Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1061: ready to fight back

The old lady then said, "Qingqing, say it calmly."

"I can't calm down, I'm full of anger!"

Ye Qingqing replied angrily, turned around and ran out, and if she stayed any longer, she might have said something more ugly, so let's go!

Knowing that Gu Nianci is this virtue, she might as well not get it back!

But Gu Nianci is pretty good except for the bad guy, alas...

When Ye Qingqing ran out, he bumped into Ye Mingcheng, and without stopping, Gu Zi left.

Ye Mingcheng asked curiously, "Who made Qingqing angry?"

The old lady snorted softly and pointed at Gu Nianci, who was hit hard, "Who else could there be? Your holy mother!"

Although the girl's words were a bit extreme, her words were reasonable and the descriptions were also appropriate. Isn't Gu Nianci the Virgin Mary!

Someone slapped them in the face, and they have to send their granddaughter up to get a few slaps, which is beyond stupid!

"Are you happy now? The young girl didn't want to worry you, so she didn't tell you about the dangers outside. After all, you've eaten rice for decades, and you've been fed up with that pair of dogs and men, yet you still plead for them? No wonder The young girl is chilling!"

The old lady accused in a cold voice, and even blamed herself.

It was all her fault that made Gu Nianci an idiot who was ignorant of world affairs.

Fortunately, the green girl is good. God has opened her eyes and did not pass on Gu Nianci's pig brain to the green girl.

"I...I don't know..." Gu Nianci murmured.

"Since you don't know anything, you can take care of your flowers in the future, and don't care about anything!" The old lady reprimanded.


Gu Nianci shivered and answered obediently.

Only then did Ye Mingcheng know why Ye Qingqing was angry, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mother, why are you still obsessed? Do you know how that poisonous woman Tang Yufen treated her cousin? If it wasn't for Lu Mo's cleverness, the cousin's deputy mayor would have almost lost his life. ."

The old lady's face changed greatly, and she took the newspaper from Ye Mingcheng's hand, which was the oolong incident of Sang Huaiyuan.

Ye Mingcheng said, "I just got on the phone with my cousin's assistant. He was afraid that we would be worried, so he told what happened. It was all the tricks of the old poisonous woman. Fortunately, Lu Mo found out in time..."

The old lady has a lot of experience in all corners of the world. After reading the report, she understood Tang Yufen's purpose. Her face was ashen and she gritted her teeth, "Bitch, dare to touch my son!"

Ye Mingcheng comforted: "Auntie don't be angry, it's just that there is no danger, and the old poisonous woman has suffered a big loss this time. The reputation of the Ye family is bad!"

But the old lady was still not calm, she looked at Gu Nianci coldly, and warned: "You gave me a complete death to Ye Xunmei. If you still remember him, don't blame me for not caring about my sisterhood!"

Gu Nianci's face turned pale again, and she shook her head in panic, "No... Cousin, I won't mention that person again..."

"You better remember!"

The old lady couldn't believe it Back then, Gu Nianci wanted to be with Ye Xunmei, but she firmly opposed it. Gu Nianci also assured her in front of her that she would not hook up with Ye Xunmei secretly.

Forget it, look more strict in the future!

Ye Qingqing also received a call from Lu Mo. He heard that Sang Huaiyuan was almost hit, and Gu Nianci's anger was transferred to Tang Yufen.

"Don't be impulsive, wait until I get back!" Lu Mo warned.


Ye Qingqing agreed, she couldn't take revenge, Ye Yuanhao was not in Pingjiang, and Ye Yuanxiu had bodyguards by his side, so she couldn't get close at all.

But two days later, Ye Qingqing changed his mind because—

"Ye Yuanhao's tortoise son sneaked back." Pippi suddenly ran over to tell her.

. m.

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