Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2119: ungrateful

The doctor originally regretted not knowing this acupuncture expert, but now he realizes that it is Ye Qingqing, a little girl. Of course, he has no idea of ​​age, but he is also surprised because Ye Qingqing is too young.

He was so young that he couldn't believe it, but Ye Qingqing was doing acupuncture for Sister Wang, and it was hard for the doctor to believe it or not.

The second daughter was speechless and looked at Ye Qingqing suspiciously, still unwilling to believe it.

How is it possible to be so young?

Ye Qingqing devoted herself to acupuncture and moxibustion for Sister Wang. The golden needle for chasing the soul consumes a lot of mental energy. When the needle is applied, Ye Qingqing will enter a state of complete forgetfulness. Even if there is an earthquake outside, she cannot be distracted.

"Doctor, please save my mother."

The second daughter still believed in the doctor and refused to hand over her mother's life to Ye Qingqing.

The doctor put his hand to his mouth, signaled silence, and whispered, "Don't make a noise, or your mother will be in danger."

He saw that Ye Qingqing was at a critical moment, and she had to finish it, otherwise, if she couldn't get up or down, Sister Wang would surely die.

This is also because Sister Wang was lucky. She met an attending doctor who knew Chinese medicine. If she met someone like her eldest son and little daughter who didn't understand, maybe her life would have been explained like this.

The family members were very convinced by the doctor's words, and the second daughter stopped arguing when the attending doctor said this.

In fact, the eldest son had a few encounters with the attending doctor, but his level was low. The attending doctor was already an expert. Even if he met, he would not remember him as a young doctor, but the eldest son believed that Ye Qingqing was He could really save his mother, although he felt a little uncomfortable, but he restrained his younger siblings from making noise.

Ye Qingqing paid no attention to these matters and concentrated on saving people. The time passed by and the atmosphere became more and more tense. In fact, it didn't take too long, but because of the wait, it seemed particularly long.

The doctor's eyes became more and more surprised. Ye Qingqing's needles were like lightning. Even Chinese medicine practitioners couldn't perform such a powerful acupuncture stunt, and Ye Qingqing's gold needles were very long, at least an inch longer than ordinary silver needles.

But don't underestimate this inch, if you accidentally stab a few more points, you will be seriously ill, or even killed, and the gold needle is softer than the silver needle, and most people can't even insert it, but Ye Qingqing is skilled and can't see it at all. After clearing her gesture, Sister Wang was already full of gold needles.

This shows that this beautiful little girl has stunts and kung fu. The attending doctor is more and more curious about Ye Qingqing's When did Pingjiang produce such a powerful little doctor?

Is it the genius doctor who can cure cancer?

The doctor in charge suddenly thought of a person, and the more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

Seeing Ye Qingqing flicking the needles one after another, the golden needle made a buzzing sound. The attending doctor was absolutely sure that Ye Qingqing was the person he had guessed. He was overjoyed.

Ye Qingqing worked hard, played the needle and then pulled out the needle. After pulling out the last needle, she measured Sister Wang's heart pulse. Although it was still very weak, it was much better than before.

"It's not in danger for now, but you can't be stimulated any more. If you are angry with her again, you simply don't need to rescue her, and send it directly to the crematorium to be burned, so as not to survive and be angry with your unfilial children!"

Ye Qingqing was unceremonious. She wanted to scold just now outside the door. Sister Wang is hard to say to outsiders, but she does her best to her children. These four unfilial things are not worthy of Sister Wang's maternal love.

The wolf-hearted and dog-lung have more conscience than them.

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