Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 973: 1 family neat

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Ye Qingqing smiled smugly, "I sprinkled itchy powder on that turtle son, he will die of itching if he doesn't take a bath!"

In addition to the antidote she prepared, the best solution for her itch powder is to take a bath. It won't itch if you soak it in water. She sprinkled the amount of three people, and Yuwenfeng will definitely not be able to take a full afternoon of soaking. Law out!

Tie Dan looked at Ye Qingqing admiringly, his sister-in-law is amazing!

Wuchen rolled his eyes, thinking about it in his heart.

Although this stinky **** is disgusting, her ability to dispense medicines is not bad. I will ask her to order some medicine powder for fun in the future!

"Let's go now, Qingqing and Wuchen stay at home!" Lu Mo said sternly. 35xs

"do not want!"

in unison.

Ye Qingqing and Wuchen thought in sync for the first time, and glared at Lu Mo in protest, why did they keep them?

"I'll go by myself!" Wuchen shouted with his hands on his hips.

It's no fun to come to this broken city, if it wasn't for a lively look from time to time, she wouldn't stay there!

"If Wuchen left, I would be scared if I stayed at home alone, brother!" Ye Qingqing thought of a ready-made reason, blinked, and looked at Lu Mo pitifully.

Lu Mo couldn't help being embarrassed. Wuchen was a more lawless child than Ye Qingqing. She would really leave Ye Qingqing and run out. It would be really uneasy for that girl to stay alone.


The whole family got into the car neatly, and there were quite a few of them, including Pippi who was sleeping!

If anything happens, the family has to face it neatly!

"Nanfengping has no research institute, Yuwenfeng went to a pharmaceutical company called Huanqiu Pharmaceutical Company." Tiedan reported.

He didn't recognize the word "Huan" for a long time, but he found a primary school student on the way home from school and helped him recognize it.

"The research institute is definitely in a pharmaceutical company. I know that the global company specializes in the production of health care products." Ye Qingqing said.

The current global company is still just a small company, but in 20 years, the global company will become a big company well-known in the country and the world, and it will even be listed in the United States.

Because the health care products and beauty products produced by the global company are well-known, especially an anti-aging drug, it is said that many rich people are flocking to it.

Moreover, the global company not only produces medicines, but also provides medical services. The most famous one is a so-called stem cell project. The advertisements are vague and use a bunch of unspeakable medical terms. It looks very tall and attracts the world. Countless rich people.

However, the stem cell medical project of the global company is really effective. After trying it, many rich people have come forward and advertised for the global company. Thirty years younger is not nonsense.

Those rich people who advertised really look much younger, not after makeup, but with really firm skin and black hair, turning from old man and old lady to young man.

These live advertisements have touched more rich people, and they all came to the world with a lot of money and waited in line for treatment.

A single treatment is not cheap. Ye Qingqing has read relevant reports in her previous life. One treatment is 600,000 US dollars, but it can only be guaranteed for three to five years, but those rich people are still willing to pay.

As long as they can delay aging and return to youth, even 6 million, they are willing to pay!

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