Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3122: pit mother

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Many guests under the stage changed their faces, and all looked at the beautiful bride, worried that she would be unhappy after listening to the groom's words, but the smile on Tiantian's face was still sweet, and there was no trace of unhappiness. Tong's eyes are still so affectionate.

Even the master of ceremonies, who is also the leader of the Go Association, felt that it was inappropriate for Ye Tong to say this, so he winked at Ye Tong vaguely, hoping that Hanhan could say something roundly, even if he really thought so, don't bother. Say it on the important occasion of the wedding!

There are so many guests sitting below, as well as the relatives and friends of the bride. This is too disrespectful to the bride. In the future, are you going to kneel on the remote control for a lifetime to apologize?

Ye Tong turned a blind eye to the emcee's wink, and still stumbled to speak. The guests under the stage saw the big "difficult" written on the emcee's face and couldn't help laughing.

Ye Qingqing was crying and was amused, crying and laughing, she felt embarrassed, leaned on Lu Mo's shoulder to wipe her tears, and there were many guests sitting next to them, it was too embarrassing for them to see.

Seeing his mother's thoughts, Xiaozhu took a red chili pepper and said to Ye Qingqing, "Mom, this shrimp tastes good."

Ye Qingqing didn't look at it, opened her mouth obediently, and ate the fish-flavored chili into her mouth. The first few times were not spicy at all, and she didn't feel anything special, but she chewed it to the end, and she tasted it with hindsight. Spicy, the spicy taste rushed to the top of the head and choked into the throat...


Ye Qingqing was so hot that she couldn't speak, and wanted to spit out the remaining chili peppers in her mouth, Xiaozhu winked quietly at her sister, quietly understood, and reached out and patted Ye Qingqing's back.



Chili swallowed.

The spicy taste rushed to the whole body, extremely ecstasy, wanted to live and wanted to die, and fluttered like a fairy.

An An, who was sitting obediently, also served drinks in a timely manner, "Mom, orange juice won't be spicy anymore."

Ye Qingqing took it and drank it, but it didn't work, her mouth was like knocking over a jar of chili peppers, it was unbearably hot, tears flowed again, her mouth was hot, and the air she exhaled was hot.

Lu Mo took a bottle of orange juice, and quickly poured another glass. After drinking five glasses of orange juice, Ye Qingqing felt better.

"How's it going?" Lu Mo asked with concern, and looked at Xiao Zhuhe, who was sitting upright, and Jing Jing warned, and then went home to clean up the brothers and sisters, and dared to trick his daughter-in-law.

"Hey...what kind of chili, how can it be so hot, my mouth is so hot, is it swollen?"

Ye Qingqing still felt spicy, her tongue was numb, and she stuttered. Lu Mo looked at her mouth that looked like a red sausage, and shook her head calmly, "It's not swollen, just a little red."

At the same table, Zhu Zi, who was originally unhappy because of Ye Tong's speech, glanced at Ye Qingqing who was embarrassed, and his mood suddenly improved. He stretched out his hand to Wuchen who was sitting next to him. mean?


Zhu Zi reminded coldly.


Wuchen simply shook his head, who would go out with that thing.

Zhu Zi looked down at her, her eyes were picky, even if she didn't speak, Wuchen felt contempt in his eyes, and she knew what he wanted to say, it must be—

"Are you still a woman? You don't even bring a mirror."

"Who stipulated that a woman must have a mirror, what do you want a mirror for, a big man, ask other people to go, don't bother me!"

Wuchen growled angrily and glared fiercely, his eyes a little complicated.

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