Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 951: Mysterious Master

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"I don't know, we are only responsible for arresting the young master. We don't know what to do. 35xs" The gangster shook his head, his expression panicked.

He will surely die, and his family will certainly not be able to save it!

He is so sorry!

"Who did you arrest?"

"It's usually a gifted person, born to breathe fire, born to be charged with electricity, and see-through eyes, also catch..."

The gangster hesitated, Lu Mo coughed heavily, the gangster trembled, he didn't dare to hide it, he explained it all.

"I will also catch some beautiful girls. The young master likes it and will reward us."

Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth angrily and asked in a cold voice, "How are the girls who were captured now?"

"No... I don't know... We are only responsible for arresting people..."

The gangsters dare not tell the truth, for fear of being punished more cruelly.

Ye Qingqing snorted coldly, "Just now you said you wanted to dedicate me to your young masters. When you young masters get tired of playing, it will make my life worse than death!"

Lu Mo's whole body became cold, and he looked at the gangster with eyes like ice for ten thousand years.

"No... No... I'm talking nonsense..." The gangster hurriedly denied it, but under the gaze of Lu Mo's death, he collapsed suddenly and explained honestly.

"When the young master is tired of playing, he will throw them to the research institute, and the latter really don't know."

"What exactly is the research institute studying?" Lu Mo was moved, feeling that he had grasped the key. 35xs

"We are only the periphery, and we are not qualified to touch the core. We only know about the evolution of human beings, and we are not clear about the situation!"

Ye Qingqing sneered, and said it nicely, isn't it just under the guise of human evolution, doing illegal activities!

"Those who were captured by you were all sent to study human evolution?"

The gangster nodded.

Lu Mo resisted his anger and accused the Tie Dan brothers and sisters and asked, "You also plan to arrest them for research?"

The gangster nodded again.

The Tie Dan brothers and sisters looked dazed, and Ya Dan asked in a low voice, "Why do you want to study me? I, like you, have one head, two eyes and two ears, so what is there to study!"

The gangster whispered: "You two brothers and sisters are born with divine powers, and their bodies must be different from ordinary people. It is worth studying!"

"Study your perverts!"

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she listened to the sound to identify the position, and rushed in front of the gangster, punching and kicking like a madman, otherwise it would be difficult to vent her anger.

What is the difference between this kind of research institute and the 731 of the islanders?

They are all a group of perverts, a group of lunatics, and the most important thing to study is themselves!

That **** **** young master, don't bump into her hand, or she must let this young master taste the taste of being dismembered!

Lu Mo grabbed Ye Qingqing and let the girl fight again, the gangster will definitely die, and there are still many things to ask!

"What's your young master's name?"

"I don't know, the young master wears a mask every time he sees us, so I can't see his face clearly. I only know that his family is very powerful in Pingjiang."

"What are the characteristics of the young master?"

The gangster thought about it for a long time, and finally thought, "Young master is left-handed, and he loves to be clean. He always has a dozen silk handkerchiefs on his body to wipe his hands."

Lu Mo asked some questions, but these gangsters are only peripheral, they really don't know much, and they can't provide much useful information.

Two points can be determined so far.

The mysterious young master is from Pingjiang, and his family is very powerful in the local area.

This young master is left-handed, has a cleanliness addiction, and likes to wipe his hands with a silk handkerchief.

However, Lu Mo guessed that this young master should have studied medicine, otherwise how would he study the human body?

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