Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3088: Live life is diesel, rice, oil and salt

Yu Shaoning shivered, not pretending to be dead anymore, he was still thinking about mentioning Sun Yurong after his parents got rid of the fire.

To say who he is most afraid of at home is not his parents, but his sister.

Because when he was a child, his parents were not teachers at the medical university. They worked in other places and could only go home during the holidays. Usually, his sister took him with him, so the prestige of his sister was higher than that of his parents.

"Dad, Mom, I want to get a divorce. Lu Ziqun and I can't live together at all. The three views are seriously different. I'm not happy at all if we are barely together." Yu Shaoning said with courage.


Another slipper hit Yu Shaoning's face, and Yu's father yelled, "You are happy when you go out and **** you every day, right? You shouldn't be reborn as a human in the first place, you should be a bitch, and you will be happy every day!"

Mother Yu frowned, and she kicked her husband lightly with her foot under the table, and spoke more civilly. How can you say that her son is a bitch, it's too vulgar.

"Don't kick me, it's because you're used to him like this, where did I say wrong, the person who can't control the lower body is the bitch!" Yu's father was extremely angry, no longer as elegant as he used to be, and scolded it very badly.

Compared with his wife's unprincipled love for his son, Yu's father is still a little more principled, but only a little more. In addition, he is busy with work, has little time at home, and believes in the principle of men outside and women inside. So I rarely discipline Yu Shaoning, and now I really regret it.

Yu Shaoning said indignantly: "What's wrong with my pursuit of love, Lu Ziqun was the one who forced me to marry, I listened to your words and married, but you know how low this woman is, she doesn't change her underwear even if it's a hole, she buys dozens of them. You can’t live without makeup or dressing up, and the 80-year-old lady in the alley lives more delicately than her, and living with this kind of woman is torture, life is better than death, you know!”

Dad Yu was stunned for a moment, and even more angry, "It's not just chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, but Xiaowei can dress up and live, and I have three views with you, but your head is also covered with grass, and our Yu family's face is even more lost. , Xiao Lu is a good wife who really lives, you stupid thing, you only think about romance every day, do you think life is only romantic? Oh, life is more about firewood, rice, oil and salt!"

"Your dad is right, those women outside don't live in peace, Xiao Lu is, Shao Ning, you are not too young, you must be more mature, even if you want to be romantic, you have to coax Xiao Lu into obedience. Go!" Yu's mother advised.

Dad Yu glared at her, "What the **** are you talking about, everything outside is going to be interrupted, and I still want to be a fart, An Xin and Xiao Lu will live together, if I do anything again, I'll immediately say hello to the above and call this beast. Go down to the grassroots level."

Yu's mother had to shut up and planned to chat with her son alone. It's okay to find a lover outside, but it has to be more secretive and quiet, and the wife at home must be coaxed. It's not all popular nowadays. The red flag doesn't fall, although it's a bit of a jerk, there's still some truth to it.

"Anyway, I want to get a divorce, and Yurong also wants to marry me. I have a common language with her, and we have seen the big world, so we will never lose our share of the Yu family." Yu Shaoning argued with reason.

"What does she do?" Yu's mother asked.

Yu Shaoning was instantly refreshed, and excitedly told about Sun Yurong's wonderful experience. Of course, it was the beautified version of Sun Yurong, and she skipped all the dark history.

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