty water like this, would you be able to bear it?"

"Don't compare Gao Shengnan with my mother, she doesn't deserve it!" Lao Zhang became angry.

Shi Junjie snarled at his neck, "Your mother gave birth to a **** like you, which means that she is not a good thing, even Manager Gao's toes!"

He yelled at several other men: "I was at the scene that night. The gangster who supported Manager Gao was a woman, what can a woman do? If you don't believe me, go ask the police station, who told you that there were several gangsters, and who said that ?"

A few people tightened their necks in fear, but didn't dare to say a word, Lao Zhang's face turned into a pig's liver color, he suddenly rushed over and punched Shi Junjie in the face, "If you dare to scold my mother, I will kill you. you!"

Shi Junjie was punched suddenly, his mouth was full of sweet and fishy smell, and he was so angry that he fought back. He was young and strong, and in a few strokes, he beat Lao Zhang to the ground, screaming.

"Who told you? Say it and I'll spare your life, or I'll kill you!"

Shi Junjie's eyes were red, and he had to catch the guy who spread the rumors. Obviously nothing happened, but he poured pots of dirty water on Gao Shengnan's head. Let these people die.

There was too much movement in the bathroom, attracting a lot of people to watch, only to see Shi Junjie stepping on Lao Zhang under his feet, as if stepping on his grandson.

"I'll say it again in front of everyone. I was there that night. The gangster who held the senior manager was a woman. Nothing happened. If anyone talks nonsense in the future, don't blame me for being rude. I can't beat him to death!"

Shi Junjie kicked Lao Zhang again, and saw a man with flickering eyes in the crowd. When he saw the man, he turned around. Shi Junjie recognized this man. It was the guy who robbed him of the car that night. He immediately understood. Now, he stepped forward and grabbed this guy.

"Is it your rumor, you saw it with your own eyes?"

The man was so frightened that his legs softened, "I...I didn't say there were several, I just... said that Manager Gao was kidnapped by gangsters, and they spread rumors...don't...don't hit me...ah yo..."

Shi Junjie's fist fell, you bastard!

If Gao Shengnan hadn't arrived in time, this long-tongued man would have to go with Lao Zhang as well. This fight was so bad that it caused trouble to Lu Mo's.

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